Roast Goldman Sachs' Chestnuts on an Open Fire
by Greg Palast

Vultures and Vote Rustlers combines my favorite eight investigations for BBC-TV and Democracy Now into a one hour film that will make you howl with laughter — and with anger—or your money back.
Hey, I made Amy Goodman laugh. I also made a bunch of billionaire speculators, oil company CEOs and Larry Summers scream, cry and threaten law suits.
Get a copy of the DVD right now by making a tax-deductible donation of at least $40 to the Palast Investigative Fund — and I’ll sign it personally to you with my thanks.
Donate now (or no later than Monday) and you’ll have it in your hands by December 20.
I’m donating all the film and 100% of the proceeds to the Palast Investigative Fund. Help me feed our team of incomparable investigators, researchers and filmmakers so they don’t pass out from hunger during our grueling schedule of investigations set for the coming year. I’ve already stuffed into my files and hidden recorders info on the Theft of the 2014 elections, the XL Pipeline and the billionaire bad-boys funding these games…but I can’t write it up, film it, or get it out without your help.
Make your donation at least $65 and get 2 DVDs: Vultures and Vote Rustlers and Palast Investigates.

Make it $80 or more and I’ll send you both my book Vultures' Picnic and Vultures and Vote Rustlers.
Here’s just some of what you’ll get in Vultures and Vote Rustlers, filmed on four continents…
- Me and my crew under arrest in Azerbaijan while investigating the Deepwater Horizon explosion. (The film will explain this weird turn of events.)
- The billionaires behind Governor Chris Christie’s rise and how they enriched their previous puppet, Mitt Romney, with a $115 million payoff.
- The discovery of Karl Rove’s latest scam for swiping votes from Black folk.
- The stake-outs in the snow and the hunt in the heat in the Congo to catch the vulture financiers who would choose your next president.
… And "Goldman Sachs attacks!" — with painfully live footage of our cameraman Zach getting clonked on the noggin by cops at Occupy Wall Street. (And thanks to our donors who replaced the camera.)

It’s all here: Stake-outs at dawn, nudnicks at noon, night in the Congo…old-fashioned investigative reporting like you don’t see on US TV.
This is my best stuff, both fun and unbelievably important to understanding the games the 1% play.
The DVD also includes an hour and a half of extras including my take-downs on the stories in interviews with Amy Goodman, Abbie Martin and Max Keiser … plus an Eskimo chief telling me to f— myself after eating whale meat. (You have to see it to believe it.)
Or download the one-hour film right now. (Minimum donation $20—tax deductible and much needed.)
Filmed by cameraman extraordinaire Rick Rowley (Dirty Wars) and a team of out-of-control filmmakers (and my cool little Austin Powers camera-in-a-pen).
Get this film, get a laugh, get an education — get a tax-deduction and help get our team back on the trail.
(And if you’ve got a grand, we’ll list you as a producer on our next film, Billionaires and Ballot Bandits.)
Want to send your loved ones the gift of truth? Just tell me who to sign it for after you make your donation.
Or consider the Palast Investigate Fund for your list of End-of-Year tax-deductible, charitable contributions.
I can’t thank you enough for all your support for the past ten years of investigations that make front-page revelations — and more important, have changed laws, changed lives and made a difference.
And even though Bill O’Reilly will hate me for saying it: Happy Holidays,

Greg Palast
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Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Billionaires & Ballot Bandits,The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Armed Madhouse and the highly acclaimed Vultures' Picnic.
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