Thursday, June 15, 2017

Complicity: A History of Canadian Assistance of Israel's Palestine Occupation

Canada's Complicity in Fifty Years of Israeli Occupation


June 14, 2017

50 years ago this month, Israel waged the Six-Day War against three of its neighboring Arab states, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. In the course of that war, began the occupation of the Palestinian territories, the West Bank including Jerusalem, and the heavily-populated enclave of Gaza. 50 years later, the occupation grinds on.

Nabil Marouf, Palestine's Representative in Canada, discusses the Trudeau Government's continuation of Stephen Harper's extreme pro-Israel policies 

Throughout that period, despite purported attempts on behalf of successive Israeli governments to negotiate a peace accord with representatives of the Palestinian people, Israel has continued to construct settlements in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Indeed, virtually the entire international community, including the Canadian government, expressly acknowledges the settlements to be a violation of international law.

To commemorate this event, we have come to Ottawa to speak to the Chief of the Palestinian delegation in Canada, Nabil Maarouf. Nabil Maarouf was formerly a diplomat on behalf of the Palestinian authority in Spain and Turkey, and also served as the Assistant Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Our discussion with Nabil Maarouf proceeds in two parts.

In the first part, we discuss the attitude and policies of the Canadian government towards the Palestinian people and their plight. In the second part, we talk about the increasingly extremist policies of the current Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the second part of our interview, I'd like to talk to you about the policies of the Netanyahu government, particularly in the very recent past.

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