Seven Double Standards
Posted on March 31, 2011 by George
Why don’t we judge other forms of energy generation by the standards we apply to nuclear power?
By George Monbiot. Published on the Guardian’s website, 31st March 2011
The accusations have been so lurid that I had to read my article again to reassure myself that I hadn’t written the things that so many of my correspondents say I had. So, before I begin the counter-attack, here’s what I didn’t say about nuclear power.
I did not claim that there is no alternative to atomic energy, or any such thing. Nor did I suggest that it should replace renewables, or produce any higher proportion of our electricity than it does already. But I did point out that most of the countries that might abandon nuclear power are likely to replace it not with renewables but with fossil fuel, and that this is a major change for the worse. Mark Lynas has shown how phasing out planned nuclear programmes in a number of countries as a result of the Fukushima disaster could add another degree to global warming. Chris Goodall estimates that if the planned construction of new nuclear power stations in the UK stalls in response to the crisis, the result will be an increase of 9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide for every year we delay.
Replacing current nuclear generation when the power stations reach the end of their lives is a tough decision. So is not replacing it. Not replacing it is a decision to do one of two things:
A. To switch to coal or gas, which means greatly increasing the rate of industrial deaths and injuries, levels of pollution and the impacts of climate change.
B. To add even more weight to the burden that must be carried by renewables.
Response A is far more likely, and appears to be taking place already: for example in Germany.
Like most environmentalists, I want renewables to replace fossil fuel, but I realise we make the task even harder if they are also to replace nuclear power.
I’m not saying, as many have claimed, that we should drop our concerns about economic growth, consumption, energy efficiency and the conservation of resources. Far from it. What I’m talking about is how we generate the electricity we will need. Given that, like most greens, I would like current transport and heating fuels to be replaced with low-carbon electricity, it’s impossible to see, even with maximum possible energy savings, how the electricity supply can do anything other than grow. All the quantified studies I have seen, including those produced by environmental organisations, support this expectation. Ducking the challenge of how it should be produced is not an option.
Nor have I changed my politics (and nor for that matter am I an undercover cop, a mass murderer, a eugenicist or, as one marvellous email suggested, “the consort of the devil”). In fact it’s surprising how little the politics of energy supply change with the mass-generation technology we choose. Whether or not there is a nuclear component, we are talking about large corporations building infrastructure, generating electricity and feeding it into the grid. My suspicion of big business and my belief that it needs to be held to account remain unchanged.
Nor is the Fukushima crisis anything other than horrible: dangerous, traumatic and disruptive. I’m urging perspective, not complacency.
OK, that’s the record-setting done. Now for the counter-attack. Here is a list of what I believe are the double-standards that some of us who have opposed nuclear power (I include myself in this) have used when arguing against it.
Double Standard 1: Deaths and Injuries.
We rightly lament the horrible consequences of industrial exposure to radiation. Two workers at Fukushima have so far received radiation burns and 17 have been exposed to levels of radiation considered unsafe. This is and should be a cause for serious concern. It is also worth remembering that no one has yet received a dose of radiation that is known to be lethal as a result of the Fukushima disaster. But if we are concerned about industrial injuries, why do we say nothing about the deaths and injuries in the industry most likely to replace nuclear power?
In China alone, the government estimates that 2,433 people died in coal mining accidents last year. That’s not injuries or exposures. It’s deaths. Human rights activists believe that official figures might have been underestimated by a factor of four.
What this means is that, in the normal course of operations, at least 6 people are killed in Chinese coal mines every day. Even if you accept the official figure, Chinese coal mining alone kills as many people every week as the worst nuclear power accident in history – the Chernobyl explosion – has done in 25 years.
And this is to say nothing of the far larger number of injuries that coal mining inflicts, in particular the hideous lung diseases which plague so many miners and cause long, lingering and terrible deaths. When was the last time you heard an anti-nuclear campaigner drawing attention to this daily carnage? No really, when was it?
Double Standard 2: The Science.
We emphasise, when debating climate change, the importance of the scientific consensus, and reliance on solid, peer-reviewed studies. As soon as we start discussing the dangers of low-level radiation, we abandon that and endorse the pseudo-scientific gibberish of a motley collection of cranks and quacks, who appear to have begun with the assumption that it must be killing thousands of people every year, and retrofitted the evidence to match it.
Such people exist in every field, especially those that are politically contentious. We should, by now, have learnt to be wary of them. But it seems that the temptation, for people hoping to make the case against nuclear power, is overwhelming.
For a good summary of the scientific consensus on the effects of exposure to both high and low levels of radiation, see the new post by Chris Goodall and Mark Lynas: two environmentalists who have kept their heads in this crisis.
Double Standard 3: Radioactive Pollution
If low-level radiation really was the problem that some environmentalists say it is, the focus of their campaign should be coal plants, not nuclear power. As Scientific American notes:
“the fly ash emitted by a power plant—a by-product from burning coal for electricity—carries into the surrounding environment 100 times more radiation than a nuclear power plant producing the same amount of energy.”
This is because coal contains trace amounts of uranium and thorium, which are concentrated in the ash. Not only does this expose people living around coal plants to higher doses of radiation than people living around nuclear plants receive; but the regulations for disposing of fly ash are far weaker than the regulations for disposing of low-level nuclear waste. You may remember the controversy about RWE npower’s plan to dump the fly ash from Didcot power station into a lake between the villages of Radley and Abingdon. Where were the anti-nuclear campaigners then? Can you imagine what the outcry would have been if a corporation had planned to fill it with low-level waste from a nuclear plant?
Double Standard 4: Mining Impact
Anti-nuclear campaigners emphasise the damage and pollution inflicted by uranium mines. They are right to do so. Some of these mines are hideous, and they are one of the many reasons why we should urgently develop new reactor technologies which sharply reduce the need for fresh supplies. But the impacts of coal mining are massively greater. There are hundreds of times more coal mines than uranium mines, including opencast sites, and a lot of them of them are many times bigger and more destructive than the largest uranium operations. This doesn’t make uranium mining right, but it makes the likely switch to coal even more wrong.
Double Standard 5: Costs
One of the most frequent arguments against nuclear power is that it costs too much. Many environmentalists claim that, when all the hidden costs, especially the massive decommissioning liabilities, are taken into account, electricity from atomic plants could cost as much as 5p per kilowatt hour or even more. The highest figure I have come across was the top end of the range of estimates produced by the New Economics Foundation – 8.3p. If this is correct – and I should emphasise that it’s an extreme outlier – it suggests that nuclear is an extravagant means of generating low-carbon electricity.
So why do the same people support a feed-in tariff scheme under which we pay 41p per kilowatt hour for rooftop solar electricity?
Double Standard 6: Research
Last week I argued about these issues with Caroline Lucas. Caroline is one of my heroes, and the best thing to have happened to Parliament since time immemorial. But this doesn’t mean that she can’t be wildly illogical when she chooses. When I raised the issue of the feed-in tariff, she pointed out that the difference between subsidising nuclear power and subsidising solar power is that nuclear is a mature technology and solar is not. In that case, I asked, would she support research into thorium reactors, which could provide a much safer and cheaper means of producing nuclear power? No, she told me, because thorium reactors are not a proven technology. Words fail me.
Double Standard 7: Timing
Anti-nuclear campaigners point out that it takes ten years or so to build a new nuclear power station, and we haven’t got that long, if we are serious about preventing climate breakdown. They are of course quite right: it’s too little, too late. But the same problem affects every significant move to decarbonise the energy supply. By the time it has gone through the planning process, a major new grid connection to support an offshore wind farm will take roughly as long to develop as a new nuclear power station. The same goes for the pumped storage facilities required to support a largely renewable power system and for the carbon capture and storage required to reduce the impacts of fossil fuels. As for growing trees …
My point is that we have to take responsibility for every component of our energy supply and the consequences it carries; not just the section of it that’s produced by nuclear reactors. And we should apply the same standards to all generating technologies. Otherwise, in the name of reducing risks to people and the planet, we will unwittingly increase them.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Cermaq Sues Salmon Farming Activist Org.

Mainstream Canada begins legal proceedings against Don Staniford
source: Cermaq
Mainstream Canada has begun legal proceedings against Mr. Don Staniford and his organization The Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, for defamatory statements that have been made regarding the company’s fish farming operations. Mainstream and Cermaq views his statements as false and misleading.
The statements made by Mr. Staniford (illustration) are a direct attack on Mainstream Canada’s and parent company Cermaq’s reputations as responsible company engaged in sustainable aquaculture.
