Monday, February 22, 2016

Amnesty International Intercedes with Ottawa to Stop Site-C Dam Project

Ottawa: Honour the treaties and intervene on Site C

by Amnesty International (Canada)


"If Prime Minister Trudeau truly wants to build a new relationship based on respect for our rights, he needs to act immediately to withdraw all federal support to the flooding of our land by the Site C dam."

When Helen Knott talks about the importance of the Peace Valley, she inevitably also talks about her grandmother. About time spent together out on the land, learning the stories that have been passed down through the generations.

Today, the land itself is under threat. Rampant resource development has despoiled much of northeastern BC, and now the only remaining section of the valley is threatened by the construction of the Site C dam.

Despite legal challenges from West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations, BC Hydro has pressed ahead with clearing the site for construction.

Before and after images show destruction that has already
occurred as construction of Site C dam presses ahead

Helen's great-great grandfather signed Treaty 8 in 1911. The original intent, Helen says, was for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to be able live side by side while protecting the culture, traditions and identity of First Nations.

This week, Helen came to Ottawa to urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government to honour the original intent of the Treaty. Amnesty International and 25 other organizations are supporting this call to the federal government.

We recently updated our petition to go directly to Prime Minister Trudeau. Thank you for signing the updated petition if you haven't yet!

>> TAKE ACTION: Tell Prime Minister Trudeau to respect the treaties and intervene immediately on Site C

Learn more from Helen's story

Helen Knott, centre, with Ed Bianchi, KAIROS; Julie Delahanty, 
Oxfam Canada; Craig Benjamin, Amnesty International Canada; 
and Sarah McCue, Canadian Federation of Students   

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