This Week on GR
by C.L. Cook -
Canadians trying to reconcile the country’s performance on the World stage these last months and years may be suffering cognizant dissonance; aren’t we afterall the good guys? You wouldn’t know it watching our Parliamentarians salute Ukrainian proto-Nazis, or the government aiding and abetting their Banderite successors. Yes, this Great White North is definitely not your Great-Grandfather’s; but, when it comes to refusing to condemn the purveyors of ethnic cleansing and openly supporting a colonial, racist genocide, today’s Canada is starting to look a lot more like his Great-Great-Grandfather’s!
Nick Gottlieb is a climate writer based in northern BC, and author of the Sacred Headwaters newsletter. Nick’s also a community organizer and graduate student at Simon Fraser University whose studies focus on the politics of climate change, colonialism, and imperialism. His articles appear too at, where I found his latest piece, ‘Canada has gone from complicity through silence to active participation in genocide‘.
Nick Gottlieb in the first half.
And; citizens of towns and cities around the World have gathered weekly in solidarity with the people currently being butchered wholesale by the Israeli war machine in Gaza, and harassed by organized thuggery in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the bombs, bullets, and bandages necessary for Israel to continue the carnage are being supplied by the factories of countries like Canada and Germany, the Netherlands and UK. In the United States, prime supporter and supplier of the current horror, one determined group decided to take its protest from the courthouse steps to the gates of the local munitions factory, putting their bodies in the path of the Satanic Mill they call ‘The Slaughterhouse’.
Nick Mottern is a journalist, author, and co-coordinator with Kathy Kelly of, an organization founded to “inform the American public about the illegality, immorality and dreadful human consequences of U.S. drone attacks…” . His articles appear across the internet, and at, where I found his recent piece, co-authored with Veterans for Peace activist, Jack Gilroy, ‘Welcome to the Slaughterhouse‘.
Nick Mottern and reading the government the Leahy Act in the second half.
But first, Nick Gottlieb and Canada’s transformation from silent partner to vociferous participant in genocide.
Song: Airdrop
Artist: David Rovics
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at: