Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, David Rovics, Victoria Gaza Solidarity March (Day #317 Streeters) August 21, 2024

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

August 21, 2024
 Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded August 21st, 2024

The Democratic National Convention commenced Monday in Chicago. The convention looks to be a coronation of vice-president Kamala Harris, who steps into the role Joe Biden vacated suddenly and strangely. The whole business is shady, and there's a lot of grumbling among rank and file Democrats, but Harris seems assured to stand against Donald Trump in the November poll.

There are too comparisons being made to the infamous DNC convention 56 years ago, when thousands of Americans opposing the continuation of America's war in Vietnam travelled from across the nation to demonstrate. There are thousands there again, this time to try to stop the genocide in Palestine; responsible now for the death and maiming of hundreds of thousands, and displacement of millions more.

David Rovics is a self-described: "Singer/songwriter, writer, anarchist, dad, and lover of life". David is in Chicago right now, singing at the centre of history as usual; this time in Union Park as The Ministry of Culture with Kamala Emanuel.

David's newest album, 'I Heard a Rumor' is freshly out and follows closely his twenty-song compilation, ‘Notes from a Holocaust’, written he said to, "...bear witness to the genocide of the Palestinian people that continues by the hour as I publish this album." Incredibly, that genocide grinds on still.

David Rovics in the first half.

And; some of Victoria's good people have gathered in protest on the lawns of British Columbia's seat of power, the Legislative Buildings every week since October. They've speechified, rallied, and marched through the downtown streets to bring attention not only to what Israel is doing in Palestine, but also to make more widely known what Canada is doing to support the slaughter of innocents.

I joined the march this past Sunday, Day #317 of the horror and talked to some of those taking part.

Marching in solidarity with Palestine in the second half.

But first, David Rovics not fearing loathing at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.


Song: Boycott, Sanction, and Divest

Artist: The Ministry of Culture

(David Rovics & Kamala “The Good” Emanuel)


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at: