Saturday, August 08, 2020

Canadian Court Deems United States "Unsafe" for Refugees

Canadian court rules Safe Third Country Agreement with US violates refugee rights

by Laurent Lafrance  - WSWS

7 August 2020
Canadian Federal Court Judge Ann-Marie McDonald recently ruled that the Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) violates refugee rights and the Canadian constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The decision represents a blow to the Trudeau government, which has falsely presented itself as “pro-refugee” to provide a “progressive” cover for its reactionary policies at home and abroad.

Friday, August 07, 2020

Canada Burnishes Anti-Democracy Mettle with Bolivia Coup Support

Canada's Support for Bolivian Coup Deserves Closer Scrutiny

by Yves Engler - Ricochet

August 4, 2020
On August 12 the Canadian Latin America Alliance and Canadian Foreign Policy Institute are co-organizing a talk on Bolivia's fight to restore democracy and Canada's role. The event features former Foreign Minister of Ecuador Guillaume Long, MP Matthew Green and Bolivian journalist Ollie Vargas. Register here

If Indigenous lives really mattered to the Trudeau Liberals the Canadian government would not treat the most Indigenous country in the Americas the way it has.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

A Coup in Three Parts: Bolivian Democracy Not Worth a Column of Western News Print

As Bolivian Regime Delays Elections a Third Time, Media Continue to Ignore Coup

by Bryce Greene - FAIR

August 6, 2020
In the Bolivian elections last October 20, incumbent President Evo Morales of the Movement Toward Socialism party (MAS in Spanish) won a 10-point victory over his nearest challenger, as pre-election polls predicted.

The next day, the Organization of American States issued a statement challenging the legitimacy of the elections, asserting a “hard-to-explain change in the trend of the preliminary results.” Immediately, right wingers violently took to the streets to protest the president. The OAS issued a followup statement confirming their analysis on November 10. The same day, the military forced Morales to step down. 

At the Water's Edge: Reversing the Tide of Militarism


by Kathy Kelly -

August 6, 2020
With survival at stake, can weapon makers change course?
Another Mother for Peace - Lorraine Schneider, 1966

Today, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the atomic attack on Hiroshima, should be a day for quiet introspection. I recall a summer morning following the U.S. 2003 “Shock and Awe” invasion of Iraq when the segment of the Chicago River flowing past the headquarters of the world’s second largest defense contractor, Boeing, turned the rich, red color of blood. 

Ceasing the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

End the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement

by Yves Engler

August 4, 2020
On Sunday a demonstration is planned in MontrĂ©al against the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA). Under the banner “Against Israel’s annexation of the Jordan Valley. No to the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement!”, the march seeks to politicize CIFTA amidst Israel’s plan to formally annex parts of the West Bank.

The march follows an open letter released last month by over 100 Montréal artists and activists calling for the cancellation of CIFTA.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dimitri Lascaris, Steve Poikonen, Janine Bandcroft August 6th, 2020

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

August 6, 2020
Welcome back to Gorilla Radio’s continuing efforts, NOT broadcast live from CFUV Radio in the basement of the Student Union Building at the University of Victoria, but emanating live-to-tape via skype from our home-based … studio on this date, July 29th, 2020.

Before Covid, social justice and environmental issues were top and centre here in British Columbia. Now, following four months of near monomaniacal media coverage of the global coronavirus outbreak, it’s important to remember the sun also rises, and though “the Earth remain the same forever” if we humans are to continue living upon it we must address the real single existential issue of our times, climate change. To that political end, the Green Party of Canada is the only party in this country making an honest attempt.

The Greens are in the midst of a leadership contest, the nine contenders doing their utmost to campaign in these Covid-challenged times. Dimitri Lascaris is one of those nine candidates and he’s been on the island this past week, taking his message for the future of the Greens to both current and prospective party members.
Listen Hear.

Lascaris is a lawyer, activist, and journalist whose vision for the party promises to, in his words: “Defy the powerful. Confront injustice. [and] Unite progressives.”

Dimitri Lascaris in the first half.

And; almost a year and a half after being seized from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, WikiLeaks founding publisher, Julian Assange is still in Belmarsh Prison. He’s awaiting the next phase in the protracted extradition process the United States has initiated with Britain.

Steve Poikonen is host of Slow News Day, the available online current events program covering “stories that you won’t find on establishment, or the majority of “lefty” or “independent” channels”. Steve’s also co-host of the #FreeAssange Vigil and organizer with Action4Assange.

Steve Poikonen and back to Washington for the World’s foremost political prisoner, Julian Assange in the second half.

And; long-time Gorilla Radio contributor and Green Vegan Grandma Youtuber, Janine Bandcroft will be there at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with some of the good things to be gotten up to in and around our town in the coming week.

But first, Dimitri Lascaris and emboldening Canada’s Greens.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:

U.S. Lawfare Opens New Front in Assange Persecution

Assange appears in court, as lawyers warn case may be delayed by new US indictment

by Thomas Scripps  - WSWS

28 July 2020
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s case management hearing yesterday continued the travesty of legal due process to which he has been subjected for more than a decade.

The journalist and publisher is fighting extradition to the United States, where he faces politically motivated frame-up charges of espionage with a combined potential sentence of 175 years. He has not attended hearings via videolink for the last three months on the advice of doctors, due to his fragile state of health and the threat of exposure to coronavirus.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

What Desecularizing Hagia Sofia Means

Hagia Sophia: Religion As Politics

by Christopher Black - NEO

July 24, 2020
Sultan Abdul Hamid II, in the face of a rising secular nationalism in the late 1800s, that culminated in the Young Turk movement, tried to restore the influence of the Ottoman Empire among Islamic nations and the Empire’s many peoples by stressing the importance of Islam and the Ottoman Caliphate, of the role of the Ottomans as the protectors of Islam and, in the modern world, a bulwark against western colonialism.

Over a hundred years after he left power, after the Empire was broken up by the western powers after the First World War, after the Turkish nationalists under Mustafa Kemal, known as Ataturk, the father of modern Turkey, kicked the British, French, Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia and Constantinople and established Turkey as a secular democratic state in 1923, President Erdogan has adopted the mantle of Abdul Hamid, and his claim to be the defender of Islam, as a means of shoring up his own weakening support in Turkey, and as a means of raising the prestige of Turkey among Islamic nations and the world.

Exploring Bolivia's Fight to Restore Democracy - Canada's Role

Bolivia's Fight to Restore Democracy - Canada's Role


Guillaume Long, former Foreign Minister of Ecuador
Matthew Green, MP for Hamilton Centre (NDP)
Ollie Vargas, Bolivian Journalist for Radio Kawsachun Coca

The Canadian Latin American Alliance and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute invites you to an online event on how and why Bolivia's first Indigenous president was overthrown, what is taking place in the country right now and the role Canada has played.

Go to to register 

Monday, August 03, 2020

Skripal Poisoning Claims Another Victim: MI6 Head "Retires" Following Novichok Fiasco


by John Helmer, Moscow


July 29. 2020 
Novichok still kills.

The world’s slowest acting nerve agent, sprayed on a front door handle in a dead-end street in Salisbury, England, in the early afternoon of March 4, 2018, has just resulted in the career termination of Sir Alex Younger (lead image, right), chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). 

Past As Prologue: Trading First Amendment Rights for Freedom of Movement

Banned from Protesting in the Nation’s Capital for Five Years Back in 1967

by Dave Lindorff - This Can't Be Happening

August 3, 2020
Portland isn't the first time federal judges have made accepting a ban on protest a condition for avoiding jail

As I was reading reports that judges and magistrates in the Federal District Court in Portland, OR have been handing out sentences to protesters arrested by President Trump’s Homeland Security goons that included bans on future protest in Oregon, I suddenly had a sense of deja vu.

BORTAC Strikes Back: Border Troopers Storm 'No More Deaths' in Arizona

US Border Patrol raids “No More Deaths” humanitarian aid camp in southern Arizona

by Meenakshi Jagadeesan - WSWS

3 August 2020
On Thursday, US Border Patrol (USBP) agents raided a camp set up by the migrant aid group No More Deaths (NMD) near the ranching community of Arivaca, Arizona, approximately 11 miles north of the US-Mexico border. The raid resulted in the arrest of one person and the setting up of ongoing surveillance and enforcement operations at the campsite.


The actions of the USBP agents have been justified by Tucson Sector Chief Roy Villareal as part of a regular law enforcement operation in a “key smuggling route for both undocumented immigrants and drug traffickers.” However, this seems to be a vindictive retaliatory action by the agency against NMD for having further exposed the expanding role of BORTAC—the shadowy, highly trained special operations force—in USBP’s policing actions.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Heritage in Minutes: The Lies Canada Sells Itself

The stunning misinformation and whitewashing of racism behind Canada's Heritage Minutes 

by Tyler Shipley - The Canada Files

July 31, 2020
A generation of Canadians was influenced by the Heritage Minutes, those little historical vignettes that began in 1995 and which are still in circulation today. While presented as neutral and apolitical, the Heritage Minutes reflected Canada’s true core: settler capitalism and white supremacy.

As usual, all of this is given broader context and much more detail in Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination (available in physical and electronic formats, discounts available by directly messaging this account.)