Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ketcham from the Wilds

The Secret History of Monopoly

by Christopher Ketcham

In Harper’s: a piece about the secret history of Monopoly, the most popular board game on planet Earth.  The intention of its original inventor was to teach that land monopoly is a great evil.   Hey you geniuses who invest in land: If you wish to succeed in America, please don’t do any work.   Instead you need to speculate in real estate, wait for society to make your speculation worth something, then leap about like a clown claiming you’ve worked for a living!

In the American Prospect: the Green Mountain fools relate to the rest of the country the facts of the matter:  the Empire is corrupt and insane, the global corporatocracy is a propaganda network, and someone should stand up.     

In CounterPunch: a new column, Desert Post, in the monthly magazine format that editor Jeff St. Clair is now putting out.  Yes, it comes in the mail, you can hold it and smell it, it’s made of paper, you can burn it – thoroughly useful, unlike, say, an iPad app.   You’ll have to subscribe:

And in case you wilderness freaks missed it last year, my piece on the decimation of wolf packs in Idaho, “Wolves to the Slaughter,” , also in the American Prospect.

Christopher Ketcham

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