Climate Leadership Team was announced on May 12th
by British Columbia Government
Premier Christy Clark today introduced the team providing government with expert advice and recommendations as British Columbia begins developing a new climate action plan that will build on its climate successes.
“We’re taking the next step in climate leadership by engaging with British Columbians on new climate actions to support a growing economy,” said Premier Christy Clark. “The Climate Leadership Team brings together leaders from the business, academic and environmental communities, as well as First Nations and local governments, to consider the best actions to keep us on track toward meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets. Thank you to the team members for accepting the challenge of helping B.C. develop our new Climate Leadership Plan.”
Member biographies are listed below by group.
Mike Bernier, MLA
Jordan Sturdy, MLA
Prior to being elected, Jordan was a paramedic and served as Mayor of Pemberton since 2005. Jordan entered public service as a local trustee for the Pemberton Valley Dyking District, and was chair of the organization during the record floods of 2003. He has also served the community in a variety of other capacities, including Board Member of the Squamish Lillooet Regional District, President of the Whistler Farmer’s Market Society, Director of the Fraser Basin Council, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Executive Committee Member, SLRD Hospital District Chair, Sea to Sky Regional Hospital District Director and Director of the BC Association of Farmer’s Markets. Jordan grew up in Vancouver, attending Magee Secondary School, Vancouver Community College, and the University of British Columbia. Jordan has lived in Pemberton since 1989, and he and his wife are the owners of North Arm Farm.
Susanna Laaksonen-Craig, Head, Climate Action Secretariat
Nancy Olewiler, Professor, Simon Fraser University School of Public Policy
Nancy has held a number of positions serving many communities, locally and internationally. These include being a member the Board of Directors of BC Hydro from 2001 to 2010 and TransLink from 2008 to 2013 (where she served as its Chair from 2010 to 2013). She is a member of the National Statistics Council and Chairs the National Accounts Advisory Committee for Statistics Canada. Her areas of research include natural resource and environmental policy, the impact of environmental regulation on the economy, and environmental tax policy. She has published in academic journals, edited books, has written two widely used textbooks, and produced numerous reports for the Canadian federal and provincial governments on a wide range of environmental and natural resource issues. From 1990 to 1995 she was Managing Editor of Canadian Public Policy, Canada's leading public policy journal. Nancy is a research mentor to the Environment and Economy Program for Southeast Asia and the Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economy Program.
Dr. Thomas F. Pedersen, Executive Director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
Dr. James Tansey, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business and CEO/Co-Founder of Offsetters
Tansey has worked as an advisor and contributor to the World Economic Forum, the UK National Audit Office, Oxford Analytica, Cisco, ISIS Innovation (Oxford), Environment Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.
Tansey received his PhD from the University of East Anglia in 1999. After a number of years in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at UBC, he returned to the UK as a lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at the Said Business School in Oxford, where he was also deputy director of the James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization. He returned to UBC in 2006 where he joined the Sauder School of Business. In 2013 he was awarded a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for his contributions to the Province of British Columbia.
Community Interests
Linda Hepner, Mayor, City of Surrey
Paul Ives, Mayor, Town of Comox
Luke Strimbold, Mayor, Village of Burns Lake
His title as one of Canada's youngest mayors seems to follow him around, but Luke Strimbold has many discerning qualities that serve him well as Mayor. Strimbold leads his life by the principles of inclusion and equality, and those sentiments are reflected in his politics. Growing up in Burns Lake, a town with six nearby First Nations, Strimbold has had many chances to experience neighbouring cultures and traditions. When asked what defines him professionally, Strimbold responded that his biggest passion is "building relationships and partnerships with First Nations. Building stronger working relationships will support a better place to live, work, and play for all people. We need to remove barriers, build trust, and support one another." This inspiring passion is not one that only applies to Burns Lake, but all of British Columbia. Strimbold strongly believes local governments need to actively "serve [their] community to influence progressive leadership." Strimbold's service to his community has also earned him recognition - he was listed as one of the Top 10 Governors in the Monocle Magazine, as well as BC's Top 30 Under 30 in BC Business. To Strimbold, though, the simplest of pleasures have the highest importance. "My family time would be impossible for me to give up."
Environmental Interests
Tzeporah Berman, Former Co-Director, Greenpeace Global Climate and Energy Program
Tzeporah Berman BA, MES, LLD (honoris causa) has been working on environmental policy in Canada and beyond for over twenty years. She is an Adjunct Professor of York University Faculty of Environmental Studies and a strategic consultant who works with many philanthropic foundations, First Nations and environmental organizations. She is the former co-director of Greenpeace International's Global Climate and Energy Program, Executive Director and Co-founder of PowerUp Canada and Co-founder and Campaign Director of ForestEthics. Tzeporah was appointed by the Premier of British Columbia to the Green Energy Task Force in 2009 to design recommendations for the development of renewable energy in the region. Tzeporah was one of the experts in Leonardo Di Caprio's environmental documentary 11th Hour, was one of six Canadian nominees for the Schwab Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, has been profiled as one of 50 Visionaries Changing the World in Utne Reader and as "Canada's Queen of Green" in the cover story for Readers Digest. She was honored by inclusion into the BC Royal Museum permanent exhibit of one of 150 people who have changed the face of British Columbia. Last year Tzeporah was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of British Columbia, Corporate Knights named her one of the Top Women in Sustainability (Canada), and she was nominated for Climate Woman of the Year by Responding to Climate Change. She is the Canadian Ambassador for World Future Council Global 100%RE, a fellow of the Broadbent Institute and Planet in Focus' 2014 Canada Eco-Hero. This year Tzeporah has been nominated for the YWCA Women of Distinction Award in British Columbia. Tzeporah was one of the creators and lead negotiators of the Great Bear Rainforest agreement and the Canadian Boreal Forest Initiative. Her work has contributed to the protection of over 40 million hectares of old growth forests. More recently Tzeporah helped to design Greenpeace International's Arctic campaign, the Volkswagen campaign in Europe and the Clean Our Cloud campaign that led to Apple and Facebook becoming international leaders in using renewable energy for their data centers. Her first book, This Crazy Time: Living Our Environmental Challenge was recently published by Knopf Canada. Twitter/Tzeporah.
Matt Horne, BC Associate Regional Director, Pembina Institute
Merran Smith, Executive Director, Clean Energy Canada
Business Interests
James Gorman, President and CEO of the Council of Forest Industries
David Keane, CEO, BC LNG Alliance
In an energy industry career spanning 33 years David has conducted business in over 16 countries. He has managed various forms of the business and has established a strong external reputation in the energy industry. As BC LNG Alliance’s President, David has responsibility for promoting and developing a robust LNG export industry in British Columbia that is safe, environmentally and socially responsible. David was named President of the BC LNG Alliance in August 2014. Prior to joining the Alliance, David was with BG Group for 10 years serving as Vice President, Policy and Corporate Affairs. Before joinging BG he was with Dynegy Inc. as Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Dynegy Europe. David also spent several years with Apache Corp. and Conoco, Inc. He also spent nine years as a helicopter pilot in the US Army. David is Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Premier’s LNG Working Group on Labour and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Immigrant Employment Council of British Columbia. David is a cum laude graduate of Kansas State University, and holds a bachelor's degree in business administration. He is married, has two grown children and two grandchildren and lives in Vancouver.
Greg McDougall, CEO, Harbour Air
Bio coming soon
Tim Newton, P.Eng, Former BC Hydro and PowerEx Engineer and Executive
First Nations
Ian Campbell, Chief, Squamish First Nation
Ian Campbell has many names. He is called Xalek, his chieftain name is Sekyu Siyam, and his nickname is lan. He is the youngest of the sixteen hereditary Chiefs of the Squamish Nation, and he is a descendant of the Squamish and Musqueam First Nations of the Coast Salish People. Xalek grew up speaking the Squamish language and his grandfather taught him to hunt and to respect nature. His passion in life, singing, has taken him around the world, representing his people in several singing groups. He strongly believes in sharing the spiritual and cultural values of the Coast Salish people to help educate others, bridge the gap between cultures, and promote closer relations. His goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and restore the legacy that his ancestors have left for him. He is grateful to his elders and family for giving him strength, guidance, and discipline.
Michelle Edwards, Chief, Cayoose Creek Band
Michelle Edwards is Chief of Sek’wel’wás or Cayoose Creek Band, and a Board Member of the Cayoose Creek Development Corp. and Antares Project Services. She is leading her community towards economic growth and success, and has a critical role in the development and execution of the Cayoose strategic pillars. Chief Edwards initiated the launch of Split Rock Environmental, a community owned business that doubled production in 2013. She is also the current Chair of the Lillooet Tribal Council.
Zach Parker, Chief, Ulkatcho First Nation
Bio coming soon
Quick Links to each member:
BC Government
Mike Bernier
Jordan Sturdy
Susanna Laaksonen-Craig
Nancy Olewiler
Tom Pedersen
James Tansey
Community Interests
Linda Hepner
Paul Ives
Luke Strimbold
Environmental Interests
Tzeporah Berman
Matt Horne
Merran Smith
Business Interests
James Gorman
David Keane
Greg McDougall
Tim Newton
First Nations
Ian Campbell
Michelle Edwards
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