Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Tim Norman, Dorotea Gucciardo July 24, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

July 24, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded July 24th, 2024

"Where's Yulia?" is a question the answer to which could uncover much more than the fate of a Russian woman disappeared from the public eye by the UK government more than six years ago. Knowing what happened to Yulia and her father, Sergei Skripal could too begin to reveal the machinations creating the conditions for the war in Ukraine, currently grinding up the flower of a generation there, and threatening too an escalation of possibly nuclear proportions effecting everywhere.

Tim Norman is a veteran English journalist and editor, working in local, national and international media for daily, weekly and monthly. Tim's followed the Skripal case from its beginnings, and his recent article at Propaganda in Focus, 'The Tragedy of Yulia Skripal' picks up the thread six years on, as the story heads again for the frontpages in Britain with the commencement of the Sturgess Inquiry, scheduled for the Fall.

Tim Norman in the first half.

And; polio has been detected in water samples taken in half a dozen locations in the Gaza Strip. Friday, Gaza's Ministry of Health said "highly infectious poliovirus had been identified at six locations in sewage samples collected by UNICEF on June 23 from Khan Younis and Deir al Balah." UnicefUSA blames the "ongoing bombardment of the Gaza Strip" which has targeted and destroyed more than two-thirds of the enclave's water and sanitation infrastructure. But, Israel's introduction of one of the most-feared human pathogens into the genocide struggles today to find press exposure amidst the daily atrocities being committed against the captive population.

Dr. Dorotea Gucciardo is Research Coordinator for the Starling Centre for Just Societies and Technologies at Western University, where she also teaches History. Dorotea too volunteers with the Glia Project, serving as its Director of Development, overseeing "capacity building" projects in Gaza. She writes, her latest project, The Open Gaza Initiative was "interrupted by Israel's genocidal war on Gaza...shift[ing] much of her focus on organizing and leading medical missions into the besieged Gaza Strip."

Dorotea Gucciardo and Gaza from eye level in the second half.

But first, Tim Norman and finding Yulia Skripal.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Victoria Gaza Solidarity, Glenn Michalchuk July 17, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

July 17, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded July 17th, 2024

Impossibly, the genocide in Gaza grinds on; killing now for more than nine months, leaving scores of thousands dead, and many hundreds of thousands more wounded, made homeless, and facing the prospect of death themselves through privations created by Israel and its allies, including Canada.

Citizens in Victoria gathered at the seat of the provincial government Saturday for the fortieth week in a row to express their disgust and outrage at the ongoing crime of crimes being enacted before the eyes of World. Gorilla Radio too went down to bear witness with between 150 and 200 other stalwarts.

Victoria’s Gaza Solidarity demonstrated at the Legislative Buildings in the first half.

And; the Canadian political class support of the genocide in Palestine is reiterated in its active collusion in starting and sustaining the Ukrainian conflict, currently wiping out a generation. Prime Minister Trudeau recently bolstered further that support with promises of hundred of millions more Canadian dollars to ensure the fighting will continue for another year; and, at last month’s G7 meetings in Italy promised “$5 billion to [the] G7 Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans for Ukraine” fund.

Meanwhile, inheritor of the 2014 coup Canada helped engineer, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has shuttered Ukraine’s political opposition parties, and nixed elections entirely; while too closing down all but regime-friendly media outlets, and criminalizing online critics.

Glenn Michalchuk is President of both Peace Alliance Winnipeg, and the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, or AUUC. He’s been active in the peace movement for forty years, going back to Reagan’s Dirty Wars in Latin America.

Glenn Michalchuk on how Canada effected Ukrainian democracy, and vice versa in the second half.

But first, marking Day #281 of the slaughter of innocents in Gaza.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, John Helmer, Andy Worthington July 9/10, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

July 10, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded July 9th and 10th, 2024

Listen. Hear.

Summer was once called Politics’ “silly season”, but that was before irony died and silliness gave way to the ludicrous killing joke passing for leadership today. Beyond tragically comic, President Joe Biden’s disastrous first debate with Donald Trump last week makes the former president appear Napoleonic; destined to return to the throne on the Potomac in November.

Not wasting a moment, Trump has promised to settle the Russia problem upon election, (before even Inauguration Day) and the rest of the World’s issues by Easter following, (or some such). It’s a message Americans, and the rest of the World wants to hear, weary of the wars and rumours of which have smoldered and raged for the entirety of our 21st Century. But there are others, powerful interests profiting immensely the immiseration and martial ruination of the people and planet who like things just the way they are.

