Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dave Lindorff, M.V. Ramana January 22, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

January 22, 2025

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded January 22nd, 2025.

You can pinch yourself, and give your head as many shakes as you like but it won't change the fact: You are indeed awake; Donald Trump is the president. No, you've not woken from a coma; or got caught in some sort of Sci-Fi time loop. Groundhog's Day is not real. What is real though is the Real Donald J. Trump; larger and orangier than ever, with no-one now left to stand in his way! So look out World! The King is returned; back to make the Empire great again, again.

But, and it is an enormous one, is the World big enough for both Trump and the rest of us?

Dave Lindorff is an Izzy Award-winning investigative journalist, author, and founder of the web news site, This Can’t Be Happening. Dave's book titles include: ''This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy,' 'Marketplace Medicine: The Rise of the For Profit Hospital Chains,' 'Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal,' and his latest, 'Spy for No Country: The story of Ted Hall, the teenage atomic spy who may have saved the world'. Dave's latest article at This Can't Be Happening's new Substack site is, 'Biden in Last-Minute Final Act as President Commutes Leonard Peltier Prison Sentence!' on the last act of the Biden presidency.

Dave Lindorff in the first half.

And; in a World beset by monstrous problems and seemingly intractable crises it's tempting to grasp at silver bullets; simple solutions to rid us of all our worries finally and at once. Such is the promise of nuclear power - and has been for generations - even as our challenges have changed, "atoms for peace" persist as the ready panacea, if only we'd pursue them.

M.V. Ramana is a scholar, author, and champion for peace. Professor at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia, where he serves too as the Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security, Ramana is co-editor of the book, 'Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream' and author of, 'The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India', and the recently released, 'Nuclear is Not the Solution: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change'.

M.V. Ramana and dispelling the illusions of a nuclear solution in the second half.

But first, Dave Lindorff and the second ascension of Donald Trump.


Song: ‘Blinken’s Last Press Conference

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at: