Sunday, May 15, 2005

Gorilla Radio for Monday, May 16th 2005

Gorilla Radio M16th

If there’s a single culprit we can point to for enabling and sustaining the abhorrent unfolding of recent history it is the mainstream media. Had the truth been told in the year 2000, George Bush would today be living a simple life in Texas, not presiding upon a stolen throne in Washington.

Had the truth been told in 2001, Afghanistan would not be a smouldering ruin. Had the truth been told in 2003, thousands of Iraqi civilians would be alive, not buried in an irradiated battlefield.

At every turn, the major media has twisted facts, distorted context, and conflated rumours and official misinformation all to further the interests of the few power brokers behind Bush’s pretence to legitimacy.

But not everyone has been fooled. Luciana Bohne is a professor, teaching women’s literature, cinema, and classical literature at Edinboro University, Pennsylvania. Following the 9/11 attacks, and witnessing the media reaction, she decided to become a “citizen journalist,” presenting analysis of world and national events, she says, “as a defence mechanism against paralysis, isolation, and fear.”

Luciana Bohne in the first half.

And, During last summer’s Republican National Convention in New York City, Canadian filmmaker, Stephen Marshall took his camera and crew to the streets to shoot scenes for his theatrical production, This Revolution.

The crew soon found themselves arrested. Like the many hundreds arrested arbitrarily by heavy-handed law enforcers, the crew was later released and their film finished.

This Revolution will air Monday May 16th here at 7pm in UVic’s David Strong Building. Stephen Marshall too will be here to take questions after the film.

Marshall is co-founder of Guerrilla News Network, one of the best online sources for news and information, and he’s the creator of Channel Zero television. His last film, BattleGround: 21 Days on the Empire’s Edge won the Silver Hugo Award for best documentary at the 2004 Chicago International Film Fest.

Stephen Marshall and This Revolution in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, Luciana Bohne and peeling the paint of the mainstream media whitewash.

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