- For a number of years certain environmental activists in British Columbia, Canada, have been attacking our company and the industry with false and misleading statements. We have a responsibility towards our employees, that is why Mainstream Canada is acting now, says Lise Bergan, Corporate Affairs Director of Cermaq
-Our employees are working hard every day ensuring responsible aquaculture. We adhere to strict regulations and our company code of conduct. Comparing fish farming with cancer is an offence to all our employees, but also disrespectful to all those who suffer from cancer, comments Lise Bergan.
Statements made by Mr. Staniford have gone beyond logic and defy the conclusions of many well respected researchers and third party experts who have documented and reported on fish farming practices and their impact on individuals, the environment or other industries.
Mr. Staniford’s intention seems to be to frighten and convince consumers to turn away from eating farmed salmon. Contrary to his statements, the health benefits of eating fat fish like farmed salmon are broadly encouraged. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times (two servings) a week.
For Mainstream Canada this is not only a question of protecting our reputation, but an obligation to employees, and to their partners like suppliers, the communities where Mainstream operates and Mainstream’s First Nations partners. The objective of Mainstream and Cermaq is a business environment where issues are discussed with fair arguments based on knowledge, and not a situation where individuals or organizations such as Mr. Staniford‘s obstruct with defamatory actions.
Thanks to BCEN you can now read online GAAIA's letter to Cermaq and the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry (who are the largest shareholders in Cermaq - which owns Mainstream Canada and EWOS Canada):
Letter to Cermaq and Norwegian Ministry of Trade & Ownership from GAAIA (23rd March):
Notice of Civil Claim by Cermaq (23rd March): il%20Claim.pdf
Reminds me of a line from the film Braveheart: "I'd say that was rather less cordial than he was used to"
British Columbian Environmental Network, 26th March 2011
Cermaq, a conglomerate of companies with activities in fish farming, production of salmonid feed and research in aquaculture, claims Staniford motivated by ideology. Threatened lawsuit letter: Download.
Invokes defense of Mother Earth in response to Fish Farm suit for defamation
Read response
by Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture to Norwegian Government and Industry
"Salmon farming, like smoking, seriously damages public health, our environmental health and the health of wild salmon...the smoking gun of the Cohen Inquiry in Canada is primed to pull the trigger on damning details of how Norwegian-owned salmon farms are spreading infectious diseases to wild salmon".
"GAAIA finds it particularly curious that Cermaq chooses to fight the fact that "Salmon Farming Spreads Disease" when data sourced from Cermaq's own farms and peer-reviewed scientific papers co-authored by EWOS/Cermaq staff support GAAIA's position. "
The Straight, 25th March 2011
Norwegian-owned B.C. fish-farm company sues salmon activist
Mainstream Canada seeks injunction against claims by Scottish industrial-aquaculture foe
By Martin Dunphy
, March 25, 2011
Online comments about salmon farming land environmentalist in court
Notes to Editors:
[1] In reply to a letter dated 18th March 2011 from Cermaq's lawyers, GAAIA sent a letter dated 23rd March addressed to Geir Isaksen (CEO, Cermaq); Trond Giske (Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry); Mette Wikborg (Director General, Ownership Department, Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry); Kjell Bjordal (Managing Director, EWOS) and King Harald IV of Norway
A copy of a letter sent to the King of Norway in 2010 is also available via:
[2] "Smoke on the Water, Cancer on the Coast" will be published soon via
Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, 24th March 2011
Salmon Farming Kills Free Speech!
- Norwegian Government abuses the Canadian Court system to crush criticism
fino, British Columbia - The Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture (GAAIA) is fighting a lawsuit being threatened by the Norwegian Government via the Norwegian-owned company Cermaq (which operates in Canada via Mainstream and EWOS). GAAIA will strongly defend itself from any legal threats from the Norwegian Government and litigation which seeks to expand Norwegian-owned salmon farming in British Columbia in particular. GAAIA is campaigning to stop the farming of alien Atlantic salmon in the pristine waters of the Pacific by Norwegian-owned companies (Cermaq, Marine Harvest and Grieg Seafood) who now control 92% of BC salmon farms.
"Bring it on!" said Don Staniford, global coordinator for GAAIA. "Where there's smoke there's fire or as they say in showbusiness 'where there's a hit, there's a writ'. GAAIA relishes the opportunity to prove in court that 'Salmon Farming Kills'. Cermaq are blowing smoke and are all smoke and mirrors when it comes to their claims of 'sustainable aquaculture'.
Norwegian companies may have a monopoly on salmon farming but the Norwegian Government does not have a monopoly on the truth. Salmon farming, like smoking, seriously damages public health, our environmental health and the health of wild salmon. For the sake of our global ocean we need to quit salmon farming now and stub out farmed salmon from the face of the blue planet".
In response to the threat of legal action from Cermaq, GAAIA yesterday fired off a smoking hot letter to Cermaq, the Norwegian Government and the King of Norway [1]. GAAIA will be seeking to file a private prosecution and other legal remedies against the Norwegian Government and Cermaq. GAAIA will soon be publishing a new report 'Smoke on the Water, Cancer on the Coast' lifting the lid on the can of worms that is the Norwegian-owned global salmon farming industry [2].
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it Geir Isaksen (CEO of Cermaq) and Trond Giske (Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry)!" said Staniford. "Norwegian-owned companies have blood on their hands and are responsible for the deaths of millions of salmon, hundreds of marine mammals as well as even their own workers. Cermaq's disease-ridden feedlots have left a trail of tragedy in their wake especially in Chile and in British Columbia where they are spreading infectious diseases around the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Broughton Archipelago and the Wild Salmon Narrows.
Even more alarmingly, the smoking gun of the Cohen Inquiry in Canada is primed to pull the trigger on damning details of how Norwegian-owned salmon farms are spreading infectious diseases to wild salmon".
GAAIA finds it particularly curious that Cermaq chooses to fight the fact that "Salmon Farming Spreads Disease" when data sourced from Cermaq's own farms and peer-reviewed scientific papers co-authored by EWOS/Cermaq staff support GAAIA's position. GAAIA yesterday wrote to the Canadian Fisheries Minister on the ISA issue in particular.
"The Norwegian Government - who are the largest shareholder and controlling interest in Cermaq - must not be allowed to get away with murder in British Columbia, Chile, Scotland and at home in Norway," said Staniford. "Is the Cermaq Board of Directors and Cermaq shareholders, including the Minister of Trade and Industry, fully aware of the potential implications of the disease problem in Canada on not just the health of wild salmon stocks but also the health of Cermaq's stocks? Cermaq may be fuelled by billions of dollars of dirty Norwegian oil-money but GAAIA is armed with the sword of truth and shield of virtue and has GAIA, the goddess of Mother Earth, in our corner. Cermaq and the Norwegian Government - see you in court."
GAAIA is seeking to support shareholder resolutions at this year's Cermaq AGM (taking place in Oslo, Norway, on 11th May) calling for the resignation of CEO Geir Isaksen and the full and transparent public disclosure of disease records in Canada as well as Chile, Scotland and Norway.
A photo of Don Staniford handing a letter to the King of Norway in 2009 is
available above and online (with video) via:
Also online as a news story in Canada via:
In Norway (in English):
In Norwegian:
Letter to Cermaq and Norwegian Ministry of Trade & Ownership from GAAIA (23rd March):
Notice of Civil Claim by Cermaq (23rd March): il%20Claim.pdf
Reminds me of a line from the film Braveheart: "I'd say that was rather less cordial than he was used to"
British Columbian Environmental Network, 26th March 2011
Cermaq, a conglomerate of companies with activities in fish farming, production of salmonid feed and research in aquaculture, claims Staniford motivated by ideology. Threatened lawsuit letter: Download.
Invokes defense of Mother Earth in response to Fish Farm suit for defamation
Read response
by Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture to Norwegian Government and Industry
"Salmon farming, like smoking, seriously damages public health, our environmental health and the health of wild salmon...the smoking gun of the Cohen Inquiry in Canada is primed to pull the trigger on damning details of how Norwegian-owned salmon farms are spreading infectious diseases to wild salmon".
"GAAIA finds it particularly curious that Cermaq chooses to fight the fact that "Salmon Farming Spreads Disease" when data sourced from Cermaq's own farms and peer-reviewed scientific papers co-authored by EWOS/Cermaq staff support GAAIA's position. "
The Straight, 25th March 2011
Norwegian-owned B.C. fish-farm company sues salmon activist
Mainstream Canada seeks injunction against claims by Scottish industrial-aquaculture foe
By Martin Dunphy
Online comments about salmon farming land environmentalist in court
Notes to Editors:
[1] In reply to a letter dated 18th March 2011 from Cermaq's lawyers, GAAIA sent a letter dated 23rd March addressed to Geir Isaksen (CEO, Cermaq); Trond Giske (Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry); Mette Wikborg (Director General, Ownership Department, Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry); Kjell Bjordal (Managing Director, EWOS) and King Harald IV of Norway
A copy of a letter sent to the King of Norway in 2010 is also available via:
[2] "Smoke on the Water, Cancer on the Coast" will be published soon via
Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture, 24th March 2011
Salmon Farming Kills Free Speech!
