Saturday, February 17, 2018

Bethlehem Beyond the Wall, Media Hypocrisy and More

Bethlehem Beyond the Wall, Hypocrisy and More

by Mazin Qumsiyeh -

February 16, 2018

Hypocrisy in the Western world becomes more obvious by the day. For example, there's a debate about Russian interference in US elections but this is minuscule compared to Israeli Zionist interventions shaping US elections (a topic not up for debate).

Another example: Media and politicians debate mental issues and send prayers and thoughts to victims of mass shootings by whites that kill far more Americans than anyone else.

Compare that coverage with any act by a Muslim which is labeled a terrorist act that threatens America. No one talks about the Zionist controlled major media outlets and Hollywood (and even games) that promote violence and mass killings.

And with over 20 trillion in debt not much discussed, there is not one word that over 3 trillion of that debt was created to serve Israel (due to the shadowy Israel lobby). These are just examples that came to mind this week and people will forget about these soon and wait for the next disaster to again watch mindlessly as the media manipulates thinking away from the real issues. Some of those are listed below (like the 20+ trillion debt).

Bethlehem Beyond the Wall: An Exhibition Organized by the Museum of the Palestinian People Manhattan College, NY, February 19th – 27th

More on boycotts, divestment, and sanctions

- Former president of Modern Language Association resigns following decision to ban debate on BDS

- French Arab Singer Banned: Freedom to Speak? Freedom to Lie?

- New York bookseller bowed to Israel supporters after violent threats. Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada

- The Boomerang Effect: How Netanyahu Made Israel an American Issue, and Lost. Despite massive sums of money spent to channel public opinion in the United States in favor of Israel, unmistakable trends in opinion polls are attesting to the changing dynamics of Israel’s support among ordinary Americans.

More on Ahed Tamimi and other abductees

- Over 10 Million Indian Women Demand Freedom For Ahed Tamimi, Endorse BDS

- BBC report: is a slap an act of terror

- Artist behind iconic Che Guevera portrait paints Ahed Tamimi as the real life wonder woman

- Journalist, activist Bushra al-Tawil ordered to another four months in prison without charge or trial

Seymour Hersh says Hillary approved sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian rebels

[fascinating read and explains how the government works]

Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?

US Debt Data/Clock

Amazing information

Stay Human.

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor,  Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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