Monday, May 19, 2008

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook - Hal Sisson, Aida Mashari, J9 May 19, 2008

GR 04-54 CFUV 101.9 104.3 Cable ''
Monday May 19, 2008

5:00:00 3:00 Welcome to GR, etc. Happy Victoria Day Victoria! Yes, today is that one day set aside each year to honour our fair city's namesake, the late Queen Victoria, Empress of India, Protector of the Faith, etc. As befitting an imperial fete, the hoi polloi lined the streets of the city to pay homage to convoys of Chamber of Commerce-approved floats, while being berated by representatives of the newer empire, phalanxes of American high school marching bands, their blaring, brassy marshal tunes a reminder of just why I hate a parade. Just why these American kids come up here yearly to pay homage to a dead monarch, the epitome of all their young republic fought to overthrow, however remains a bit of a mystery, like so much about our cousins south. Those paragons of truth, justice, and the American way have it seems, in these last years, lost their way. Nearly seven years after the fateful 9/11 attacks, the charade first floated by the Bush administration to explain the infamy of that day persists, few yet daring to question the absurdity of the Emperor's squirrely tale. Hal Sisson is a Victoria-based author and member of the city's 9/11 Truth Movement. He's a former newspaper reporter, lawyer, and author of numerous books, including: 'The Big Bamboozle,' 'Caverns of the Cross,' and 'Modus Operandi 9/11,' a fictional accounting of some of the strange facts on the ground surrounding the crime of the century ignored by investigators and the media. Hal Sisson's latest book is, 'Potshots,' an examination of that other great charade, the so-called 'War on Drugs.' Hal Sisson in the first half.

And; tagging along with the brass bands parading with military precision along the city's thoroughfare were too representatives of Canada Out of Afghanistan, a grassroots movement of Canadians opposing the nation's involvement in the war against, and occupation of, that benighted land. Aida Mashari is one of those opposed, and she joins us in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that's good to do in and around Victoira in the coming week. But first, Hal Sisson and taking Potshots at official fictions and perfidious public policy.

5:03:00 22:00 Discussion w/ Hal Sisson

"Welcome back to the show, Hal. Prime Minister Stephen Harper boiled down to a single line the reason, for those citizens too dense to support it, for Canada's continued military entanglement in Afghanistan to this: 9/11. From this, all else he admits follows. Hal, you and Victoria's 9/11 Truth have drafted another challenge to the official narrative on this; what's it about?"

5:25:00 1:00 Cart(s)
5:26:00 8:00 Janine Bandcroft
5:34:00 3:00 Music
5:37:00 22:00 Discussion w/ Aida Mashari

Welcome back to GR, etc. Tagging along with the brass bands parading with military precision along the city's thoroughfare were too representatives of Canada Out of Afghanistan, a grassroots movement of Canadians opposing the nation's involvement in the war against and occupation of that benighted land. Aida Mashari is one of those opposed and she joins us now.

"Welcome to the program, Aida. How was the parade?"

5:59:00 1:00 Thanks to Hal Sisson, Aida Mashari, J9; upcoming.
6:00:00 --:-- -0-

Hal Sisson, the author of The Big Bamboozle; Caverns of the Cross; Coots, Codgers and Curmudgeons; A Fat Lot of Good; Garage Sale of the Mind, Maquiladora Mayhem; You Should Live So Long, Sorry 'Bout That, A Fowler View of Life, and Modus Operandi 9/11 lives with his wife Doreen in Victoria, BC, Canada.

9/11 Truth is the single most important issue in all our lives right now - as Canadians, as North Americans, and as a citizens of this planet. Used as a pretext for the genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan, this event is also a turning point and a catalyst for the bigger plan to implement an elitist one world government - including the destruction of civil rights and liberties through anti-terrorism laws, no-fly lists, and the ever increasing militarization of the police force. The coming introduction of RFID based biometric driver's licenses and passports will in effect create a papers please society where you are tracked at all times. These actions and others represent an incremental slide into a police state. All of these changes are based on the lies of 9/11. As long as we do not deal directly with this lie, we will continually be forced to play a part in all its subsequent crimes, and pay the ultimate price of our freedom because of willful ignorance or moral cowardice. Those rights and freedoms we enjoy were paid for in sacrifice by courageous individuals in our past - if we truly value those blessings we will honour their memory and make it our duty to see they are not lost to our own descendants. As part of a growing network of Canadian movements seeking the truth about the events surrounding 9/11, you are welcome to join us in our quest for truth and justice.
VICTORIA , BC, May 21, 2007 - An anti-war group performing street theatre was an unofficial addition to the Victoria Day Parade in downtown Victoria today. Three “prisoners”, dressed in orange jumpsuits and black hoods, were handcuffed and chained together. The “prisoners”, who were accompanied by a “soldier” wearing army fatigues, marched in the parade until they were detained by police. The street theatre was organized by Victoria’s Canada Out of Afghanistan Campaign.
As thousands in Victoria gathered to celebrate a statutory Canadian holiday marking Queen Victoria’s birthday, the street theatre was a stark reminder of Canada’s controversial Afghanistan mission. Canada’s military is presently accused of having violated Geneva Convention protocols in Afghanistan by giving local security forces captured Taliban suspects, several of whom have declared they were tortured. NATO forces arbitrarily detain suspected “terrorists” in compounds that include Bagram (Afghanistan), Abu Ghraib (Iraq), Millhaven Penitentiary (Ontario) and the infamous Guantanamo. Many people gathered to watch the parade clapped in support of the anti-war group as it was forced to exit by the Victoria police, yelling "Let them speak. Leave them in the parade. Leave them alone." . The street theatre was took place in front of Victoria's mayor, Chief of Police and other municipal officials sitting in front of Centennial Square. A flyer distributed to hundreds of bystanders explained the growing opposition across the nation to Canada’s military operations in Afghanistan.
“The human rights abuses inflicted on so-called ‘terrorists’ in afghan prisons is just the tip of the iceberg of this shameful mission”, stated Tamara Herman, an organizer with the Canada Out of Afghanistan Campaign's and a 'prisoner' in the street theatre performance. “A skyrocketing civilian death toll, rape and sexual harassment at the hands of foreign troops, a corrupt regime, and the health hazards associated with depleted uranium munitions are other reasons to oppose the Afghanistan mission. This is a war for oil and power. We are not there to liberate anyone. And as usual, the world’s poorest people are the casualties”. For information, interviews or to view additional photos go to: or email

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