Sunday, February 03, 2008

Gorilla Radio for Monday Feb. 4, 2008

GR 04-39 101.9 FM 104.3 Cable ''
Monday February 4, 2008

5:00:00 3:00 Welcome to GR, etc. Brick by brick, rivet by rivet, spool by endless spool of razor and barbed wire, the wall enclosing the Palestinian detainees of Gulag Gaza is being again sealed against a repeat of last month's dramatic prison break into Egypt. The Canadian government, along with its allies America and those other remnants of the "democratic" Western world are applauding the government of Egyptian dictator Hosne Mubarek for refusing to allow the starved and desperate passage out of Palestine that the hungry would replenish life's necessities, encouraging Mubarek reinforce further the siege organized by the Israeli government. That this deliberate policy amounts to collective punishment against a people long-brutalized by the self-avowed ethnic puritans of the Jewish State seems of little matter to the men of letters ruling from Ottawa, Washington and Number 10 Downing Street. That these actions, comprising complicity in genocide, are not mentioned in the corporate and State news organs of the conspirators in this great sin is little wonder; that the knowing citizens of those nations aiding this abomination against humanity are not in the streets demanding "their" representatives in government cease and desist is more difficult to fathom. Jon Elmer is a Vancouver-based freelance writer and photojournalist who has lived in and reported from Occupied Palestine. He is the creator of the news website, From Occupied, and his home site, Jon, each providing copious evidence of Israeli State criminality. Jon Elmer and what more can be done for Palestine in the first half.

And; Canada's border too is the subject of intense scrutiny and demands for reinforcement against the evils of the world, ever lurking in the shadow of the 49th parallel, waiting to descend howling upon the heads of the good citizenry. But in Canada's case, the threat is more fiction than reality. More precisely, Canada's border woes are the creation of State television in the form of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation's new "instant hit" drama 'The Border,' wherein suspiciously American looking plot lines play out the need for State vigilance, violence, and the granting of ever-expanding powers to police and security actors that we cowering Canadians be safe to go about our cross-border shopping. Justin Podur is a Toronto-based writer, editor, and long-time contributor to ZNet, one of the original alternative internet media organizations dedicated to countering corporate and State news disinformation. He has reported from Haiti, South and Central America, and the Middle East. Justin Podur is published at numerous internet sites and in progressive print publications, and is a founding member of Peublos en Camino collective. His home site is Justin Podur and blurring the lines of fact and fiction on the border in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoria in the coming week. but first, Jon Elmer and rearing up again the Palestine wall.

5:03:00 21:00 Discussion w/ Jon Elmer

"Welcome back to the show, Jon. Every one of the many times we speak here of Palestine it is in the context of death, horror, and despair. Last month, we witnessed a remarkable recess in that ongoing narrative with the destruction of parts of the Egyptian barrier holding captive Palestine. How did that wall come down?"

5:24:00 1:00 Cart(s)
5:25:00 10:00 Janine Bandcroft
5:35:00 3:00 Music
5:38:00 21:00 Discussion w/ Justin Podur

Welcome back to GR, etc. Canada's border too is the subject of intense scrutiny and demands for reinforcement against the evils of the world, ever lurking in the shadow of the 49th parallel, waiting to descend howling upon the heads of the good citizenry. But in Canada's case, the threat is more fiction than reality. More precisely, Canada's border woes are the creation of State television in the form of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation's new "instant hit" drama 'The Border,' wherein suspiciously American looking plot lines play out the need for State vigilance, violence, and the granting of ever-expanding powers to police and security actors that we cowering Canadians be safe to go about our cross-border shopping. Justin Podur is a Toronto-based writer, editor, and long-time contributor to ZNet, one of the original alternative internet media organizations dedicated to countering corporate and State news disinformation. He has reported from Haiti, South and Central America, and the Middle East. Justin Podur is published at numerous internet sites and in progressive print publications, and is a founding member of Peublos en Camino collective.

"Welcome back to the show, Justin. I haven't had the belly to watch the CBC's new theatrical effort to better emulate Kiefer Sutherland's disgusting murder and torture-fest serial, '24' yet, but why should I bother checking out 'The Border?'"

5:59:00 1:00 Thanks Jon Elmer, Justin Podur, J9; upcoming.
6:00:00 --:-- -0-

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