Friday, June 16, 2023

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Tamara Lorincz, Dimitri Lascaris June 14th, 2023

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

June 15, 2023

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 14th, 2023

Over the weekend past, Canada’s prime minister traveled with Chrystia Freeland to Kyiv, and promised, in an address to the parliament there, his undying support for the war’s continuation. Speaking to the Verkhovna Rada, Justin Trudeau pledged $500 million more Canadian dollars, reassuring legislators, “You are the tip of the spear that is determining the future of the 21st century”. Some future – for them and us – war and rumours of war for generations to come! Mr. Trudeau makes it perfectly clear: If the people are to have peace, they’ll have to make it themselves.

Tamara Lorincz is a fellow with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, and member of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. As the prime minister was whipping up the Furies in Kyiv Tamara was in Vienna, hammering out the details of the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine’s ‘Final Declaration of International Civil Society‘.

Tamara Lorincz in the first half.

And; as well as spending billions on the US-directed proxy-war against Russia while Canada’s healthcare system crumbles, and tens of thousands live in the streets, the government here has too sacrificed relations with Russia, China, Iran, and others for no apparent benefit. Sadly, the official opposition too has failed to perform its duty, as has the unofficial media opposition. What’s left but individual efforts in both fields in pursuit of peace?

Dimitri Lascaris is a Montreal-based activist, journalist, and lawyer. He served as Justice Critic in the Shadow Cabinet of the Green Party of Canada and likewise for the Green Party of Quebec. Dimitri’s interviews for TRNN are at, and his articles appear at his website, among other places.

In April, in an example of DIY diplomacy, Dimitri headed to Russia as a sovereign citizen of our Canada, strong and free to gain firsthand knowledge of the country and its people. Now, starting June 19th, Dimitri’s heading across this country – from Halifax to Victoria – on the ‘Making Peace with Russia, One Handshake at a Time‘ tour.

Dimitri Lascaris, bringing a message of peace home in the second half.

But first, Tamara Lorincz and International Civil Society’s unilateral declaration of peace.


Song: Life in Wartime

Artist: Talking Heads


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at: