Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pushing the UN to End Palestine Genocide

Hanging On with Gaza

by Kathy Kelly - World Beyond War

August 30, 2024

We must join with the call of the South African government which bravely upheld international law. We must clamor for the General Assembly to enact the “uniting for peace” resolution.

During a week of action focused on UN potential to end Israel’s genocidal attacks, I was part of a coalition that met with twelve different permanent missions to the United Nations. We urged that if countries that are parties to the Genocide Convention or the Geneva Conventions stop trading with Israel as international law demands, (cf. the July 19th advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice), the genocide will end quickly.

In each encounter at a Permanent Mission to the UN, its staff asked if we, as U.S. citizens, have addressed our government’s unwavering support for the genocide against impoverished and forcibly displaced people.

It was a deeply meaningful moment when the Irish Ambassador to the United Nations showed our delegation a miniature replica of John Behan’s poignant statue depicting the Irish exodus – it showed weary, hungry people disembarking from a boat after a stormy ocean voyage.

“You have to see each one of these as a human being,” he said.

My mother was an Irish indentured servant first in Ireland and then in England. As things go, she was among the more fortunate. She never endured being chained day and night in the Middle Passage of a slave ship carrying captives here, or in a human trafficker's overcrowded, lethally airless truck container. Nor did she have to cling to the remains of an overcrowded ship to keep from drowning after it capsized in the Mediterranean.

Life in Gaza is a desperate moment-to-moment ordeal of clinging to such wreckage, trying to stay above water, to stay alive, while both major U.S. political parties struggle to push you under.

In an article published by The Guardian, Israeli-American Omer Bartov, an eminent Holocaust historian and expert on genocide, lamented the unwillingness of many Israelis—some of whom are his friends, neighbors, colleagues, and even former students—to see Palestinians as human beings. He comments: “Many of my friends…feel that in the struggle between justice and existence, existence must win out…it is our own cause that must be triumphant, no matter the price… This feeling did not appear suddenly on 7 October.”

Is it futile to ask Israelis to reconsider this vengeance – avenging hundreds of civilians with several hundred thousand, half of them children – while the U.S. continues to arm Israel for the task?

Bartov continues: By the time I travelled to Israel, I had become convinced that …Israel was engaged in systematic war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocidal actions. … the ultimate goal of this entire undertaking from the very beginning had been to make the entire Gaza Strip uninhabitable, and to debilitate its population to such a degree that it would either die out or seek all possible options to flee the territory. In other words, … as the 1948 UN Genocide Convention puts it, … Israel was acting ‘with intent to destroy, in whole or in part’, the Palestinian population in Gaza, ‘as such, by killing, causing serious harm… inflicting conditions of life meant to bring about the group’s destruction’”.

How can United States citizens cope in a nation not just gone mad on war, but gone mad on genocide? We do not have to cope with lingering, state-enforced starvation or the memory of our lifeless children pulled from under rubble. But we must cope with our complicity.

When we can, we must act.

We cannot say we did not know. The United Nations member states watch the entire edifice of international law crumble as a genocide is broadcast across our screens. Israeli military forces may have killed close to 200,000 Gazans although only 40,000 bodies have been recovered for counting. The Israeli government’s siege is starving Palestinian children and has brought Gaza to the brink of a full-blown famine. Meanwhile, polio has made a return.

From September 10 – September 30, World BEYOND War, Code Pink, Veterans For Peace, Pax Christi and other coalition partners will leaflet, demonstrate, and nonviolently act to expose and oppose Israeli and U.S. actions which flout international law. We will gather before both the United States' U.N. Mission and the Israeli consulate demanding both nations desist from further massacres, forcible displacement, and the use of starvation and disease as weapons.

We will remind people that Israel possesses thermonuclear weapons but refuses to acknowledge this fact and thereby avoids any assessment or safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Association and any involvement in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

We will express earnest concern both for Hamas' prisoners and the more than a thousand Palestinians incarcerated without charge by Israel, many of them women and children.

Currently, the United States and Israel have effectively decided on death for the remaining hostages rather than a settlement that would free Palestinian women and children. In a reckless bid to spark a U.S.-Iran war, Israel recently assassinated, in Tehran, the chief Hamas negotiator for a hostage release.

And still the U.S.' arms flow continues.

Last week, the world watched as the Democratic Party leadership, at its convention, squelched voices of the uncommitted delegates. DNC speakers repeated the lie that their party was seeking a ceasefire, while flatly refusing to stop replacing the guns and missiles Israel has used to shed blood and destroy infrastructure.

We all should rely on the covenant virtues of traditional Judaism, those virtues celebrated as essential for survival: truth, justice, and forgiving love. We should appeal to secular and faith-based people across the United States as we face precarities of nuclear annihilation and ecological collapse. Securing a better future for all children requires bolstering respect for human rights, searching always for ways to abolish war.

The U.S. government is complicit in genocide, and we, in whose name it is acting, are also complicit if we remain silent.

It is time for the United Nations to liberate itself from a Security Council structure giving five permanent, nuclear armed members a vise-like grip on the world's ability to counter the scourge of war. We must join with the call of the South African government which bravely upheld international law. We must clamor for the General Assembly to enact the “uniting for peace” resolution.

As the forthright Jewish delegate at last week's DNC, after he and two others unfurled a banner "STOP ARMING ISRAEL", said, "Never again means never again!"

We invite you to join us.

A version of this article first appeared on World BEYOND War’s website.

Kathy Kelly ( is board president of World BEYOND War and a co-coordinator of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf, John Helmer August 25/27, 2024

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

August 28, 2024

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded Aug. 25/27th, 2024. 

Claiming it had information on impending attacks, Israel Saturday launched what it called "preemptive strikes" against targets in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah returned with rocket barrages and drone strikes aimed at enemy radar installations and army barracks in the Golan Heights and against the AMAN military intelligence Headquarters, located outside Tel Aviv. It was, the Islamic Resistance says, the first of a two phase response to the assassination of senior Hezbollah figure, Sayyed Fouad Shukr in Beirut last month.

Meanwhile, non-Western mediated information about what's going on in the region is becoming more difficult to come by for those in the West as local journalists are murdered in Gaza, independent reporters arrested and harassed by thuggish police services in Britain, and news platforms blocked and their principles arrested in France.

Laith Marouf is founder and Executive Director of FreePalestine.Video. He's a long-time multimedia consultant, producer, and frontline reporter who's been chronicling the escalation to war from his base in Beirut. Free Palestine Video says its purpose is to provide coverage of the region, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.”


Laith Marouf in the first half.

And; much is being made in the Western press of Ukrianian military success in its latest offensive in the Kursk Oblast. Though Russian media admits towns near the border have been overrun and prisoners taken, President Vladimir Putin is strangely sanguine about the lost territory, waving the incursion off. Newsweek quoted Putin as telling the governors of Kursk, Belgorod, the Bryansk regions, and Kremlin officials in a teleconference last week losses of territory to Ukrainian forces were, "...problems that are the responsibility of the security agencies."

Putin's apparent disengagement follows his back-pedaling last month on previous Russian demands of Ukraine that began the "Special Military Operation" in 2022. Specifically, Putin passed on to unofficial emissary to America, Hungarian president Victor Orban a message to former - and presumptive next - American president, Donald Trump stating he would abandon demilitarization and denazification conditions for peace in return for “the complete withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and from the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.”

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears, and has too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism, and served as advisor to governments at the highest levels.

Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17’, and the lately released autobiography, ‘Dunce Upon a Time: A Life of Mistakes. His recent article at Dances with Bears is, 'KURSK, BELGOROD, BRYANSK — IS PRESIDENT PUTIN PREPARING FOR ISTANBUL-II?'

John Helmer and trying to make sense of President Putin's byzantine Ukraine policy in the second half.

But first, Laith Marouf and watching the war for West Asia expand from Lebanon.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, on the internet at:  Check out the GR blog at:

Monday, August 26, 2024

David Rovics LIVE in Victoria!

David Rovics in Concert: Folk Icon Visits Victoria

by C.L. Cook

August 27, 2024

Guthry, Seeger, Peter, Paul, and Mary: It's not often one gets to see a legend perform up close. For folk and peace fans alike, that chance is coming in September, when David Rovics touches down for his West Coast Tour. 
Plan to be there!