Thursday, September 03, 2020

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Sara Birrell, Jonathan Latham, Janine Bandcroft September 3, 2020

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

September 3, 2020
Welcome back to Gorilla Radio’s continuing efforts, NOT broadcast live from CFUV Radio in the basement of the Student Union Building at the University of Victoria, but emanating live-to-tape via Skype from our home-based … studios on this date, August 26th, 2020.
In Orwell’s classic dystopic Nineteen Eighty-four, The Party declares “War is peace…” and so the people are at peace, perpetually.

Orwell didn’t consider his final book fiction; he would have titled it, it’s said, Nineteen Forty-eight, the year of its intended release, but the publishers felt it would work better to set the clocks forward some. Now, and since the end of the Great Good World War, we’ve known nothing but peace in the Orwellian sense; but our real World “peace” is maintained by a subtlety missed by the great author.

‘Humanitarian Sanctions’ are often the first shots fired in the modern way of war; and, it’s undeniably the case that “Truth” is their first victim. 

Listen. Hear.

Sara Birrell is a writer, student, and self-described “rank-and-file” union member. The avowed anti-capitalist, Saskatchewan settler’s essays can be found at Briarpatch Magazine, Sask Dispatch, Passage, Media Co-op, and the Carillon among other places. Her recent article, ‘Canadian Sanctions Are Liberal Warfare’ appears at The Canada Files website.

Sara Birrell in the first half.

And; nearly nine months into the most disruptive if not destructive pandemic known to history how is it we still do not definitively know where Covid-19 came from; after tens of thousands of television hours and millions of words printed, why must we still ask this most fundamental question?

Dr. Jonathan Latham holds a Masters degree in Crop Genetics, a PhD in Virology and is, along with Dr. Allison Wilson, co-author of a trilogy of articles seeking to both discover the origins of Covid-19 and forewarn the public of the dangers posed by the kind of research they posit is at the root of this and other modern pandemics.

Jonathan Latham and proposing an origin for SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic in the second half.

And; CFUV broadcaster and host of Plant Powered Radio, Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with some of what’s good going on in and around our town in the coming week.

But first Sara Birrell and Sanctions: Canada’s World war.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:

Colombia's Dirty War on Black Lives

Decades Later, America’s Meddling in Colombia is Still Costing Lives

by Alan MacLeod - MintPress News

August 28, 2020
From the drug war to Plan Colombia to support for right-wing paramilitary groups, decades of US interference in Colombia has caused so much instability that to this day, the country is still reeling from it.

On a warm Tuesday morning earlier this month in Llano Verde, an eastern suburb of the city of Cali, five Afro-Colombian children decided to leave their homes to take advantage of the fine weather to spend some time outside. They would never return. Only a few hours later, they were found dead; their bodies burned, cut to pieces with machetes and riddled with bullets, dumped in public for all to see.

Regime Change #1: Mother of All CIA Coups

Coup 53 recounts the role of British intelligence in overthrowing Mosaddegh government in Iran

by Jean Shaoul  - WSWS

3 September 2020
Coup 53 is an engrossing documentary about British and American skulduggery in Iran in the 1950s, which was aimed at protecting their lucrative oil and geostrategic interests in the region and preventing the Soviet Union from gaining influence.

Co-written, produced and directed by Iranian-born Taghi Amirani, the documentary is co-written and edited by Walter Murch, renowned for his work on such films as The Godfather, The Conversation, Julia, Apocalypse Now, The English Patient and The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Starving Protest: Police Take a New Tack in Kenosha

Kenosha: Officers In Unmarked Vehicles Arrest Activists Trying To Serve Free Food

by Kenny Stancil - Commondreams 

August 30, 2020
When traveling from out of state with an AR-15 is not treated as a crime, but “filling up gas cans for your food truck” leads to immediate arrest.

Soon after their Wednesday arrival in Kenosha, Wisconsin, eight volunteers from Seattle-based Riot Kitchen who planned to distribute free food to protesters were arrested by law enforcement officials who emerged from unmarked cars, the Seattle Times reported.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Lemming Lines for a 21st Century "Over the Top" Moment

Confess to Covid: just short of witch burning

by T.P. Wilkinson - Dissident Voice

August 30th, 2020
Despite the lamentations and orders from Geneva or the local capitals of Capital, I refuse to believe that COVID-19 or the putative pathogens are a principal challenge to humanity — except for those using these viruses for policing and/or culling the population.
 English propaganda poster, 1915 
(Wikipedia Commons)

Instead I find we are in a situation not unlike that which led to the notorious Non-Aggression Pact concluded between the German Empire under NSDAP rule and the USSR. 

Assange Travesty Trial Resumes September 7

Assange Travesty Continues  

by Craig Murray

August 30, 2020
The travesty that is Julian Assange’s extradition hearing resumes fully on 7 September at the Old Bailey. I shall be abandoning my own legal team and going down to London to cover it again in full, for an expected three weeks. 

How this is going to work at the Old Bailey, I do not know. Covid restrictions presumably mean that the numbers in the public gallery will be tiny. As of now, there is no arrangement for Julian’s friends and family in place. It looks like 4am queuing is in prospect.