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears, and has too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism, and served as advisor to governments at the highest levels.
Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17’, the lately released autobiography, ‘Dunce Upon a Time: A Life of Mistakes’, and ‘Skripal in Prison,’ the first and perhaps only book to follow the Skripal saga from its beginnings through to the Sturgess Public Inquiry. His recent article at Dances with Bears is, ‘NATO’S Plan for Permanent War in Ukraine and on the Fareast Front — Putin Has Stalin’s Hitler Problem‘.

John Helmer in the first half.

And; because people have better things to do this time of year, general elections are seldom held in summertime; but, these are no ordinary times. Both Britain and France have held snap elections over the last week, the results of which could have far-reaching global consequence – moreso than the two former colonial Titans have exerted in more than a century.

Andy Worthington is an English journalist, activist, author, photo-historian, filmmaker, musician, song-writer and principle of The Four Fathers band. His book titles include: ‘The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison’, ‘Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion’, and ‘The Battle of the Beanfield’. Andy’s articles appear at his website,, where I found his latest, Despite the Landslide, Labour Have No Vision and Only Won the UK General Election Because the Tories Lost So Spectacularly‘.

Andy Worthington and Whither Albion under Starmer? in the second half.

But first, John Helmer and NATO making the forever war.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:


Friday, July 05, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Jeremy Kuzmarov, Yves Engler July 3, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

July 3, 2024 

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded July 3rd, 2024

Listen. Hear.

While the Democratic Party machine churns still for the President’s reelection, those believing Joe Biden’s impersonation of a head-lamped deer during his first, and possibly final presidential debate last week spells his demise are likely right, but only partially so. Yes, Biden’s performance was less politically survivable than a Boeing one-point landing, but what dies with him too is a taproot running deeper than just the 50-plus year career of a single servant to Big Business in Washington.

Jeremy Kuzmarov is a scholar, journalist and author. He holds a Ph.D. in American history, and has taught at various institutions of higher learning across the U.S. Jeremy too writes for Covert Action Magazine, and serves as its Managing Editor. Kuzmarov’s book titles include, ‘Obama’s Unending Wars’, ‘The Russians Are Coming, Again’, (written with John Marciano) and his latest, ‘Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden’. His recent article at CAM is, ‘Joe Biden’s Mentor, Father of Original Cold War, Was Traitor to U.S.: Family Company Sold Fuel Additive to Nazi Air Force’ examines the political provenance of the current President.

Jeremy Kuzmarov in the first half.

And; as Canada observed it’s colonial foundation, one of its past foreign government assets settled into his new life in an American penitentiary. Strangely, few Canadian media outlets reported former Honduran President, Juan Orlando Hernandez’s sentencing in the Southern District Federal Court of New York for his role in importing 400 tons of cocaine into the US while in office, (among other things). But then, perhaps that’s not such a surprise given the role Ottawa played in securing Hernandez’s – and his predecessors’ – questionable tenures in Tegucigalpa?

Yves Engler is a Montreal-based political activist and the author of thirteen books, including ‘Canada in Haiti: Waging War on the Poor Majority,’ (with Anthony Fenton), and his latest, co-authored with Owen Schalk, ‘Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy’, which he’s recently toured across the country. Yves’ also a prolific essayist, whose writing appears across the internet and at his website,, where I found his recent piece, ‘Canada’s ‘guy’ in Honduras sentenced to 45 years in prison‘.

Yves Engler and Canadian political interference at work abroad in the second half.

But first, Jeremy Kuzmarov and the man who made Joe Biden.


Song: Since Long Before October

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Friday, June 28, 2024

Cabinet Order to Annex Entire West Bank, Eliminate Palestinian Authority Palestinian National Initiative Says

Cabinet Order to Annex Entire West Bank, Palestinian National Initiative Says

by Palestinian National Initiative

June 28, 2024 

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, the leader of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) said that the recent decisions of the Israeli cabinet are a  declaration of Israeli annexation of the West Bank, which is the most dangerous challenge facing the Palestinian people since the Nakba.
Israeli cabinet decisions approve an unprecedented expansion of illegal settlements and practical measures to Judaise the entire West Bank. The decisions include the complete seizure of the civilian powers of the Palestinian Authority in the so-called "B" areas and their subordination with “C” areas (82% of the West Bank in total) to the control of the settlers led by the Israeli finance minister and the de facto governor of the West Bank Smotrich.
The security authority of the PA in the so-called areas (A) were already cancelled by Israel , and this is an affirmation of Israel's termination of all the remains of the problematic Oslo Agreement. 
The most dangerous aspect of the cabinet’s decisions is that they legalise and change the nature of the West Bank from being an occupied Palestinian territory with foreign illegal settlement bodies in it, to an annexed Israeli territory in which settlements and their roads are besieging Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps and turning them into isolated and persecuted ghettos.

