BOOM! Resistencia is a Semi-Finalist in the Cuban Hat Contest
by Jesse Freeston
Hey! If you haven't heard, I'm making a film. Check out the trailer.It's called Resistencia, it's about the farmers of Honduras' Aguan Valley who have been occupying 8,000 acres of palm oil plantations for almost three years, ever since a military coup overthrew the only president that ever supported them. Sixty members and supporters of this occupation have been killed over this period, yet the the farmers are still there, and we need to get their story out ASAP. The Aguan should be as well known as Tahrir Square.
And now, it has just been named a semi-finalist in the Cuban Hat Pitch Contest.
You can check out my pitch video as well as those of the 12 other semi-finalists, and then take a minute and 35 seconds to cast your vote. The top five will get to do their pitch in front of industry leaders at the Montreal International Documentary Film Festival next month in a competition for prizes and exposure.
Two Quick Things On Voting:
1. Once you vote, a confirmation email will be sent to your account, you have to open it and click on the link, otherwise your vote won't be counted.2. While voting, it will ask you to 'pledge' a donation for the Cuban Hat. This is not mandatory, you can leave it blank if you wish. That said, this is a pretty awesome project, so if you did want to throw something in the cap, you wouldn't be sinning.
If you don't wanna vote for Resistencia, that's okay. Lucky for you it's a secret ballot. In this case, please vote for either Lia Tarachansky's Seven Deadly Myths or Stefan Verna's Nomad's Land. Both are fantastic films by two people that inspire me on a daily basis. The ideal situation will be to see all three of us on stage for the finals in Montreal in November.
If you're into Resistencia. Don't be shy to spread the word on Facebook or whatever social gadget you prefer.
Wishing nothing but the best to you all. But wishing even better to those who GO VOTE.
Jesse Freeston.
PS - If you're in New York City. The Aguan farmers will be receiving an award this Wednesday Oct 10th recognizing their contribution to global Food Sovereignty. It will include a free concert from Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine. Vitalino Alvarez, the farmer representative that was going to come receive the award was stopped by the Honduran government from leaving after they charged him with participating in an 'illegal protest' in front of the Supreme Court. So get out there on Wednesday and show your support if you can!