Monday, July 27, 2015

AnonDown: Canadian Cabinet Leaks

AnonDown: Canadian Cabinet Leaks (#CCLeaks) Document 1 Press Release

from procrastin8r on Vimeo



Public Domain: use, reuse, mash up as you wish.


We begin with a moment of silence for our fallen friend, James McIntyre. Stephen Harper, Canadian security forces, and their corporate overlords have now determined that anyone opposing their fossil fuel agenda is a terrorist.

This is the immediate and most important context of the murder of JayMack at the hands of RCMP officers in Dawson Creek, British Columbia.

Beginning with:

  • covert, warrantless surveillance
  • outright police state dystopia at the G-20
  • full court pressure against Idle No More
  • a series of monstrous crime legislation
  • and, finally, Bill C-51,

Canada has made opposing fossil fuel mania with action, words or thoughts into a summary criminal offense of the highest order.

Anonymous has been collecting bits of evidence and making plans for many months. Beginning in June, we launched an all out assault on Canada's Internet infrastructure in opposition to C-51, Canada's secret police bill.

We are also concerned that Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada will once again use widespread cheating in the upcoming federal elections.

Meanwhile, Canadian security forces and their Five Eyes partners in New Zealand, the UK, Australia, and the U.S. have been extremely pro-active in developing and purchasing offensive hacking capabilities.

Fortunately for us, Canada has been far more lax in defending its own systems. We have just released a secret document from the Canadian cabinet. We are excluding certain document security features, and, accordingly, some heading material. This is a painstaking process. We simply cannot release a document for every story we will be reporting over the coming months.

This first document, though, combined with remarks from Tony Clement after our DDoS attacks last month, show that Harper's cabinet made direct decisions domestically, as well as for foreign spy stations, to update security systems at a leisurely pace over at least a four year period.

Congratulations! You left many doors open for us!

We are now privy to many of Stephen Harper's most cherished secrets.

For instance, shortly after winning a majority in 2011, the NSA discovered that Stephen Harper had grown a bit to big for his Christian britches. He and the Canadian Security Establishment were attempting to spy on their Five Eyes partnes in the U.S. Obama's top intelligence officials were furious when they caught CSE in the act. They vowed to kill off Harper's number one priority, the KXL pipeline.

By the way, Mr. Stephen Blaney, there is nothing more undemocratic than repeatedly cheating at elections then cutting the budget for the elections watchdog. All the while, your government has continued with unprecedented secrecy, antipathy to legitimate media inquiry, and outright contempt independent scientific inquiry.

We repeat our insistence upon the immediate arrest of the RCMP killers of James McIntyre. Unless and until that happens, we will be releasing stunning secrets at irregular intervals. Of course, even if such arrests take place, we will still maintain access to information highly damaging to Stephen Harper and other supporters of Bill-C51.

Enjoy the summer, everyone. Fall will be Wild.

Until then: We Are Anonymous. Expect Us. All your secrets are belong to the mask.

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