Let Us Talk About Jewishness
by Gilad Atzmon
One of the main differences between my work and and the writings of other humanists within the peace movement is that I am willing to move beyond the political discussion -- I dig into the ideological and philosophical roots of the Jewish state, Jewish politics and Jewish identity politics. I look into the meaning of 'Jewishness.'
In my work I clearly identify a continuum between Israel and 'Jewish ideology' ('Jewishness'). And since Israel defines itself as the Jewish State, then suhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifrely --we must be brave enough to question what Jewishness stands for.
And clearly, Israelis are proud about their Jewishness -- They are far from being shy about it all.
In the following video Judeo-Centric Israeli Law Professor Ruth Gavison spreads some Jewish Tribal ideas at AIPAC conference.
If you fail to understand what motivates the Israeli pilots to drop bombs on civilians from aeroplanes decorated with Jewish symbols, law professor Gavison provides the answer;
“Israel will do whatever it takes to remain a Jewish state for as long as it takes.â€
If you ask yourself, how is it that 94% of Israeli Jews supported the IDF genocidal measures at the time of Operation Cast Lead, then Gavison may have some insights to offer.
“The Jewishness of Israel is the meaning of which the state of Israel is enabling Jews for the first time in many years, to take control of all aspects of their livesâ€
They certainly do: Israeli brutality is beyond comparison.
Gavison concludes, “Israel is the place where Jewish and Hebrew culture is the majority culture; this is the meaning of the Jewishness of Israelâ€
We have to agree with the Law Professor -- Hebrew culture is, indeed, a majority culture in Israel -- because the indigenous people of the land are locked behind walls in open air prisons.
If Israel is the meaning of Jewishness, and vice versa, Jews do have a serious ethical problem to deal with. 
Gilad Atzmon
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