Barghouti said that Netanyahu and his fascist fundamentalist allies are implementing Netanyahu’s dreams to eliminate all possibilities for an independent Palestinian state, liquidate the entire Palestinian national rights, and to complete the implementation of the colonial settler project in all of historic Palestine.

Barghouti pointed out that the cabinet's decisions include not only the construction of more illegal settlements , but also the extensive demolition of Palestinian homes and facilities in most of the West Bank.

Barghouti stressed that the fascist decisions of the racist Israeli government and the war of genocide it is waging in Gaza are the most dangerous challenge the Palestinian people have faced since the Nakba in 1948.

He said that given the risks presented by the decision of the Israeli cabinet, the duty of Palestinian forces, factions and authority is to put aside their differences and conflicts and to accelerate the achievement of national unity and unified national leadership to addresses these unprecedented challenges.

He said the Israeli government will not be deterred from the dangerous  path they are taking without  the wide and serious sanctions from the International community and Arab countries.

Any one who claims to support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian state will be accused of hypocrisy unless they: call for the immediate end of Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza and the removal of Israeli illegal settlements; and participate in the imposition of sanctions on the Israeli government to force the retraction of their recent decisions.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf, Salam Hamdan June 26th, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

June 26, 2024

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 26th, 2024

Listen. Hear.

The ongoing conflict between Hezbollah and Israel has forced evacuation of colonial outposts along the border region. Meanwhile, the release last week of drone footage of sensitive Israeli targets taken over Haifa by Hezbollah has shaken confidence in Iron Dome defenses, making a settler return to the northern occupied zone unlikely in the near term. Israel’s leadership, such as it is, promises escalation with Lebanon as a solution, warning it will make another Gaza of Beirut. For its part, Hezbollah says it will retaliate to attacks on it from where ever they emanate.

Laith Marouf is founder and Executive Director of FreePalestine.Video. The Palestinian-Canadian is a long-time multimedia consultant and producer, and Canadian broadcast law expert, currently chronicling the burgeoning regional disaster from his base in Beirut. Free Palestine Video says it’s meant to provide coverage of the region, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.”

Laith Marouf in the first half.

And; headlines of serial refugee massacres and famine rife across the Gaza Strip hardly seems to raise eyebrows now, as Israel’s genocide grinds towards its ninth month. It’s almost as if the latest are meant to obscure the recent, as the number of atrocities, and their degree of depravity multiplies. But, it’s not confined just to Gaza. The Occupied Territories are also subject to horrors inflicted daily by the IDF, police, and settler goon squads.

Hundreds in the West Bank have been killed since October, thousands more wounded, or snatched up into Israeli prisons and detention camps. Representatives in the United Nations Security Council expressed their concern yesterday, the Algerian envoy Amar Bendjama saying, “The situation in the West Bank will deteriorate further if the occupying power does not cease its policy of terror, of expansion of settlement…“.

Salam Hamdan is a Palestinian political activist and Social-Feminist from Ramallah in the West Bank. Salam recently spoke here in Victoria on ‘Two States in Palestine: Solution or Fantasy?’. She’s back at home in Ramallah, where the situation is getting more dangerous, as the outrages of the occupying military and their Palestine Authority collaborators grow.

Salam Hamdan and the war at home, in the West Bank in the second half.

But first, Laith Marouf and Hezbollah, eyeing the neighbours warily.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, John Helmer June 24th, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

June 24, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 24, 2024

Listen. Hear.

Almost six years since her death in Amesbury, Wiltshire mystery still surrounds the demise of Dawn Sturgess. The stuff of spy fiction, Sturgess, in life as far from international intrigues as anyone could be, in perishing was placed at the heart of the infamous Skripal Affair; a case that back in 2018 threatened relations, and perhaps even armed conflict, between Russia and Britain.

The Sturgess Inquiry, begun then belayed in 2021, and scheduled to begin again in October, was in the news last week as UK government-appointed solicitors for Sergei and Yulia Skripal submitted “their clients'” refusals to participate in the forthcoming public inquiry. The Skripals, father and daughter, are integral to the explanation of the cause of Sturgess’ death, as laid out by the Coroners Service: Novichok poisoning. Its reasoning makes Sturgess and her surviving partner, Charlie Rowley collateral victims in an alleged Russian assassination plot against former GRU agent, Sergei Skripal carried out in Salisbury months before her death.

But, the case, rife already with irregularities, a dubious origin story, and obvious geopolitical complications will call into question any conclusions the inquiry can possibly arrive at.

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears, and has too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism, and served as advisor to governments at the highest levels.

Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17’, ‘SOVCOMPLOT: How Pirates Tried to Capture the Treasure of the Russian Seas, and Were Caught Out’, the lately released autobiography, ‘Dunce Upon a Time: A Life of Mistakes’, and ‘Skripal in Prison,’ the first and perhaps only book to follow the Skripal saga from its beginnings. His recent article at Dances with Bears is, ‘BRITISH GOVERNMENT INVENTS PHANTOM SKRIPALS TO REFUSE TO TESTIFY IN THE NOVICHOK INQUIRY‘.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Ken Stone, Viviana Herrera June 19th, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

June 19, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 19th, 2024

Listen. Hear.

It’s been almost 22 years passed since a group of concerned Hamiltonians assembled the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War. Then it was their hope to help belay the coming Iraq invasion, or pressure Ottawa to stay out of it if the invasion came. The Coalition’s foundational document reading in part,

The burning question in the world today is War or Peace. America seems to know no bounds in pursuit of its agenda. […and…] we are hearing the drumbeat of illegal and immoral wars become louder and louder.”

Well that applies even moreso today than all those years and shattered lives ago.

Ken Stone is an activist and author working for peace with the Syria Support Movement International. He was one of those founding the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War in 2002. His book, ‘Defiant Syria: Dispatches from the Second International Tour of Peace to Syria’ is a compilation of his dispatches from his 2016 visit there. Ken and the Hamilton Coalition abide, and are at the fore of Canadian resistance to militarism yet. Currently ramping up for the No To NATO! counter-summit in Washington, D.C. they will too be hosting Israeli anthropologist and Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Jeff Halper as part of his North American book launch and lecture tour in early July.

Ken Stone in the first half.

And; Canadian mining interest, Quantum Minerals is back in business in Panama. Its massive open-pit copper mine had been ordered shut by that country’s Supreme Court; found to be operating against the “public good” in 2021. But, a new deal cut with a corrupt government got the wheels churning again.

Viviana Herrera is Latin America Program Coordinator for MiningWatch Canada. They are part of an international alliance of environmental and ecology organizations who, along with Panama Vale Más Sin Minería, recently presented the report, ‘Human Rights Violations, Abuses, and Incidents Registered During the Protests Against the Mining Contract in Panamá, October-November 2023‘ detailing the negative impacts of Quantum’s Cobre Panama operation.

Cobre Panama (Image Franco-Nevada assets handbook.)

Viviana Herrera and Cobre Panama, snake in the heart of Panama’s threatened rainforest, in the second half.

But first, Ken Stone and the Hamilton Coalition, still saying NO! after all these wars.


Song: ‘Divide and Rule’

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dan Kovalik, Dimitri Lascaris June 12, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

June 12, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 12th, 2024

The 76th anniversary of the Nakba was commemorated last month. “Nakba” is roughly translated from Arabic as “the catastrophe” and refers to the campaign of murder and destruction that drove the native Palestinian population from their towns, villages, and lands to make way for the nascent Zionist state now known as ‘Israel’. That entity celebrates every May 15th its 1948 “independence”, sharing the infamous date forever with the commemoration of Palestinian determination to be joined again with that which was stolen.

As terrible as the initial ethnic cleansing of the last century was – seeing as many as 800,000 people killed, injured, or made homeless – what is happening today is by magnitudes worse; and though it’s been called the second Nakba, (or Nakba 2.0 in triumphalist graffiti scrawls found among the ruins of Gaza) another word being invoked to describe the current horror is: Holocaust.

Dan Kovalik’s a lawyer, educator, labour, peace, and justice activist, democracy defender, journalist, author, and filmmaker. His book titles include: ‘Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture’ the “Plot to” series on American efforts to undermine the governments and economies of Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, ‘No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using ‘Humanitarian’ Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interest’, and ‘Nicaragua: A History of US Intervention & Resistance’. He was in Palestine last December, meeting Palestinians and researching his recently released book, ‘The Case for Palestine: Why It Matters and Why You Should Care’.

Dan Kovalik in the first half.

And; Israel’s martial bellicosity is no revelation to its neighbours, all of whom have been attacked, or experience still: regular bombing by its air force, assassinations, and acts of either direct, or sponsored terrorism. None arguably moreso than Lebanon. As Gaza burns, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem are assailed by settler fanatics and their government allies, a broader war between Israel and Lebanon smoulders.

Dimitri Lascaris is an activist, journalist, and lawyer. Dimitri too served as Justice Critic for both the Quebec provincial Greens and the Green Party of Canada, narrowly missing leadership of the latter in 2020. He’s been traveling extensively in and reporting from West Asia for several months, most recently in Lebanon. His video reports and articles from the Middle East are available at his site,, where I found his recent piece, ‘Israel’s War Against Nature‘.

Dimitri Lascaris and the fires of war burning across the border in the second half.

But first, Dan Kovalik making The Case for Palestine.


Song: ‘Once the Last Palestinian’s Killed’

Artist: David Rovics – Songs from a Holocaust


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:


Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, John Helmer June 5, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

June 5, 2024

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 5th, 2024

Britain’s political-military nexus has been on full display in recent weeks, as past and prospective prime ministers assail media, their sabre din adding now to the sound and fury of the country’s newly-called general election Kabuki. Former Tory bosses, Boris Johnson and David Cameron, along with unelected prime minister, Rishi Sunak are now enjoined by Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer in doing their collective utmost to hasten nuclear winter through the fomenting of World War Next with Russia.

The former porcus amorató and current UK Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron led the charge to Armageddon in early May, opining to the press the appropriateness of Kyiv’s use of British weaponry against Russia in any manner it sees fitting saying Ukraine, “…absolutely has the right to strike back at Russia“.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, better known as BoJo, in a private London club speech honouring the “heroes of the Azov Brigade” reiterated over the weekend, allowing Ukraine a free hand was, “…the single best investment we can make in the defense of the whole Euro-Atlantic area…
Not to be outdone, Labour Pretender, Sir Keir Monday insisted “security will always come first“, reassuring the electorate he was ready to push the nuclear button saying, “This is a changed Labour party and the most important thing is I voted in favour of a nuclear deterrent.”

For its part, the target intended, Russia warned again, “This is a direct escalation of tension around the Ukrainian conflict, which would potentially pose a threat to European security.

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears, and has too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism and served as advisor to governments at the highest levels.
Among his many book titles are: ‘Skripal in Prison,’ ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17’, ‘SOVCOMPLOT: How Pirates Tried to Capture the Treasure of the Russian Seas, and Were Caught Out’, and his lately released autobiography, ‘Dunce Upon a Time: A Life of Mistakes’.

Today, John Helmer and Life During (Hybrid) Wartime.


Song: The Ballad of the USS Liberty

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Yves Engler, Andy Worthington May 29, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

May 29, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 29th, 2024


Israel answered last Friday's International Court of Justice order it "halt its military assault on the Rafah Governorate in the southern Gaza Strip and reopen the Rafah border" with scores of aerial bombings over the weekend, one of which immolating refugees in one of the myriad tent encampments surrounding the besieged city of Rafah.

Hellscape phone images of the aftermath of that horror have spurred hope Western sponsors and suppliers of scofflaw Israel will either voluntarily, or through the political force of their democratic constituents, quit their material support, without which the carnage cannot continue long.

Yves Engler is a Montreal-based political activist and the author of thirteen books, including 'Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid'. His latest, co-authored with Owen Schalk, is ‘Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy’, which he's currently touring across the country. Yves' also a prolific essayist, whose writing appears across the internet and at his website,, where I found his recent piece, 'Ironically, genuine internationalism must be nationalistic'.

Yves Engler in the first half.

And; "We go to bed in horror and awake to horror" is how Al Jazeera journalist, Laila Al-Arian describes the churning, directed catastrophe inflicted on Palestinians. Though she refers here to reports of Israeli bulldozers desecrating the cemeteries of Jabalia refugee camp in the north the day after the Lag B'omer massacre in Rafah, she could say the same any day, every day in these long months and years of death and cruelty in Gaza; and in the Occupied Territories beyond the wall.

But, essential journalist, Jonathan Cook transcends the banality of the Occupation's everyday brutality in describing Israel's "Bagram", Sde Teiman. Cook's article, 'The message of Israel’s torture chambers is directed at us all, not just Palestinians' is a portrait immediately familiar to any who have studied the Nazi camps, and especially students of the medical atrocities of Dr. Joseph Mengele.

Andy Worthington is an English journalist, activist, author, photo-historian, filmmaker, musician, song-writer and principle of The Four Fathers band. His book titles include: ‘The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison’, ‘Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion’, and ‘The Battle of the Beanfield’. Andy’s articles appear at his website,, where I found his latest, 'Ending Israel’s Impunity for Genocide in Gaza, and the Threat to Those, Like Joe Biden, Who Are Most Complicit'. 

Andy Worthington and Nuremberg's to come in the second half.

But first, Yves Engler and Canada's time to stand finally strong and free.


