Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Occupied Palestine in Photos and Stories: 'Gaza Against the Wall'

“Gaza: Against the Wall”

by Kevin Neish

Dear Media, with Mr. Harper's new "anti-terrorist" bill, the RCMP will be able to prevent Canadian citizens from traveling abroad if they are deemed to be taking part in "terrorist activities", so social justice activists like myself may soon be grounded. I have been invited to return to Gaza in June by a charity group, but it appears that I could be prevented from going if Mr. Harper's new bill passes. Canadians may now have an ideological "gatekeeper" keeping us in. Shades of 1950's McCarthyism. Below is the press release for my upcoming presentation on my last trip (and it may well be my last).
 Kevin Neish


Victoria human rights activist Kevin Neish presents a slide show and discussion of his recent 5 week tour of Gaza. Amidst the Israeli forces’ rockets, hijackings, kidnappings, shootings and blackouts, the Palestinian people of Gaza carry on with their lives.

 “Gaza: Against the Wall”
Public presentation and slide show
8 pm Friday April 26
Fernwood Community Association, 
1923 Fernwood Rd.
Admission by donation.

In Arabic they are called “sumud”, in English it's steadfast and unyielding. Mr. Neish volunteered as a human shield and human rights observer with farmers in their fields and with fishers at sea, along the Israeli border’s “shoot-to-kill buffer zone”.

He documented his trip with photographs and essays at www.kevinneish.ca

Since 1989, Mr. Neish has volunteered as a human shield and human rights observer in Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia and Palestine in the West Bank and now Gaza. He survived the Israeli assault on the Mavi Marmara in May 2010.

For immediate release

Contact: Kevin Neish

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