Sunday, July 07, 2013

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Richard Atwell, Micheal Vonn, Janine Bandcroft Monday July 8, 2013

This Week on GR

by C. L. Cook -

With so much political crapulence dirtying this country Canada's public sphere, from the rotting head of the prime minister's office, to the lowliest factotums of our own Capital Region District, the stench has become so overwhelming Big Media is forced to hold its nose and report the wretchedness.

Amidst this stink, it's good to see at least one odiferous disaster averted; for now.

Last week, the rank scheme to saddle a Vic West residential neighbourhood with a "biosolid" processing plant was unceremoniously flushed by the CRD, but not before they had pissed away millions of tax dollars. Richard Atwell is campaign organizer for, the group single-most responsible for the CRD's about face.

Listen. Hear.

Richard's a software engineer and Saanich resident whose work on the campaign to stop this more than badly thought out plan entailed a marriage of multi-media production, social networking, and good old-fashioned takin' it to the street demonstrations by those most threatened on Viewfield Road, their near neighbours, and citizens throughout the region opposed to both the ways and means deployed by Regional District directors to foist this 2+ billion dollar fiasco down our collective neck.

Richard Atwell in the first half.

And; Canada Day celebrations went off with a bigger bang than usual in Victoria last week. Or at least that's what the authorities would have us believe. The non-incident at the provincial Legislature Buildings has, heaven knows, been well publicized, but do Canadians fully appreciate what the case against John Nuttall and Amanda Korody means for both justice and civil rights in this country?

Micheal Vonn is Policy Director of the BC Civil Liberties Association and is a frequent speaker on matters of privacy, national security, policing, surveillance, and free speech. Vonn is also a past Adjunct Professor in UBC's Faculty of Law and in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies where she taught civil liberties and information ethics. Micheal is also a regular guest instructor for UBC's College of Health Disciplines Intersdisciplinary Elective in HIV/AIDS Care. She was too awarded the 2010 AccolAIDS Award for social and political advocacy benefiting communities affected by HIV?AIDS.

Micheal Vonn and the not quite Great Canada Day Gunpowder Plot in the second half.

And; Victoria Street Newz publisher and CFUV Radio broadcaster, Janine Bandcroft will join us at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with some of what's good to do in and around Victoria in the coming week. But first, Richard Atwell and a mighty smell emanating the CRD's floundering waste disposal plans.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing live every Monday, 5-6pm Pacific Time. In Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at:  He also serves as a contributing editor to the web news site, Check out the GR blog at:
G-Radio is dedicated to social justice, the environment, community, and providing a forum for people and issues not covered in the corporate media.

Some past guests include: M. Junaid Alam, M. Shahid Alam, Gilad Atzmon, Joel Bakan, Maude Barlow, Ramzy Baroud, William Blum, Luciana Bohne, William Bowles, Mordecai Briemberg, Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Michel Chossudovsky, Diane Christian, Paul Cienfuegos, David Cromwell, Ezili Danto, Jon Elmer, Yves Engler, Laura Flanders, Amy Goodman, Denis Halliday, Chris Hedges, Julia Butterfly Hill, Robert Jensen, Dahr Jamail, Diana Johnstone, Malalai Joya, Kathy Kelly, Naomi Klein, Frances Moore Lappe, Ingmar Lee, Dave Lindorff, Alexandra Morton, Loretta Napoleoni, Andrew Nikiforuk, Ken O'Keefe, Greg Palast, Michael Parenti, Robert Parry, John Pilger, Kevin Pina, Paul Craig Roberts, David Rovics, Danny Schechter, David Schindler, Vandana Shiva, Tim Shorrock, Norman Solomon, Jean Saint-Vil, Harvey Wasserman, Paul Watson, Bernard Weiner, Andy Worthington, Mickey Z., Howard Zinn and many others.

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