- Norwegian Government abuses the Canadian Court system to crush criticism
fino, British Columbia - The Global Alliance Against Industrial Aquaculture (GAAIA) is fighting a lawsuit being threatened by the Norwegian Government via the Norwegian-owned company Cermaq (which operates in Canada via Mainstream and EWOS). GAAIA will strongly defend itself from any legal threats from the Norwegian Government and litigation which seeks to expand Norwegian-owned salmon farming in British Columbia in particular. GAAIA is campaigning to stop the farming of alien Atlantic salmon in the pristine waters of the Pacific by Norwegian-owned companies (Cermaq, Marine Harvest and Grieg Seafood) who now control 92% of BC salmon farms.
"Bring it on!" said Don Staniford, global coordinator for GAAIA. "Where there's smoke there's fire or as they say in showbusiness 'where there's a hit, there's a writ'. GAAIA relishes the opportunity to prove in court that 'Salmon Farming Kills'. Cermaq are blowing smoke and are all smoke and mirrors when it comes to their claims of 'sustainable aquaculture'.
Norwegian companies may have a monopoly on salmon farming but the Norwegian Government does not have a monopoly on the truth. Salmon farming, like smoking, seriously damages public health, our environmental health and the health of wild salmon. For the sake of our global ocean we need to quit salmon farming now and stub out farmed salmon from the face of the blue planet".
In response to the threat of legal action from Cermaq, GAAIA yesterday fired off a smoking hot letter to Cermaq, the Norwegian Government and the King of Norway [1]. GAAIA will be seeking to file a private prosecution and other legal remedies against the Norwegian Government and Cermaq. GAAIA will soon be publishing a new report 'Smoke on the Water, Cancer on the Coast' lifting the lid on the can of worms that is the Norwegian-owned global salmon farming industry [2].
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it Geir Isaksen (CEO of Cermaq) and Trond Giske (Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry)!" said Staniford. "Norwegian-owned companies have blood on their hands and are responsible for the deaths of millions of salmon, hundreds of marine mammals as well as even their own workers. Cermaq's disease-ridden feedlots have left a trail of tragedy in their wake especially in Chile and in British Columbia where they are spreading infectious diseases around the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Broughton Archipelago and the Wild Salmon Narrows.
Even more alarmingly, the smoking gun of the Cohen Inquiry in Canada is primed to pull the trigger on damning details of how Norwegian-owned salmon farms are spreading infectious diseases to wild salmon".
GAAIA finds it particularly curious that Cermaq chooses to fight the fact that "Salmon Farming Spreads Disease" when data sourced from Cermaq's own farms and peer-reviewed scientific papers co-authored by EWOS/Cermaq staff support GAAIA's position. GAAIA yesterday wrote to the Canadian Fisheries Minister on the ISA issue in particular.
"The Norwegian Government - who are the largest shareholder and controlling interest in Cermaq - must not be allowed to get away with murder in British Columbia, Chile, Scotland and at home in Norway," said Staniford. "Is the Cermaq Board of Directors and Cermaq shareholders, including the Minister of Trade and Industry, fully aware of the potential implications of the disease problem in Canada on not just the health of wild salmon stocks but also the health of Cermaq's stocks? Cermaq may be fuelled by billions of dollars of dirty Norwegian oil-money but GAAIA is armed with the sword of truth and shield of virtue and has GAIA, the goddess of Mother Earth, in our corner. Cermaq and the Norwegian Government - see you in court."
GAAIA is seeking to support shareholder resolutions at this year's Cermaq AGM (taking place in Oslo, Norway, on 11th May) calling for the resignation of CEO Geir Isaksen and the full and transparent public disclosure of disease records in Canada as well as Chile, Scotland and Norway.
A photo of Don Staniford handing a letter to the King of Norway in 2009 is
available above and online (with video) via:
Also online as a news story in Canada via:
In Norway (in English):
In Norwegian:
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