Gorilla Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in State and Corporate media. The G-Radio archive can be found at: www.Gorilla-Radio.com and at GRadio.Substack.com. The show's blog is: GorillaRadioBlog.Blogspot.com, and you can check us out on Twitter @Paciffreepress
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Militarizing Europe Again - Germany Manoeuvres to Lead
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dimitri Lascaris, Dan Kovalik December 10, 2022
This Week on GR
by C.L.Cook - Gorilla-Radio.com
As the war in Ukraine grinds on one casualty of the conflict rarely discussed is that on the environment, both in the war zone and beyond it. War and the preparation for war is one of the most ecologically costly of all human endeavors – not only because of the vast amounts of nature laid waste in the production of tanks and planes, and bombs and bullets, but also for the diversion of the time and talents of legions of scientists, engineers, and others which would be better occupied working on solutions to the precarious moment humanity finds itself in.
Dimitri Lascaris is a Montreal-based activist, journalist, and lawyer. He very nearly became leader of the Green Party of Canada, finishing second in a tightly-contested race with the now-departed Annamie Paul. Dimitri’s interviews for TRNN are at TheRealNews.com, and his articles appear at his website, DimitriLascaris.org, where I found his recent piece, ‘As Ukraine War Escalates, the Climate Movement Goes AWOL‘.
Dimitri Lascaris in the first half.
And; the nature of the conflict in Ukraine has been mischaracterized from the start. How and why we find ourselves at the precipice of perhaps the final war cannot be gleaned reading, watching, or listening to a western press which has, by turns, acted as propagandist and cheerleader for World War III. And, understanding that has never been more vital than it is now.
Dan Kovalik is a lawyer, educator, labour, peace, and justice activist, democracy defender, journalist, author, and filmmaker. His book titles include: ‘Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture,’ the “Plot to” series on American efforts to undermine the governments and economies of Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and the World entirely. His latest is, ‘No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using ‘Humanitarian’ Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interest.’ Dan’s just back from a fact-finding mission to Russia and the Eastern Republics of Ukraine.
Dan Kovalik and life in World War time in the second half.
But first, Dimtri Lascaris and Canada’s Green movement, missing in action when needed most.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at Gorilla-Radio.com, GRadio.Substack.com, and the GR blog at: https://gorillaradioblog.blogspot.com/