Sunday, March 16, 2025

Gorilla Radio Syria Special with Chris Cook and Dan Kovalik March 16, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

March 16, 2025 

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded March 16, 2025


Listen. Hear.

This past week, Canada's Special Envoy for Syria reiterated his country's support of the new regime, insisting "Canada can play a meaningful role in enabling Syrians to build an inclusive country that respects all of its citizens." Omar Alghabra's statement accompanied a pledge of a further $84 million dollars for "humanitarian assistance to respond to the crisis in Syria."

Though the provenance of that "crisis" does not appear in the Global Affairs Canada press release, everyone knows the disaster currently occurring in Syria is the product of regime change policies promoted and perpetuated by Canada and its allies for nearly fifteen years. But now, as Alawite communities experience an ethnocide as predictable as the seasons, Canada would have us believe throwing money at "experienced humanitarian partners to deliver life-saving assistance" will provide the "security and stability" it claims is its paramount concern.

Dan Kovalik’s a lawyer, educator, labour, peace, and justice activist, democracy defender, journalist, author, and filmmaker. He’s recently returned from Syria, his third visit, talking to the people there and bringing their stories home to America.

Dan’s book titles include: ‘Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture’ the “Plot to” series on American efforts to undermine the governments and economies of Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, ‘No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using ‘Humanitarian’ Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interest’, and his latest, ‘The Case for Palestine: Why It Matters and Why You Should Care’.

Today, a special report with Dan Kovalik on the West's Genocides in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine and more.


Kim Iversen: Surprise! Regime Change In Syria Leads To Alawite & Christian Massacres (with Dan Kovalik)
Joint statement of the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Charlevoix

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Gorilla Radio Syria Special with Chris Cook and John Helmer March 12, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

March 12, 2025
Welcome to a special edition of Gorilla Radio, recorded March 12th, 2025

The massacre of Alowites in Syria has the makings of another genocide. Western governments are downplaying the carnage carried out by their Cat's Paw "president", the so-called Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa, formerly known as Abu Mohammad al-Julani, leader of the Al Qaeda associated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham or HST. The former Islamic State and Islamic State in Iraq terrorist-for-hire is now bestowed media protection, given the sheen of respectability only a well-tailored western suit of clothes and favourable press coverage can imbue.

The horrors avoided by queasy mainstream outlets can be viewed though on various social media platforms; the HST marauders of the Alowite dominated coastal and mountain villages taking a page from the Israeli Defense Force playbook and uploading their atrocities as they are committed. Some thousands fled to the Russian air base Khmeimim in the early hours of the pogrom, but their and the fate of the Russian bases remaining in Syria is up in the air at the moment.

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears and has, as well as serving as advisor to governments at the highest level, too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism. Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17, ‘Skripal in Prison,’ and now the freshly released Skripal sequel, 'LONG LIVE NOVICHOK! The British Poison that Fooled the World'.

John Helmer and Dances with Bears on the case, getting what information is to be gotten from the Russian side of the Syria question.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


Gorilla Radio Syria Special with Chris Cook and Laith Marouf March 9, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

March 9, 2025
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded March 9th, 2025

More than a thousand are reported killed in the Syrian port cities of Latakia and Tartous by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, the Islamist force that ousted the government of Bashar al-Assad in a violent coup late last year. Reports from the predominantly Alawite coastal region say all Alawite civilians are being targeted by both HST soldiers and Sunni militias. Grizzly images recorded by soldiers and so-called militiamen confirm wide-spread killing. The Christian Science Monitor quotes regime spokesmen saying it is "responding to attacks from remnants of the pro-Assad forces", while refusing to take responsibility for what looks like an ethnic massacre it blames on "individual" actors.

Laith Marouf is a Beirut-based multimedia consultant, producer, and now frontline war reporter. He's the founder and Executive Director of FreePalestine.Video whose purpose it says is to provide coverage of the region, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.

Today, Laith Marouf and Syria's genocide.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Ron Ridenour, Jonathan Latham March 12, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

March 12, 2025 

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded March 12, 2025


So, it's over. Canada's "special relationship" with our southern cousin is officially kaput. It's cold comfort we aren't the only one shat upon by Trump's Second Republic. Great Britain, Ukraine, Panama, and all the NATO nations believing they enjoyed America's special affections are reeling at the discovery of its' faithlessness. Like Denmark, whose "autonomous territory" Greenland Trump shamelessly wooed in front of it's eyes. The long-held Danish belief that no matter how horrible it behaved, "...the USA were ‘the good guys’ and our most important support in the World" is shaken now for good.

Ron Ridenour is an ex-pat American journalist, author, editor, and peace activist currently living in Denmark. Ridenour's book titles include: 'Backfire: CIA’s Biggest Burn', 'The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert', and his latest, 'Winding Brook Stories'. Ron's also worked as a special correspondent and freelancer for numerous publications in Europe, the US, and Latin America, including CovertAction Magazine, where I found his article, 'Trump's Greenland Takeover Threat Could Cause Denmark, and Other European Countries, to Reclaim Their Sovereignty'.

Ron Ridenour in the first half.

And; 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Asilomar Conference. If you've never heard of it, it's OK; you weren't invited. Just as you were likely not on the guest list for its quinquagenarian gathering, the 'Spirit of Asilomar and the Future of Biotechnology Conference' held last month. And that's a problem, according to a conglomeration of Global Civil Society groups who say secrecy around development of genetic engineering, bioweaponry, virology and synthetic biology research, and other fast emerging technologies pose existential risks for human and environmental survival.

Dr. Jonathan Latham holds a PhD in Virology and is co-founder and Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project. He is too Editor of the Independent Science News where the Global Civil Society article, 'The Dire Consequences of Secretive Biotech Regulation' appears.

Jonathan Latham and opening the debate on biotechnology in the second half.

But first, Ron Ridenour and revelations of Denmark's false friend, America.


Song: Trump 2.0

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Yves Engler, Hanna Kawas March 5, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

March 5, 2025 

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded March 5th, 2025.

Last week, Canadian journalist, author, activist, and political arrestee Yves Engler thanked those within his country and without for springing to his defense during his five day incarceration. And Canadians for the most part are happy to see him freed; throwing people in prison for writing and speaking is widely regarded here as less than Canadian. But, while Yves is out of the clink, neither he nor the assumption of free speech in Canada is out of the woods.

The Crown v. Engler brings up some interesting, and potentially precedent-setting, questions about journalism in the digital age, and may too challenge the over-broad language and abuse of Canadian legislation now in place and that being planned.

Yves Engler on the outside in the first half.

And; Yves Engler's experience is less unique than being an incident along a continuum of harassment and police repression experienced in this Canada by environmental, indigenous, and anti-genocide activists and others. It's a going concern for the Canada Palestine Association; CPA has busied itself over the last year assisting those activists targeted to cover the costs of defending themselves in court.

Hanna Kawas chairperson of the Vancouver-based CPA. He's too a long-time radio journalist whose program, Voice of Palestine has been a beacon for the diaspora community and others facing both state repression and media exclusion. Right now, the Canada Palestine Association's 'Protecting our Rights, Defending our Voices' is an initiative to combat in court frivolous cases brought in an attempt to "... defend our voices of expression and civil liberties, now and into the future."

Hanna Kawas and defending those that risk opposing the forces of oppression in the second half.

But first, Yves Engler testing the measure of Canadian law and quality of its carceral system.


Song: Toddlers-in-Chief

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

All About Yves: Activist Engler Targeted by Montreal Police at Behest of Aspirant Israel-Supporting Pol

All About Yves: Activist Engler Targeted by Montreal Police at Behest of Aspirant Israel-Supporting Pol

by C.L. Cook -

[Update: Yves was released Monday evening, and will face trial April 25th failing Montreal authorities dropping charges. - Ape]


Though facing multiple charges, the Canadian author, journalist, and activist had no reason to believe he wouldn't be bailed out in time to spend the weekend with his wife and young children. But that wasn't to be. Engler's bail was denied Thursday evening without cause given, and again on Friday when he refused to agree to a gag order forbidding he write about his ordeal. He writes,

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"...[T]he officer told my lawyer she wants to impose a condition for my release saying that I’m not allowed to discuss the case. That is a flagrant violation of my freedom of expression, but is presumably designed to protect the police officer, Kurtz and her legal team from embarrassment."

Initially Engler was charged with "harassment and indecent communication" for his response to unelicited tweets on his TwitterX timeline from Canadian Zionist media personality, Dahlia Kurtz, (police say Engler describes Kurtz as a "genocide supporter" and "fascist"; accusations he readily admits are accurate). Subsequently, Montreal police added charges, alleging Engler's articles detailing his arrest by them and published at the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, along with an email letter campaign soliciting support for his release, constitute a threat.

Specifically, the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) cite "intimidation, harassment, harassing communication and “entrave” or interference" towards its arresting officer. As of writing, the SPVM have released no more information, or replied to requests for comment.

Reporting for the University of Windsor Law's 'Jurist News', Pitasanna Shanmugathas quotes Senator for British Columbia, Yuen Pau Woo's letter of support for Engler at ActionNetwork. In it, Senator Woo says he supports Yves' right to denounce Israel's genocide in Gaza and to "call out" those aiding and abetting its crimes there adding,

"It is incumbent on the police to explain the grounds for any charges laid against Mr. Engler and to demonstrate that his rights are not being infringed. To compound the charges against him because he has shared information about his plight is abusive."

Thousands agree. By Saturday night, two days after his arrest, the online petitions site, ActionNetwork tallied nearly 10,000 letters of support for Engler, as well as a recorded statement of support coming from tireless Palestine defender and former Pink Floyd member, Roger Waters who says,

"Let's hope this awful nightmare of crucifying people who stand up for human rights goes away soon. But until it does, we must stand shoulder to shoulder...Yves I'm with you all the way, brother."

The arrest has too been picked up by alternative media across Canada and in the United States, where all are concerned for Engler's welfare, and the conditions of his detention. Green Party of Quebec leader, Alex Tyrrell writes on TwitterX, that during his video linked bail hearing, Engler appeared without his eyeglasses, and was repeatedly interrupted by the judge before being hustled out of the box. Tyrrell says,

"When Yves asked why his release was opposed, the judge dismissed his question, saying it was at the prosecutor’s discretion, and advised him not to speak."

Those were Engler's last words heard from detention. Before reporting to authorities though, Engler addressed media on the charges outside the police station saying,

"This is obviously an attack against freedom of expression but really what it is is a use of the policing and legal system to target someone that opposes the Canadian government's complicity in a genocidal rampage by Israel that's left at least 100,000 people killed in Gaza."


"Over the past 15 months [Dahlia] Kurtz has become a leader in Canada’s fascist movement, posting incessantly about purported Jewish victimhood and the anti-genocide "mob" who should be "deported". A compulsive liar, Kurtz openly calls for state violence against those challenging Canadian complicity in genocide."

Still incommunicado, Engler's father and co-author of the book, 'The Ugly Canadian' took to his son's TwitterX feed Friday ( to provide an update on Yves' situation.

Gary Engler writes,

"Yves will have a bail hearing Monday 9am. He has called for supporters to attend. The hearing will determine whether or not Yves will be freed pending trial and if he will be allowed to write in detail about what is happening to him including naming the complaint and the police officer who have accused him of harassment. He has no interest in naming the police officer but insists that he should be able to name the influencer who regularly publishes hateful anti-Palestinian content online."

Engler's arrest comes at a time of increasingly oppressive measures taken by police against Palestinian solidarity throughout the social democracies of the West. These measures often invoke anti-terrorism statutes, like Section 12 of Britain's Terrorism Act 2000, invoked to hold journalists, Kit Klarenberg in May of 2023, and Richard Medhurst in August of last year when arriving at UK airports Luton and Heathrow respectively, and to mine their communication devices for information. Section 12 was also cited in the SWAT-styled assault on English activist, Sarah Wilkinson's home and the sexagenarian's violent arrest.

Medhurst's Vienna home was also raided just two weeks ago, it appears, in service of British intelligence agencies; while American journalist and publisher of The Electronic Intifada (ei), Ali Abunimah was roughly taken into custody by Swiss authorities January 25th and held, much as Engler is now, with no avenues of communication to the outside world. Abunimah's UK-based ei colleague, Asa Winstanley too experienced harassment and the seizure of his computers and other devices. He quotes Abunimah in an article about his arrest in and deportation from Switzerland saying,

"I can only conclude that my unlawful imprisonment was intended to suppress freedom of expression by preventing me from speaking openly about the genocide in Palestine, as well as to punish me for views I’ve expressed in the past that someone in power did not like."

And then there's Germany, whose draconian laws suppressing pro-Palestinian activism, including entry bans can be applied across the Schengen Zone.

Pro-Palestine activism suppression may be the case with Engler in Canada too, but it could be more than that. As well as writing a baker's dozen of books highly critical of Canadian foreign policy, (the only person in the country to have hammered on this theme as persistently) Yves is too a disruptor of the first order, literally.

Engler and activist lawyer and journalist, Dimitri Lascaris founded the Disruption Network, and under its rubric have embarrassed both public officials and Canada's mainstream news organizations with ambush interventions asking normally media-cosseted representatives pointed questions on issues like aid to Israel's genocidal campaign in Palestine. Few of the country's political and business elite are likely upset to hear of his troubles with the law, but their Schadenfreude may be short-lived.

Talking about his arrest in Switzerland, Ali Abunimah expressed surprise the local powers that be there would amplify what would have been a small teach-in on Palestinian solidarity and resistance into a national scandal and international embarrassment for the normally politically low-profile Swiss. Likewise, with nearly 10,000 signatures as of this writing, and a growing chorus of outrage, the petite bureaucrats behind Montreal's arrest of Yves Engler may soon come to rue their counter-constitutional transgression.

As it stands, Yves will again appear before the court Monday February 25th, and as Gary Engler says,

"If you support Yves please come to the Palais de justice at 1 Notre Dame East in room 3.12 on Monday morning at 9:00am. You can also support his work by donating at

"Please do what you can to draw attention to this case. #FreeYvesEngler."


[UPDATE: Kurtz and Oberman filed a complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee against Senator for BC, Yuen Pau Woo Friday, February 28th saying his support of Yves' free speech poses a threat to Dahlia Kurtz - Ape]


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, where Yves Engler has appeared as a guest numerous times. Archives at, GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Thanks to Pitasanna Shanmugathas:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dimitri Lascaris, John Helmer February 26, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

February 26, 2025
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 26th, 2025

As the body count continues, and whole towns and villages are destroyed during the current “ceasefire” in Palestine and Lebanon, a second front in the War on Civilians expands too. A big part of that war, just as in the shooting campaign, is aimed at media revealing crimes against humanity being regularly carried out. Montreal Police joined the fray last week, targeting author, journalist, and activist, Yves Engler.

Full disclosure: Yves’ been on this show many times over nearly 18 years, primarily to talk about the dark side of Canadian foreign policy; the topic he’s devoted a dozen books and hundreds of articles to over the years.

As well as writing about the gross violations of human decency Canadian foreign policy and that of its confederates engage in, Yves too takes part in direct action; picketing, marching, giving speeches, and disrupting public appearances by prominent politicians to ask pointed questions the controlled press won’t. In that pursuit he and Dimitri Lascaris formed the Disruption Network, in hopes of encouraging others to do the same.

Dimitri Lascaris is a journalist, activist, lawyer, and broadcaster. His online interview program Reason2Resist is available at Rumble and Youtube, and at Substack along with his many articles. Dimitri is just back from Lebanon, where he attended the funeral Sunday of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, and surveyed the destruction in the south of the country.

Dimitri Lascaris in the first half.

And; peace and rumours of peace: Is it possible the new old president, most famous for his bellicose personality, is about to bring about a new detente with arch America foe, Russia, and stop the three years-long Ukraine war? Smart money has it so, or at least they that purport to know say, Zelenskyy’s US dollar supply is running out, and without that the arms maker’s party is over. But can it be true?

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears and has, as well as serving as advisor to governments at the highest level, too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism. Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17, ‘Skripal in Prison,’ and now the freshly released Skripal sequel, ‘LONG LIVE NOVICHOK! The British Poison that Fooled the World’. John’s recent article at Dances with Bears is, BEATING SISYPHUS TO THE PUNCH — HOW TO ROLL BACK US FORCES IN EUROPE WITHOUT ROLLING BACK NATO, WITHOUT UKRAINE.

John Helmer and parsing the truth behind the new old president’s recent pronouncements on peace in the second half.

But first, Dimitri Lascaris on Canadian arrests and Lebanon’s continued resistance.


Song: What’s Going on Here, Montreal?

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Judi Rever, Marc Edge February 19, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook - 

February 19, 2025
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 19th, 2025

One of the most disheartening things about the atrocities we’ve witnessed visited upon the civilians of Gaza, the West Bank, and southern Lebanon this past nearly year and a half is that the carnage has been allowed continue by the so-called “international community”. More even than that, the liberal democracies of Europe and the Anglo-American Axis countries have profited the slaughter, selling billions of dollars and pounds and euros worth of bombs and bullets, bandages and assorted materiel to scofflaw Israel in aid of its genocide. But it doesn’t surprise; or shouldn’t do. We’ve spent the entirety of this century and much of the last idly watching the destruction of millions of lives with hardly a murmur of protest; and sometimes not watched at all.

Judi Rever is a Montreal journalist and author. Her book, ‘In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front‘ is a clear-eyed re-examination of the Rwandan genocide of the last century and subsequent flourishing of its perpetrator, President Paul Kagame. Rever’s recent article at Canadian Dimension, ‘Paul Kagame’s Foray in Eastern Congo Leaves Thousands Dead and Sparks Fears of a Broader War‘ could have been written almost any time in the last thirty years, but what she reveals is happening right now.

Judi Rever in the first half.

And; the Canadian government is concerned; worried that what we citizens see or don’t see in the media could damage the nation. It seems in this post-Legacy press age a contagion threatens the health of our body politic, and even the survival of our democratic system. Problem is where once everything we read, heard, or watched was pre-digested and packaged for us by a safe pair, foreign hands now flavour the news; possibly carrying with it too strange and potentially dangerous ideas. But there’s a commission for that.

Last week, the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions released in seven volumes its “Final Report on Foreign Interference”.

Marc Edge is a Canadian journalist, author, and academic. Much awarded, Edge’s eight books span a quarter of a century, and include: ‘THE NEWS WE DESERVE: The Transformation of Canada’s Media Landscape’, ‘THE POSTMEDIA EFFECT: How Vulture Capitalism is Wrecking Our News’, and his most recent, ‘TOMORROW’S NEWS: How to Fix Canada’s Media’. His latest article at Canadian Dimension is, ‘Here’s One Easy Trick to Combat Foreign Political Interference in Our Media’.

Marc Edge and fixing foreign interference in Canadian media in the second half.

But first, Judi Rever and turning a blind-eye before, during, and after the Rwandan genocide.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Yves Engler, Ross Crockford February 12, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

February 12, 2025
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 12th, 2025

Exciting times for Canadians. After riding the wake of empires for better than four centuries we find ourselves at childhood's end, finally able to chart an independent course. And it's all thanks to Donald Trump! Yes, there's much to begrudge about him, but credit where's it's due; if not for the bellicose blatherskiting of Mammoth Mouth south we'd never leave the warmth of the metaphorical house. But what's to become of us if we do?

Yves Engler is a Canadian journalist, author, and activist. He's written thirteen books on and about the perfidy of Canada and its foreign policy; the latest - co-authored with Owen Schalk - is 'Canada’s Long Fight Against Democracy'. Recent among his many articles at examining the antithetical of all writ above is 'Feed the war machine to appease Trump is ruling class solution'.

Yves Engler in the first half.

And; Victoria City council has hatched another World Class scheme to divest you, via tax rises, of your nest egg, and those of the next seven generations. Yes, another "desperately needed" mega-project, replete with vague cost estimates, dubious social uptake, and a returning cast of characters best known from past fiscal planning fiascos. This time it's the aged Crystal Pool, a stone's throw from the erstwhile Memorial Arena, and in sight on tippy-toes of the one-of-a-kind Johnson Street Bridge.

Ross Crockford is an award-winning journalist, editor, author, civic activist and co-founder of the watchdog website, He's too recipient of a Western Magazine Award for business writing, the Jack Webster Award of Distinction for investigative reporting, and he's a National Magazine Awardee for sports writing. Ross is also a regular contributor to Victoria's Focus Magazine where his latest article, 'How much would it cost to fix Crystal Pool?' rings a familiar tone.

Ross Crockford and "A Pool Too Far?" in the second half.

But first, Yves Engler and The Quisling Option: Canada running out of running room.


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Andy Worthington, John Helmer February 5, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

February 5, 2025

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 5th, 2025

With its start, the 47th administration of the Republic is old again. President Donald Trump becomes in his belated second term the oldest man ever sworn into the office, yet despite this decrepitude Trump has begun once more with the energy and vigor of a much younger man, pre-emptively capitulating the nation's foreign policy before even reaching the President's Bedroom. But that's what a 100 or so million buckeroos buys Miriam Adelson in the fading days of Empire; a big fat Florida sunrise, reigning over Palestine's finish. Or so she would have it.

And the great orange maroon would also have America resemble more Adelson's Israel; making of its citizens an embattled enclave, surrounded by high walls, barbed wire, killer drones above, robot dogs below, and terrifying concentration camps for the Untermensch; to which end Trump has promised a revitalized Guantanamo Bay, made to hold 30,000 and more of "the worst of the worst", naturally.

Andy Worthington's an English journalist, activist, author, photo-historian, filmmaker, musician, song-writer and principle of The Four Fathers band, (who's album, 'Songs of Loss and Resistance' is now available). Andy is too a co-founder of the ongoing Close Guantánamo campaign, who's “First Wednesday” Monthly Coordinated Global Vigils returned to his native London and beyond today! Worthington's book titles include: ‘The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison’, ‘Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion’, and ‘The Battle of the Beanfield’. His articles appear at his website,, where he invites support as ever for the effort to Close - finally - Guantanamo.

Andy Worthington in the first half.

And; much was made in his first go-round of Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin. Unlike Trump the Russian president has persisted since the former's departure, presiding over a war for much of the interim. It's been an unnecessary tragedy, the Trump entourage insists, that would never have happened had their man's tenure not been interrupted. So, what next then for Russo-American relations, and what's to become of... Greenland!?

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears and has, as well as serving as advisor to governments at the highest level, too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism. Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17, ‘Skripal in Prison,’ the first and perhaps only book to follow the Skripal saga from its beginnings, and now its freshly released sequel, 'LONG LIVE NOVICHOK! The British Poison that Fooled the World'. John's recent article at Dances with Bears, 'DUE NORTH – TRUMP OPENS THE WAR AGAINST RUSSIA FROM GREENLAND' offers a window on the prospects of our Northern near future.

John Helmer and Trump's explicit Polar expeditions in the second half.


But first, Andy Worthington and Gitmo Getting Back to its Roots.


Song: "Affordable"

Artist: The Four Fathers - ‘Songs of Loss and Resistance’


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Laith Marouf, David Rovics January 29, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

January 29, 2025

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded January 29th, 2025

Last week Lebanon's new President Joseph Aoun told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Israel must have withdrawn all its military forces from the south of the country - as stipulated in the November ceasefire agreement signed by Hezbollah, and the Lebanese and Israeli governments - by January 26th. That deadline came and went over the weekend and the Israeli military remains. More than that, the IDF never ceased, destroying civilian infrastructure, bombing houses, businesses, and vehicles throughout the 60 day ceasefire implementation period, and is now targeting civilians returning to their homes directly; killing and maiming much in the manner we have witnessed it do in Gaza and the West Bank.

For its part Hezbollah has allowed the peace process continue, but warns the parties supposedly policing the ceasefire against "testing its patience". Monday, Hezbollah Secretary-General Naim Qassem rejected any prolonging of the ceasefire implementation period as Israel insists saying, "We do not accept an extension, not even for one day."

Laith Marouf is a Beirut-based multimedia consultant, producer, and now frontline war reporter. He's the founder and Executive Director of FreePalestine.Video whose purpose it says is to provide coverage of the region, “…in the absence of media supporting the resistance forces in the English language due to the ban in the West.”

Laith Marouf in the first half.

And; it's not just foreign media being disappeared from Western discourse. Those here at home opposing perpetual war, capitalist corruption, and authoritarianism well-used to being absented from corporate presses, are now being erased too from the social sphere. But there's a difference between being unable to breach legacy media gatekeeping to get ones squeaks in on its platform and the insidious tactics deployed by the likes of Youtube, Facebook, Spotify and Twitter X.

David Rovics knows more than most the heavy, sometimes arbitrary hand of the censor; and he's all too familiar with the invidious sting of the Cancel Crowd. Both have conspired to wreck his increasingly social media-dependent musical career, and stifle his persistently pointed criticism of their noisome activities.

The Demonetized, Deleted, but not Disappeared David Rovics in the second half.

But first, Laith Marouf from Lebanon, where Israel's fire never ceased.


Song: Riot Dog

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dave Lindorff, M.V. Ramana January 22, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

January 22, 2025

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded January 22nd, 2025.

You can pinch yourself, and give your head as many shakes as you like but it won't change the fact: You are indeed awake; Donald Trump is the president. No, you've not woken from a coma; or got caught in some sort of Sci-Fi time loop. Groundhog's Day is not real. What is real though is the Real Donald J. Trump; larger and orangier than ever, with no-one now left to stand in his way! So look out World! The King is returned; back to make the Empire great again, again.

But, and it is an enormous one, is the World big enough for both Trump and the rest of us?

Dave Lindorff is an Izzy Award-winning investigative journalist, author, and founder of the web news site, This Can’t Be Happening. Dave's book titles include: ''This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy,' 'Marketplace Medicine: The Rise of the For Profit Hospital Chains,' 'Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal,' and his latest, 'Spy for No Country: The story of Ted Hall, the teenage atomic spy who may have saved the world'. Dave's latest article at This Can't Be Happening's new Substack site is, 'Biden in Last-Minute Final Act as President Commutes Leonard Peltier Prison Sentence!' on the last act of the Biden presidency.

Dave Lindorff in the first half.

And; in a World beset by monstrous problems and seemingly intractable crises it's tempting to grasp at silver bullets; simple solutions to rid us of all our worries finally and at once. Such is the promise of nuclear power - and has been for generations - even as our challenges have changed, "atoms for peace" persist as the ready panacea, if only we'd pursue them.

M.V. Ramana is a scholar, author, and champion for peace. Professor at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia, where he serves too as the Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security, Ramana is co-editor of the book, 'Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream' and author of, 'The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India', and the recently released, 'Nuclear is Not the Solution: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change'.

M.V. Ramana and dispelling the illusions of a nuclear solution in the second half.

But first, Dave Lindorff and the second ascension of Donald Trump.


Song: ‘Blinken’s Last Press Conference

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at: