Monday, July 07, 2008

Canada Needs a Free Press

Please join us at a small Corporate Media event

Why? To tell our local Corporate Media that we want honest news - and the truth - from them ... not just the Corporate news and the Corporate truth. And to give our fellow citizens the same message ... that democracy cannot long survive without a free press, and one of the greatest threats to our democracy is Corporate ownership of the media.

When? Tuesday, July 8, from 10 AM to 10:45 ... short and sweet

Where? 1420 Broad St. The home of A-Channel TV and CFAX Radio. These are 2 members of our local Corporate Media, both owned by CTV-GlobeMedia, one of the large conglomerates that own and control almost all of Canada's radio, TV, and daily papers - CTV GlobeMedia is controlled by Canada's wealthiest family, the Thomsons.

What? Peaceful and friendly. We'll have a few signs. We'll present management with a letter outlining our concerns. It's a busy corner and lots of people can see us. AND, we'll be sending out a press release to virtually all the media in BC and the major players nation-wide (both Corporate and Free) so hopefully word will get out about this event and the desperate need for citizen awareness and real change.

Winning our battles - on social issues, environmental issues, political, economic or health issues - is going to be almost impossible until we can get our own media, or at least let people know that the existing media has been almost totally corrupted and should not be trusted or believed in any way...

The Corporations know exactly how important 'mainstream' Media is ... that's why they own it.

So please join us in this ongoing fight for democracy.

RSVP if you can ... but please attend anyways. Tuesday, July 8, 10 AM, corner of Broad and Pandora.

Any questions:

Jack Etkin

Derek Skinner

WHY is there almost nothing in the Corporate Media about the SPP? Who has decided that we Canadians should not be told about this corporate attack on our nation? Why no coverage last month when climate scientist James Hansen of NASA, testifying before the US Congress, said that oil company CEO's should be put on trial for crimes against humanity? Is that not news? Or is it something that the corporate owners of the media have decided we should not be told?

Why is there nothing about TILMA? What about the corrupt privatization of BC Rail? How about a debate on the impact of record corporate profits on homelessness and food bank use in Canada?

What about the Agribusiness destruction of the family farm, the connection between Enron and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, the Bush family funding of Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930's? Why no questions about 911 - when our Prime Minister tells us we are at war in Afghanistan because of it? And why the never-ending coverage of crime and violence and sports and entertainment behind which the truth is kept hidden?

The Corporate Media deliberately decided not to inform us about the oncoming disaster of climate change for decades ... has never held to account the corporations that knowingly and deliberately damaged the ozone layer in the name of profit maximization. They never mention the name of Percy Schmeisser, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, and so many other heroes.

The Corporate owners of the Media have willingly participated in the ongoing destruction of our democracy; they have a lot to answer for and they have got to be held accountable for their actions, preferably in courts of law.

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