Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Dimitri Lascaris, John Helmer February 26, 2025

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

February 26, 2025
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded February 26th, 2025

As the body count continues, and whole towns and villages are destroyed during the current “ceasefire” in Palestine and Lebanon, a second front in the War on Civilians expands too. A big part of that war, just as in the shooting campaign, is aimed at media revealing crimes against humanity being regularly carried out. Montreal Police joined the fray last week, targeting author, journalist, and activist, Yves Engler.

Full disclosure: Yves’ been on this show many times over nearly 18 years, primarily to talk about the dark side of Canadian foreign policy; the topic he’s devoted a dozen books and hundreds of articles to over the years.

As well as writing about the gross violations of human decency Canadian foreign policy and that of its confederates engage in, Yves too takes part in direct action; picketing, marching, giving speeches, and disrupting public appearances by prominent politicians to ask pointed questions the controlled press won’t. In that pursuit he and Dimitri Lascaris formed the Disruption Network, in hopes of encouraging others to do the same.

Dimitri Lascaris is a journalist, activist, lawyer, and broadcaster. His online interview program Reason2Resist is available at Rumble and Youtube, and at Substack along with his many articles. Dimitri is just back from Lebanon, where he attended the funeral Sunday of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, and surveyed the destruction in the south of the country.

Dimitri Lascaris in the first half.

And; peace and rumours of peace: Is it possible the new old president, most famous for his bellicose personality, is about to bring about a new detente with arch America foe, Russia, and stop the three years-long Ukraine war? Smart money has it so, or at least they that purport to know say, Zelenskyy’s US dollar supply is running out, and without that the arms maker’s party is over. But can it be true?

John Helmer’s a journalist and author who’s spent decades living in and reporting from Russia. He’s the principle behind the web news site, Dances with Bears and has, as well as serving as advisor to governments at the highest level, too been a professor of political science, sociology, and journalism. Among his many book titles are: ‘The Man Who Knows Too Much About Russia,’ ‘The Lie That Shot Down MH-17, ‘Skripal in Prison,’ and now the freshly released Skripal sequel, ‘LONG LIVE NOVICHOK! The British Poison that Fooled the World’. John’s recent article at Dances with Bears is, BEATING SISYPHUS TO THE PUNCH — HOW TO ROLL BACK US FORCES IN EUROPE WITHOUT ROLLING BACK NATO, WITHOUT UKRAINE.

John Helmer and parsing the truth behind the new old president’s recent pronouncements on peace in the second half.

But first, Dimitri Lascaris on Canadian arrests and Lebanon’s continued resistance.


Song: What’s Going on Here, Montreal?

Artist: David Rovics


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at, and the GR blog at: and on Telegram at:


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