Killing Atticus Finch: Major Announcement in Siegelman Case
by Free Don
Dear Friend,We have an exciting announcement to make! Two major film professionals have joined Steve to make the long-awaited documentary about former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman a reality!
The film, titled Killing Atticus Finch, exposes the tactics used by corrupt Republican operatives to win elections by sending innocent political opponents to jail.
Our New Filmmaking Team
Killing Atticus Finch will be directed by Steve Wimberly, and produced by Academy Award Winner, Maria Florio of Earthworks Films, and celebrated actor and political activist, Mimi Kennedy. Maria, Mimi and Steve are well versed in Don’s story, and eager to tell the world about this travesty of justice.

Award Winning Producer, Maria Filorio, of Earthworks
(Click on the picture to learn more about Maria.)

Producer, Mimi Kennedy - Star of TV Series "Mom"
(Click on the picture to learn more about Mimi.)

Director Steve Wimberly, Lifelong Filmmaker
(Click on the picture to learn more about Steve.)
The Film
Our film will reveal the dark underbelly of Republican politics. It will explain how Karl Rove used his position in the Bush White House to “get rid of Siegelman” because Republicans simply couldn't beat him at the polls. Rove arranged for loyal Republican operatives (who also happened to be Siegelman’s political adversaries) to be appointed as federal prosecutors. Those prosecutors indicted Siegelman with false charges, charges which alleged actions that, according to hundreds of legal experts – both Republican and Democrat – have never been crimes in the history of American jurisprudence. Then, to guarantee that those false charges would stick, Rove arranged for a Republican activist “hanging judge" to preside over the trial. Inside this biased courtroom, Rove’s henchmen got away with a staggering judicial misconduct. Today Don Siegelman sits in prison, with his career, family, and finances devastated.
We invite you to be a part of this journey to bring integrity and the objective rule of law back to our judicial system!
Please give Killing Atticus Finch a hand! Visit GOFUNDME to make a donation or investment in this important work!
Please join us as donors - as angels - to get this movie made.
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Wonder What All the Fuss is About??
Watch the trailer to KILLING ATTICUS FINCH.
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