Monday, March 03, 2014

Health Risks of Farmed Salmon Revealed (and Covered Up)

Farmed Salmon Health Risk (Update)

by Alexandra Morton


When a Norwegian research pediatrician went public with the news that women of child-bearing-age risk the development of their babies brains when they eat farmed salmon, I began following the story. This was not the first time we heard this news.

In my blog Guide to Safe Salmon I have posted a 3 minute film on what happens when you squeeze a piece of farmed salmon and I list what is known about the health risks of eating farmed salmon.

On the navigation bar you can go directly to the translated newspaper articles from Norway and see what they are saying, how the politicians have responded, what Norway did to the scientists that first raised the warnings, how Norway has lobbied to increase toxins in farmed salmon. It is a scandal.

We urgently need to decide if we are going to continue to risk our wild salmon, and health just to allow Norway to grow more and more of their fish here in BC. It is hard to find anything beneficial about salmon farming. The only benefit to BC is a few jobs. We could decide to focus on much more intelligent aquaculture, work with the wild salmon to restore them and have twice as many jobs.

The only people affected would be the shareholders of these companies who would have to decide to buy shares in something different. Seems a small price to pay for a healthy coast, economy and food.

If the strong Norwegian lobby was removed I think we would see a diverse BC land-based aquaculture industry thrive without growing salmon at all. Salmon viruses would no longer a federal secret. We could get to work healing this coast and using some of the incredibly powerful science now available to turn BC wild salmon back on!

You can help by:

Calling your local sushi restaurants and let them know what is in farmed salmon

Sign and share this petition to Premier Clark with just over 98,000 signatures


Join the Salmon Are Sacred facebook page and help with the public outreach to supermarkets.

In the next few weeks, millions of young wild salmon will be swimming to sea past salmon farms. They will be exposed to whatever viruses, bacteria and lice are in the farms. There is nothing smart about bathing wild salmon in industrial feedlot waste.... nothing at all.

Alexandra Morton

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