Saturday, September 28, 2013

Canada's Dark Age Prime Minister: Muzzling Scientists, Defunding Science Research

Canada's Government Silences Scientists, Sides With Corporate Interests


Climate scientists were muzzled from speaking to the press, causing an 80 percent decrease in the coverage of environmental stories.

In 2008, two years into Stephen Harper's administration, scientists working for the federal agency Environment Canada were told they can't speak with the press unless they had approval from higher up. Now it seems to have ramped up even more, with the Canadian government being accused of silencing scientists, especially in regard to the Alberta tar sands, which, as you know, would be the source of oil that would flow through the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline.

Yves Engler is a Canadian commentator and author. His most recent book is The Ugly Canadian - Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy, and previously he published The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy and Canada in Haiti: Waging War on The Poor Majority

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