Friday, June 28, 2024

Cabinet Order to Annex Entire West Bank, Eliminate Palestinian Authority Palestinian National Initiative Says

Cabinet Order to Annex Entire West Bank, Palestinian National Initiative Says

by Palestinian National Initiative

June 28, 2024 

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, the leader of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) said that the recent decisions of the Israeli cabinet are a  declaration of Israeli annexation of the West Bank, which is the most dangerous challenge facing the Palestinian people since the Nakba.
Israeli cabinet decisions approve an unprecedented expansion of illegal settlements and practical measures to Judaise the entire West Bank. The decisions include the complete seizure of the civilian powers of the Palestinian Authority in the so-called "B" areas and their subordination with “C” areas (82% of the West Bank in total) to the control of the settlers led by the Israeli finance minister and the de facto governor of the West Bank Smotrich.
The security authority of the PA in the so-called areas (A) were already cancelled by Israel , and this is an affirmation of Israel's termination of all the remains of the problematic Oslo Agreement. 
The most dangerous aspect of the cabinet’s decisions is that they legalise and change the nature of the West Bank from being an occupied Palestinian territory with foreign illegal settlement bodies in it, to an annexed Israeli territory in which settlements and their roads are besieging Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps and turning them into isolated and persecuted ghettos.

Barghouti said that Netanyahu and his fascist fundamentalist allies are implementing Netanyahu’s dreams to eliminate all possibilities for an independent Palestinian state, liquidate the entire Palestinian national rights, and to complete the implementation of the colonial settler project in all of historic Palestine.

Barghouti pointed out that the cabinet's decisions include not only the construction of more illegal settlements , but also the extensive demolition of Palestinian homes and facilities in most of the West Bank.

Barghouti stressed that the fascist decisions of the racist Israeli government and the war of genocide it is waging in Gaza are the most dangerous challenge the Palestinian people have faced since the Nakba in 1948.

He said that given the risks presented by the decision of the Israeli cabinet, the duty of Palestinian forces, factions and authority is to put aside their differences and conflicts and to accelerate the achievement of national unity and unified national leadership to addresses these unprecedented challenges.

He said the Israeli government will not be deterred from the dangerous  path they are taking without  the wide and serious sanctions from the International community and Arab countries.

Any one who claims to support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of an independent sovereign Palestinian state will be accused of hypocrisy unless they: call for the immediate end of Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza and the removal of Israeli illegal settlements; and participate in the imposition of sanctions on the Israeli government to force the retraction of their recent decisions.

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