Song: Forever Prisoner

Artists: The Four Fathers


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Christopher Black, Salam Hamdan May 17/22, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. l. Cook -

May 22, 2024

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 17th and 22nd, 2024

Nearly eighty years after D-Day, the World seems no nearer peace. Serial wars since, none of them arguably “good” have come and come again, in a pattern of what the Declaration of the Soviet Government on General and Complete Disarmament of 1959 described as a ‘chronicle of sanguinary wars’. But is the concept of disarmament, in a time of heightened martial bellicosity, where belligerents race to develop new and terrifying technologies and in every quarter are seen practicing and preparing for war, possible; can there be finally peace in our time?

Christopher Black is a Toronto-based criminal lawyer specializing in international war crimes cases. He’s also an executive member of the Canadian Peace Congress. Black’s writings on international law, politics, and World events appear at New Eastern Outlook among other places, it’s where I found his recent article, ‘Peace In Our Time: Complete And General Disarmament’. Christopher Black’s novel, ‘Beneath the Clouds’, “a story of how people, acting collectively, can defeat tyranny” is published by Badak Merah.

Chris Black in the first half.

And; overshadowed by the horrors in Gaza, in Palestine’s West Bank a modern day pogrom is being carried out by both the Israeli government and its “settlers” against the indigenous Palestinian population. Hundreds have been killed, and thousands summarily arrested and imprisoned through so-called ‘administrative detention’ measures; denied charge, trial dates, access to either lawyers or legal remedy, all while suffering grotesque abuses at the hands of their captors.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society says nearly 8,000 from the West Bank and Jerusalem are held in Israeli custody of one sort or another, including women and children, with reports of physical and sexual abuse cited by Amnesty International and the United Nations Human Rights Council, who says,

“…[T]hese alleged acts may constitute grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and amount to serious crimes under international criminal law that could be prosecuted under the Rome Statute.

Salam Hamdan is a Palestinian political activist and Social-Feminist from Ramallah in the West Bank. She recently spoke at UVic with Prof Martin Bunton about Palestine on ‘Two States in Palestine: Solution or Fantasy?’

Salam Hamdan and Palestine’s other humanitarian disaster in the second half.

But first, Christopher Black and tolling the Peace Bell in the face of World War Next.


Artists: David Rovics

Songs: ‘The Last Time the U.S. Invaded Russia’


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Love Out a Window: Hind's Hall's Eponymous Inspiration

Unfurling Love from the Window

by Kathy Kelly - The Progressive

May 7, 2024
On April 30, when Columbia University student protesters took over Hamilton Hall, they renamed it “Hind’s Hall,” dropping a large banner out the windows above the building’s entrance. 
A banner and a name remind student protesters for whom they are fighting.

This was a hall famously occupied by students in the 1968 protests against the Vietnam War and against Jim Crow racism in the United States. The students are risking suspension and expulsion, and a very real blacklist has already been generated against them, with Congress joining in to define criticism of genocide as a form of antisemitism that state universities and state-linked employers will not be allowed to tolerate.

I believe their love for Hind Rajab guides the movement so desperately needed to resist militarism. Hind was six years old when Israel used U.S.-supplied weapons to kill her.

If our civilization survives a looming ecological collapse that is helping to drive catastrophic nuclear brinkmanship, I hope future generations of students will study the “Hind’s Hall” occupation in the way that students of the civil rights movement have studied the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the story of Emmett Till. Hind’s story is tragically emblematic. Her cruel murder has befallen many thousands of children throughout the decades of Israel’s fight to maintain apartheid. 

Just in our young century, from September 2000 to September 2023, Israel’s B’tselem organization reports that 2,309 Palestinian minors were killed by Israelis and some 145 Israeli minors were killed by Palestinians, with these numbers excluding Palestinian children dead from deliberate immiseration via blockade or traumatized as hostages in prisons. We hear reports that thirty-eight Israeli children and some 14,000 Palestinian children have been murdered since October 7, deaths which can all be laid on the doorstep of the ethnostate project so lethally determined to keep one ethnicity in undemocratic governance.

No six-year-old poses any threat to anyone. Like the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children starved to death during the U.S. imposition of economic sanctions against Iraq, none of these children could be held accountable for the actions of their government or military.

Hind Rajab committed no crime, but she was made to watch her family die and wait for death surrounded by their corpses. When the ambulance crew asked safe passage to come rescue her, she was used as bait to kill them as well. Her story must be remembered and told over and over.

As Jeffrey St. Clair writes, Hind was a little girl who liked to dress up as a princess. She lived in the neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa, an area south of Gaza City.

“Hind Rajab was in her own city when the invaders in tanks came,” St. Clair notes. “What was left of it . . . Hind’s own kindergarten, from which she’d recently graduated, had been blown up, as had so many other schools, places of learning, places of shelter and places of safety in Gaza City.”

On January 29, when the Israelis ordered people to evacuate, her mother, Wissam Hamada, and an older sibling set off on foot. Hind joined her uncle, aunt, and three cousins who traveled in a black Kia automobile.

The uncle placed a call to a relative in Germany which initiated the family’s contact with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS). After the initial connection with the PRCS switchboard, the car was targeted and hit, killing Hind’s uncle, her aunt, and two of her cousins.

Hind and her fifteen-year-old cousin, Layan, were the only survivors.

Switchboard operators handling the phone contact with Layan had immediately notified ambulance workers that the little girls needed to be rescued.

But it would have been suicidal for a rescue crew to enter the area without first working out coordinates with the Israeli military.

Similar to the World Central Kitchen workers killed on Monday, April 1, they waited hours for the coordinated rescue plan.

On the audio tape shared by the PRCS workers, Layan’s petrified voice can be heard. The tank is coming closer. She is so scared. A blast is heard and Layan no longer speaks. PRCS workers call back and Hind answers.

She pleads, “Please come and get me. I’m so scared.”

St. Clair writes, “The [PRCS] dispatched an ambulance crewed by two paramedics: Ahmed al-Madhoon and Youssef Zeino. As Ahmed and Youssef approached the Tel al-Hawa area, they reported to the Red Crescent dispatchers that the IDF was targeting them, and that snipers had pointed lasers at the ambulance. Then there was the sound of gunfire and an explosion. The line went silent.”

The tank-fired M830A1 missile remnant found nearby had been manufactured in the United States by a subsidiary of the Day and Zimmermann Corporation. Day and Zimmermann prides itself on having once received the U.S. National “Family Business of the Year” award—an Internet search for the award chiefly produces references to this company. The company states that it believes in civic and community service, with core values of safety and integrity; emphasizing their success as a team that hits its targets. But since last October, their business has been killing families like Hind’s.

Although Israel predictably insists that Layan and Hind, and the additional slain paramedics, were all lying with their final breaths and that no IDF tanks were present to attack them, Al Jazeera’s analysis of satellite images taken at midday on January 29 corroborates the victims’ accounts and puts at least three Israeli tanks just 270 meters (886 feet) from the family’s car, with their guns pointed at it.

When rescuers were finally allowed to approach the remains of Hind and her family on February 10, the car was riddled with bullet holes likely coming from more than one direction.

Hind’s mother couldn’t go to the site until February 12.

On May 5, Israel raided the offices of Al Jazeera at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem and moved to shut down the television network’s operations in Israel.

To remember Hind’s story is an act of resistance. Commemorating her short life builds resolve to confront profiteers who benefit from developing, manufacturing, storing, and selling the weapons that prolong wars—robbing children of their precious right to live.

Universities should, in theory, be places to learn things of importance, and we can learn from the students of Hind Hall to throw comfort and ambition out the window while keeping hold of love, as the students clung to that banner and to the name of Hind Rajab. We can learn to keep hold of our humanity. We learn by doing, as these students are learning to do, drawing wisdom from people like Phil Berrigan who famously said, “Don’t get tired!”

The list of Gaza solidarity encampments grows each day. Conscious of increasing famine in Gaza, students at Princeton University launched a water-only fast on May 4 as they continue to call for their University to divest from corporations selling weapons to Israel. The United Nations warns of a potential collapse of aid delivery to Palestinians with Israel’s May 7 closure of the two main crossings into Gaza. These crossings are critical entry points for food, medicine, and other supplies for Gaza’s 2.3 million people. The disruptions come at a time when officials say northern Gaza is experiencing a “full-blown famine.

With thousands of innocent lives in the balance, promoters of peace should take advantage of this crucial opportunity to follow the young people, learning alongside the students whose hunger for humanity reveals stunning courage.

Kathy Kelly ( is board president of World BEYOND War and a co-coordinator of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal

This article first appeared in The Progressive Magazine

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dave Lindorff, Viviana Herrera May 15th, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

May 15, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 15th, 2024

The Gaza genocide is accelerated. Now at the gates of the southern city of Rafah, heavy bombing over the weekend, described by refugees of Israel’s seven-plus months-long razing of the walled enclave as the most intense experienced yet. As hundreds of America’s largest bombs rained on the estimated one and a half million Palestinians driven into Rafah, the Israeli military bombed too areas in north and central Gaza, where many have returned to the ruins of their homes, after finding no safety in the south. Protest against Israel’s blatant criminality has come from every quarter of international governance, and on the streets of cities and college campuses around the World; and yet the slaughter continues.

Dave Lindorff is an Izzy Award-winning investigative journalist, author, founder of the web news site, This Can’t Be Happening, and co-producer of the documentary, ‘A Compassionate Spy’. The film tells the tale of Ted Hall, wunderkind physicist and spy who may well have saved Russia and the World from nuclear conflagration, and it’s the subject of Lindorff’s companion book for the film, ‘Spy for No Country’. Dave’s latest article at This Can’t Be Happening covering America’s reaction to the Gaza Genocide is, ‘The Protesters on the Nation’s Campuses are Winning!’

Dave Lindorff in the first half.

And; the late American poet, Maya Angelou famously said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” In Canada’s case, behind its liberal-humanist rhetoric what it has shown time and again is a ruthless devotion to capitalist ventures at home and abroad. Whether bankrolling the laying of pipelines over the lands and bodies of indigenous resistance in British Columbia, or vouchsafing the corporate plunder of Asia, Africa, South America, and the Caribbean, Canada consistently reveals itself; and you can believe the people in those places trod underfoot know what they’re looking at, even if Canadians largely don’t see it.

Viviana Herrera is Latin America Program Coordinator for MiningWatch Canada, and what they’re looking at right now is the “Surging violence surrounding Canadian mining projects in Ecuador“, and ongoing free trade talks between the two countries underway.

Viviana Herrera and watching Canada’s efforts to set up a new Investor State Dispute Settlements with Ecuador in the second half.

But first, Dave Lindorff and the “draconian tactics of corrupt and gutless college leaders to try and shut down protests against Israeli genocide in Gaza”.


Artists: David Rovics; Macklemore

Songs: ‘Once the Last Palestinian is Killed’; ‘Hind’s Hall’


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:


Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf May 8th, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

May 8, 2024

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded May 8th, 2024

Listen. Hear.

After rejecting a ceasefire agreement, Israel increased its bombing of the southern Gaza city of Rafah Monday night. In the small hours Tuesday, the eastern section of the border town was leafleted, then heavily bombed, while the crossing with Egypt, the only avenue of escape, was seized, with twenty people there reportedly being executed by the Israeli army. Whether or not this bodes the long-promised ground invasion of the city, where more than a million and a half Palestinian civilians have fled over the course of the now seven months-long genocide campaign, is difficult to determine; bombing civilians is one thing, but facing the waiting soldiers of Gaza’s resistance is quite another.

Laith Marouf is the Palestinian-Canadian founder of FreePalestine.Video. The long-time multimedia consultant and producer is currently chronicling the Palestine disaster from is base in Beirut. Free Palestine Video says it’s meant to fill a “large gap” and provide coverage, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.”

Laith Marouf and the next stage in an epochal struggle for the future.


Artists: Macklemore; David Rovics

Song: ‘Hind’s Hall’; ‘Boycott, Sanction, and Divest’ 


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Voices in the Crowd, Terry Wolfwood May Day, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

May Day, 2024
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded April 25th and May 1st, 2024

Listen. Hear.

Happy May Day! In times of yore, in the northern hemisphere, the May Day heralded Winter’s finality and the coming of Spring proper. No frosts would come to kill seeds to soon planted, or make perish younglings in the nest. For youngsters now, “May Day” as heard may first evoke panic of a Mayday! Mayday! that since 1927 has been recognized as the universal signal of distress. As international raconteur, and frequent guest on Gorilla Radio, John Helmer, (from whom this introduction is inspired) reminds, the distressful element of the Mayday derives from the French, “M’aidez”, literally “help me!” It’s a call emanating now across the World for the people of Gaza that is being answered with blunt force by authorities in the countries in support of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine; a genocide promising to become a 21st Century Holocaust.

In the first half, local voices becoming a part of the global barricade to stop the slaughter and to free finally Palestine.

And; as well as genocide in Gaza, and so far less virulent attacks against freedom of speech and thought at American universities, Israel is too targeting the Palestinian culture, hunting down and killing its journalists, authors, and poets. Fascists have always feared artists and their ability to stir within our hearts aspirations for a more beautiful world, and have always tried and failed to quash that spirit; and in their attempts they reveal themselves and their vile philosophy to be the enemy of what’s best about us, and what’s best about being alive.

Terry Wolfwood is the Director and co-founder of the Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation. She’s served as local coordinator for the Victoria chapter of Women in Black for many years, and has traveled numerous times to the refugee camps in Palestine and Western Sahara to bear witness to those suffering injustice, and to bring the message of the people she meets there back to Canada. Terry is too a poet and author; her articles have appeared at Briarpatch, Peace News, and Third World Resurgence among other places. Her poetry can be found at the Foundation’s site,, and in her recently released second anthology, ‘Passion and Commitment’, published by Smallberry Press.

Terry Wolfwood and a life of passionate existence, love, (art) and resistance in the second half.

But first, Palestine’s message from Victoria to the World.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at: