Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Alexandra Morton, Jon Elmer, Janine Bandcroft Jan. 28, 2013

This Week on GR

 by C. L. Cook

This week: Much has been written about the demise of Canada's fisheries, on both coasts. Accusations of gross incompetence on the part of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, greed on the part of local fishers and canneries, and foreign over-fishing are all cited as reasons contributing to the crash of the cod down East. A familiar, confused casting of blame exists here too to explain away the fading of the Pacific salmon and herring.

Listen. Hear.

While not precluding the role rampant corporate greed, or the insurmountable ignorance and consistent incompetence of the DFO has played, long-time West Coast marine research scientist and ecology defender, Alexandra Morton wants to make one thing perfectly clear: The undoing of the Pacific wild salmon was no mistake. In her recent article, 'Salmon Feedlots - this was not a mistake,' Morton revisits the chronicles of the wild salmon's betrayal kept by the United Fisherman’s and Allied Workers Union in their newspaper, 'The Fisherman.'

What's revealed there is a corporate and government conspiracy amounting to a genus-cide and undoing of a way of life for both First Nations and settler fishing communities dependent on salmon, and an infinitely greater crime committed against an entire ecosystem.

Alexandra Morton in the first half.

And; Israel held elections last week. The results surprised many, but more surprising yet perhaps is analysis of what the elections mean for Israel's, and the Middle East's future. Jon Elmer is a Canadian freelance photo-journalist who has lived in and reported from Occupied Palestine for more than a decade. His work appears at Al Jazeera, the Inter Press Service, and Electronic Intifada among others. He's also appeared in myriad magazines and contributed chapters to several books covering the middle east.

Jon Elmer and what future for Israel/Palestine in the second half.

And; Victoria Street Newz publisher and CFUV Radio broadcaster, Janine Bandcroft will join us at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with what's going on on the streets of our city and beyond. But first, Alexandra Morton and the Great Fish Lot Plot's killing of the ocean commons in Canada.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at:  He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:

G-Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in the corporate media.

Some past guests include: M. Junaid Alam, M. Shahid Alam, Gilad Atzmon, Joel Bakan, Maude Barlow, Ramzy Baroud, William Blum, Luciana Bohne, William Bowles, Mordecai Briemberg, Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Michel Chossudovsky, Diane Christian, Paul Cienfuegos, David Cromwell, Ezili Danto, Jon Elmer, Yves Engler, Laura Flanders, Amy Goodman, Denis Halliday, Chris Hedges, Julia Butterfly Hill, Robert Jensen, Dahr Jamail, Diana Johnstone, Malalai Joya, Kathy Kelly, Naomi Klein, Frances Moore Lappe, Dave Lindorff, Alexandra Morton, Loretta Napoleoni, Andrew Nikiforuk, Ken O'Keefe, Greg Palast, Michael Parenti, Robert Parry, John Pilger, Kevin Pina, Paul Craig Roberts, David Rovics, Danny Schechter, David Schindler, Vandana Shiva, Tim Shorrock, Norman Solomon, Jean Saint-Vil, Harvey Wasserman, Paul Watson, Bernard Weiner, Andy Worthington, Mickey Z., Howard Zinn and many others.

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