Sunday, August 30, 2009

Katrina's Hard Choices

Comments on 'Deadly Choices at Memorial'
by Arthur Caldicott
That is an engulfing story, Delores. Thanks for posting it.

No fault to find with anyone in those extreme circumstances - exhausted, in a 100 degree hospital without power or water or virtually any necessary resources, left to fend for themselves in a dreadful situation, and well-intentioned to the end, the actions of all of them seem heroic. The extraordinary behaviour of these people, shines through the awfulness.

Until the attorney-general opened investigations 14 days after Katrina. Then it gets ugly, as lawyers and medical investigators start trying to uncover evidence, performing autopsies on rotting corpses.

I followed the link to the two YouTube videos of Sheri Fink talking about the story.

In the second part, starting at about 3:27 she is asked about the details she amassed in her research and interviews and what was left in and what was left out in the final edit. Her response to the question made me smile and feel right at home.

Part I.

Part II.


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