Thursday, May 04, 2023

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Rosa Addario, Kathy Kelly May 3rd, 2023

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

May 4, 2023

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 3rd, 2023


A generation in to the communications revolution begun by the internet, governments around the World are busy devising ways to limit, throttle, or eradicate entirely the ability of the citizenry to freely share their opinions, or express political dissent. And, Canada is no exception.

Last week, Bill C-11 received ratification from the Senate, despite the government rejecting crucial amendment proposals put forward by that body.

Rosa Addario is a Canadian telecommunications technology researcher. She’s currently Communications Manager at OpenMedia, a quote, “community-driven organization [working] to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free“.

Rosa Addario in the first half.

And; the current conflict in Ukraine is proving to be the engine of a technological acceleration in both the methods and means of prosecuting war. Fortunately, those working for peace are too engaging new strategies and technologies to help bring the insanity of this, and the next, war to a halt.

Kathy Kelly is a long-time peace and justice activist, essayist, author, and recipient of numerous awards for her peace service, including multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace prize. These days she’s serving as Board President at World BEYOND War, where among other things, she’s busy co-coordinating the November 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.

Kathy’s many articles appear at sites across the web, including, where I found her recent piece, ‘To End All Wars, Close All Bases‘.

Kathy Kelly and World BEYOND War’s latest tech. tools in the struggle to end the madness in the second half.

But first, Rosa Addario and what Bill C-11 portends for Canadians’ freedom to read, write, and speak online.


Song: Work for Peace

Artist: Gil Scott-Heron


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Canada's State/Corporate Press Machine Smears Pacifists

Military pays propagandists to call dissenters ‘Russian propagandists’

April 18, 2023

Opposing military spending, NORAD and NATO is not an endorsement of Russian violence in Ukraine. But, in the current climate, many are seeking to frame it as such.

On the 74th anniversary of NATO’s formation Mouvement Québécois pour la Paix (MQP) organized a protest in front of CBC/Radio Canada’s offices in Montréal. One self-described progressive labeled the April 4 rally against the alliance “a pro-Russian demonstration of 30 people.” But three years before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine MQP organized its first march to mark the 70th anniversary of NATO.

Monday, May 01, 2023

Ending Wars Means Closing Bases

To End All Wars, Close All Bases

by Kathy Kelly - World Beyond War

April 30, 2023

A Gazan Ph.D. candidate studying in India, Mohammad Abunahel steadily refines and updates a map on the World BEYOND War website, dedicating a portion of every day to continue researching the extent and impact of USA foreign bases. 
What is Mohammad Abunahel learning, and how can we support him?


Sunday, April 30, 2023

Ape talks to War of the Worlds

April 29, 2023

Listen. Hear. Entire Episode Here.

[Was pleased to chat with War of the World Warriors John Helmer and George Eliason on their TNT Radio program the other night. Here’s the short version linked below the show’s text. – Ape]

In the second and third segments of the broadcast, Chris Cook discusses the history of his Gorilla Radio, the leading truth radio in Canada. Originating in Victoria , capital of the province of British Columbia, listen to Gorilla Radio’s latest programmes here  and follow the blog.

Since October, Gorilla Radio has been banned from broadcasting by Radio CFUV 101.9 FM at the University of  Victoria; Simon Fraser University in neighbouring Vancouver continues to broadcast every Monday morning at Radio CJSF 90.1 FM.    The Gorilla Radio transcripts are published on the blog.

For Chris Cook’s broadcast archive, click to open.

During the discussion the sharp contrast was drawn in the history of Canada’s relations with Russia between the classical pianist Glenn Gould (1932-82) and the likes of Ukrainian-Canadian Chrystia Freeland, deputy prime minister. Between 1956 and 1957 Canadian officials had reservations about allowing Gould to make the first Canadian cultural tour of the Soviet Union with piano performances in Moscow and Leningrad.  This film documentary records anxiety in Ottawa that the US government was opposed. Lester Pearson was Canada’s Minister for External Affairs at the time when the US was imposing sanctions following the Soviet Army intervention in Hungary.

Watch this film, Gould’s Moscow and Leningrad performances, and the recollections of Canadians and Russians looking back.

“The impression [in Moscow] was that he was from Mars. An
Alien” – Min 15:28. “Now forty-four years later [from the Leningrad
concert] I absolutely believe he was an alien. Glenn Gould was a visitor
on this earth. People cannot play the piano like that, I can assure
you” – Min 30. Source: