This Week on GR
by C. L. Cook -
It's a movie cliche; "Who do you call when the police are the criminals?" But that's exactly the situation for women victimized by violent spouses who happen to be police officers.
In his new book, 'Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence,' award-winning Canadian investigative journalist, Alex Roslin informs, "[S]pousal violence takes place in up to 40% of police families – as much as 15 times the public average," and "Police departments mostly ignore the problem."
Listen. Hear.
He also reports, abusive RCMP officers have a less than one-in-6,500 chance of facing a criminal charge for spousal abuse.
Alex Roslin in the first segment.
And; while never satisfactory, the situation in Palestine's Occupied Territories is reaching a crisis point, with every day seeing more people killed by soldiers and settlers alike and the Israeli military again resorting to the capture and imprisoning of children for interrogation.
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh is founder of the Palestine Museum of Natural History and Director of the Center for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University. He is a past chairman of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People, whose main civic interests lie in media activism and public education, and he has given hundreds of talks around the world. Mazin's book on human rights activism, 'Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle,' is published electronically on his website
Mazin Qumsiyeh and "another Intifadah for Palestine?" in the second half.
And; does the long-awaited change in government signal a change of foreign policy for Canada? That is just one of the burning questions Canadians will want answered from the new Liberal government, and while it's hard to imagine a worse performance on the global stage than the Harper years provided, the Liberal party's past provenance has not proven what progressives would wish either.
Yves Engler is a MontrĂ©al-based activist, lecturer, and author whose book titles include: 'The Ugly Canadian — Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy,' 'Lester Pearson’s Peacekeeping — The Truth May Hurt,' 'The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy,' and his latest, 'Canada in Africa — 300 Years of Aid and Exploitation.'
Yves Engler taking stock of Canada at the possible start of a new era in foreign policy in the final segment.
And; Victoria Street Newz publisher emeritus and CFUV Radio broadcaster, Janine Bandcroft will not be here around the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with what the coming week has to offer in our city, and beyond there too. But first, Alex Roslin and a Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:
G-Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in the corporate media.
1 comment:
Thank you for the interview, Chris. Fyi, I've just published an updated and revised second edition of "Police Wife," available on Amazon here:
The book won the American Society of Journalists and Authors' Arlene Book Award and was a finalist in four other international book prizes.
I've also made a free extended excerpt of the second edition available here:
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