Sunday, January 25, 2009

Redux: Warsaw on the Mediterranean: Israel's Palestine Solution

Warsaw on the Mediterranean: Israel's Palestine Solution
by C. L. Cook
[Originally published Friday, April 07, 2006]

Enjoining the sycophantic government of Canada, the European Union today announced it too would halt aid to "Palestine's" newly elected Hamas government until which time it accedes to Israeli government diktats they recognize Israel's right to exist, swear off violence, and honour former peace agreements.

Meanwhile, the uncensured Israeli Defense Force, perhaps taking heart in its new found allies in Europe and Canada, ramped up its bombing campaign over Gaza, today killing a "militant" father and the better part of his family with a missile.

Warsaw on the Mediterranean:
Israel's Palestine Solution

C. L. Cook
April 7, 2006

That Israel has: Yet honour a single "agreement" for peace yet struck; continues to deny the "existence" of Palestine,(some of its most prominent citizen's like "Man of Peace," as George W. Bush calls Ariel Sharon, failing even to recognize "Palestinians" exist as human beings) doesn't worry the EU, and that Ariel and his pals refer to "them" as "crocodiles," and "vermin" hardly raises a brow in Brussels. The fact Israel continues to bomb, assassinate, and expropriate territory seems still to matter little to the moral paragons of Europe.

Just today in Rafah, a missile attack aimed at Eyed Abu Al-ein, a reported leader of the Popular Resistance Committee killed seven people. Traveling with the "terrorist" were his wife, nephew, and five year old daughter. Three others in the car were reportedly killed, and twelve more "militant terrorists" were wounded, including Abu Al-ein's young son.

And the intrepid European Union reaction?

Silence, so far, save for FIFA, football's international governing body, who expressed great concern at last week's bombing of a soccer pitch in Gaza. FIFA's Deputy General Secretary, Jerome Champagne says his organization has asked the Israeli government for a better explanation for the attack, claiming the IDF's contention the soccer pitch was being used as a "rocket launching pad" is untrue.

Champagne hinted the organization may sanction Israel, saying:

"Football should remain outside politics." Adding:

"FIFA has been fighting for more than a century to make this game universal. To hit a football field is really the wrong signal."

Monsieur Champagne needn't worry; unlike the assassination of Abu Al-ein and his family, the football field was more likely just another victim of the random shelling of the Gaza Refugee Camp, and not an attack against the game.

Having little time to keep up with Israel's new offensive, Palestinian President and leader of the former Fatah government, Mahmoud Abbas condemned yesterday's Israeli Air Force's missile attack against his presidential compound.

Abbas said:

"The continuous, random bombarding in Gaza is not justified. It wants nothing [more] but to disrupt daily life of [the]Palestinian people."

But, for the last leader the Israeli government refused to talk peace with, this can come as no revelation: While still in power, Abbas witnessed the daily, supersonic, low altitude "buzzing" of residential neighbourhoods in Gaza last autumn. A practice that didn't stop until a neighbouring Jewish enclave was "buzzed" by mistake and it's occupants terrified.

What would Israel's policy be but an attempt to "disrupt the daily life of Palestinian people?"

Not content though with merely shelling soccer pitches, assassinating "militants," their families and attendant bystanders, word leaking from the Israeli propaganda wing operatives at Debkafile hints, al Zarqawi, the elusive pimpernel once behind every car-bombing, kidnapping, and beheading in Iraq is now enroute to Gaza to practice similarly his arts, targeting this time Hamas.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Still waiting for Brussels...

Perhaps a little more blood and mayhem will yet move the EU?

A brief sojourn to the International Middle East Media Center ( reveals just a few of the reported atrocities going on today in Occupied Palestine. Scrolling the News Briefs one gets these:

Three residents injured in an explosion in Hebron

Israeli settlers take over Palestinian homes in Hebron

Army arrests four residents from Bethlehem

Israeli Army invades Askar refugee camp and arrests child

One Palestinian killed and three injured in continued Israeli raids in Nablus

Heavy artillery shells areas north and east of the Gaza strip

Army invades Sabastia village west of Nablus

Israeli Army seals of the main road north of Tubas

Army storms Al Rihia village in Hebron, arrest one resident

Two children released after one year in jail

And, the bottom of the margins promises "more..."

How much "more" of this slow genocide must we witness before the European Union and the world puts an end to the Israeli violence against, and terrorizing of, the Palestinian people?

As the Nazi's before them did in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Israeli government has walled in the "vermin," and as the Nazi's before them did, the Israeli government is now systematically eradicating that vermin with bullets, bombs, and starvation. And like the appeasers then, Europe, America, (and U.S. puppet satellite, Canada) are willing today to abet this atrocious crime against decency.

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