Friday, February 26, 2021

Part 5 in the Biden Series: A History of Deceit and Corruption

Escalating the new Cold War with Russia via Ukraine: Biden’s Unprincipled Stands Involving Covert Operations, Blackmail, Corruption, Nepotism and State Terrorism

by Jeremy Kuzmarov - CovertAction Magazine

February 20, 2021
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And even a liar like Donald Trump can sometimes tell the truth.

During the 2020 election campaign, Trump accused Biden of corruption with regard to secret deals involving the Ukraine and China, in which the Vice President venally leveraged the power of his office and title to enrich himself and his son in clear violation of the law. In that charge, Trump was absolutely right. But he did not know the half of it. 


Bloomberg and the Cost of Doing Bulls#it Business Reporting


by John Helmer, Moscow 

February 25, 2021

Last week in a Moscow court, Michael Bloomberg’s (lead image, right) organisation of New York City did something it has never done before. It admitted it has been publishing lies about Russia. It also paid a penalty of Rb12,600 ($170.25). 

Bloomberg even promised that in future its reporting on Russia will “be guided in its work by recognised editorial standards of truthfulness, accuracy and objectivity of published information in accordance with its internal code of journalistic standards and ethics [and] best practices in the news industry.”


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Indians Standing By Their Farmers

India’s Farm Protests: “If We Don’t Stand By Them, Who Will?” 

by Anustup Roy - CounterPunch

February 25, 2021

“The company people are certainly irritated with the protest happening here. It has badly affected transportation and the business is running poorly,” says 22-year-old Nizamuddin Ali, a security supervisor at a home appliances factory in the Kundli industrial area

He lives about six kilometres from the farmers’ protest site at Singhu, on the Haryana-Delhi border. (Kundli is an old village, now a municipal council, in Haryana’s Sonipat district).


Nukes in Space: Mars Rover Sets the Pace

Plutonium—the most lethal of all radioactive substances—in space

by Karl Grossman - Nation of Change

February 24, 2021

“A ‘1-in-960 chance’ of a deadly plutonium release is a real concern—gamblers in Las Vegas would be happy with those odds.” 

With all the media hoopla last week about the Perseverance rover, frequently unreported was that its energy source is plutonium—considered the most lethal of all radioactive substances—and nowhere in media that NASA projected 1-in-960 odds of the plutonium being released in an accident on the mission. 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

How Canada Facilitates the Lifestyles of Haiti's Rich and Infamous

Haitian official stashes wealth in MontrĂ©al 

February 23, 2021

Recent media reports of a Haitian official stashing wealth in MontrĂ©al property ignore a key element of the story: Canada’s contribution to enabling Haitian corruption.

Senator Rony CĂ©lestin & a new $4,25 million Montreal mansion

As a neo-Duvalierist regime becomes ever more dictatorial it’s also worth revisiting Canada’s history in facilitating fraud and money laundering in the hemisphere’s most impoverished nation.


Shadow Bands: Twitter's Subtle Degrees of Censorship

Twitter Deletes Dozens of Russian Accounts for “Undermining Faith in NATO”

by Alan Macleod - MintPress News

February 24, 2021 
A propaganda system is far more effective — and dangerous — when those inside are unaware of it and believe themselves to be free from influence.

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., listens as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testifies 
during Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Nov. 17, 2020. Bill Clark | Pool via AP

Social media giant Twitter announced yesterday that it has deleted 373 accounts it claims were linked to Russia, Iran, and Armenia. In a blog post entitled “Disclosing networks of state-linked information operations,” it claimed that it had taken the decision to remove 69 Russian accounts primarily because they were “undermining faith in the NATO alliance and its stability.”


Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Rebecca Gordon, Dave Lindorff February 25th, 2021

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

February 25, 2021
Welcome back to Gorilla Radio’s Home Edition recorded on the dates, February 15th and 17th, 2021.


And welcome to human civilization’s last minute and a half or so of existence. At least that’s according to some of the World’s foremost brainiacs, the folks over at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, and their famous Doomsday Clock. 

It’s been a grand run though, these last 10,000 odd years; but as the saying goes, “all good things must come to an end.” Pity too, because as recently as the turn of the new century, that clock had gone retrograde, granting us a full nine minutes grace. 

But now, just twenty years into George Bush’s “generational war” it looks like we may run out of generations before finishing it. 

My, how the time has flown!


Listen. Hear.

Rebecca Gordon is an educator in philosophy at the University of San Francisco and for it’s Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good. She is too author of the books, ‘Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States’, and ‘American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes, and a frequent contributor to LA Progressive, Responsible Statecraft, and The Nation Magazine’s TomDispatch column, where I found her recent article, ‘The Fire Next Time: Climate Change, the Bomb, or the Flame of Hope?‘.

Rebecca Gordon in the first half.

And; while it’s all fine and good to dance to the departure of the Orange Menace, a sober look at the wreckage he wrought, and what Dragon’s Teeth remain is necessary. That justice is still not seen to have been done in either the election, or in addressing who directed the mobs attacking the Capitol afterward both undermines the legitimacy of American democracy now, and sully its prospects for the future.

Dave Lindorff is an award-winning journalist, author, and founding member of the media collective, Lindorff’s book titles include, ‘The Case for Impeachment: Legal Arguments for Removing President George W. Bush from Office’ and ‘This Can’t Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy.’ Dave has charted the ruinously slow departure of the 45th president both at This Can’t Be Happening and here at Gorilla Radio.

Dave Lindorff and King Trump’s fourth act in the second half.

But first, Rebecca Gordon and counting down 100 seconds to a diminished tomorrow.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Thursday between 11-Noon Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:

State of U.S. Covid Origins Investigation

Fact Sheet: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

by U.S. State Department - Office of the Spokesperson

January 15, 2021

For more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation.

The U.S. government does not know exactly where, when, or how the COVID-19 virus—known as SARS-CoV-2—was transmitted initially to humans. We have not determined whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, China. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Last Conscious Western Nation: Maintaining Iceland

Icelanders: Most Peaceful and Politically Conscious of People

by Ron Ridenour - This Can't Be Happening

February 19, 2021
Shots were fired at a politician’s property recently for the first time in Icelandic folk’s memory. During the weekend of January 21-2, bullets from a .22 pistol were fired into Reykjavik Mayor Dagur B Eggertsson’s car and his office. He was not present in either occasion.
Iceland nature. Creative Commons Photo.

Will this be maintainable?