Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gorilla Radio for Monday, October 31, 2005

Does Canada want Amparo Torres dead? Nchamah Miller of the Committee to Support Amparo Torres’ Rights.

Taking to the streets with the Western Canada Wilderness Committee's Write and Rally rally.

And, Janine Bandcroft bringing us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria this week.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, 104.3 cable, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor at the progressive web news site:

You can check out the GR blog at:

This Week on Gorilla Radio

Lost amid the headlines of America’s crusades in Central Asia, one of the longest running civil wars in the world grinds on. The situation in Colombia is grim. For over forty years, a desperate armed resistance has struggled against an oligarchic government and its ruthless policies. Typically, the struggle has created refugees fleeing factional violence and government-sponsored death squads.

Amparo Torres, declared a refugee by both the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and Canadian immigration when she arrived in 1996 suddenly finds herself accused of association with a “terrorist” organization, and so eligible, under Canada’s new “terrorism” laws, for “repatriation” to her native Colombia.

Nchamah Miller is a political science Ph D candidate at York University and is the chair of the Committee to Support Amparo Torres’ Rights. Nchamah Miller and seeing justice done in the first half.

And; Last week, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee launched its ‘Write and Rally for Vancouver Island’ campaign, an effort to pressure the provincial government to protect more than the meagre 13% of wild habitat levels they are currently proposing.

In the second half, “live” from the weekend’s Write and Rally rally.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week.

But first, Nchamah Miller and Canada, taking back refuge from the storm.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, 104.3 cable, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor at the progressive web news site:

You can check out the GR blog at:

G-Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in the mainstream media.

Some past guests include: M. Junaid Alam, Joel Bakan, Maude Barlow, David Barsamian, William Blum, Luciana Bohne, Vincent Bugliosi, Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Michel Chossudovsky, Diane Christian, Juan Cole, David Cromwell, Jon Elmer, Reese Erlich, Anthony Fenton, Jim Fetzer, Laura Flanders, Chris Floyd, Susan George, Stan Goff, Robert Greenwald, Denis Halliday, Chris Hedges, Sander Hicks, Julia Butterfly Hill, Robert Jensen, Dahr Jamail, Diana Johnstone, Kathy Kelly, Naomi Klein, Anthony Lappe, Frances Moore Lappe, Dave Lindorff, Jim Lobe, Jennifer Loewenstein, Wayne Madsen, Stephen Marshall, Linda McQuaig, George Monbiot, Loretta Napoleoni, John Nichols, Kurt Nimmo, Greg Palast, Michael Parenti, William Rivers Pitt, Sheldon Rampton, Paul Craig Roberts, Paul de Rooij, John Ross, Danny Schechter, Vandana Shiva, Norman Solomon, Starhawk, Grant Wakefield, Paul Watson, Bernard Weiner, Mickey Z., Dave Zirin, and many others.

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