Sunday, October 08, 2017

Never Deliver Party: NDP Wavers on "Fish Farm" "Promises"

BC's Never Deliver Party? 

by Don Staniford - Green Around the Gills

October 8, 2017

If the BC New Democratic Party dilly-dally and dither any longer they should seriously consider changing their name to the BC Never Deliver Party. As time ebbs away, the chances of the NDP actually delivering on their pre-election pledge to protect wild salmon and remove salmon farms appears more and more remote.

Anyone watching Andrew Weaver, leader of the Green Party of British Columbia, "seeking clarity" of the NDP in the BC Legislature last month will have been alarmed at the NDP's lack of commitment (the NDP's negative body language alone is enough to ring alarm bells).


[Please see link for full article. - ape]

Watch video online here

The NDP may not have a time-line for the removal of salmon farms but time is fast running out for wild salmon - and for the credibility of the NDP. A comparison of the NDP's pre-election pledges and promises with the NDP's post-election procrastinations and prevarications leaves a nasty smell (rather reminiscent of a salmon farm).

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