Friday, March 31, 2017

AIPAC, Trump, and Another Land Day Under Occupation

AIPAC and More

by Mazin Qumsiyeh

March 31, 2017

We just had the Palestine marathon in Bethlehem (6000 attending). We also had two field teams today: one near Yatta and one near Salfit. Rest of us continued volunteering at the museum and greeted some marathon runners and other visitors.

Yesterday was a science and environment festival at Hebron University. I have some students there doing research with us (including on Yatta area biodiversity). Thursday was also Land Day where we Palestinians work to defend our land from thieves who from the beginning of their Zionist project wanted to get the land without the native people (colonialism).

The Zionists are acting in ways that will come back to haunt them. Big ways like waging war on Islam and smaller ways like arresting Omar Barghouthi and passing laws to punish other supporters of Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions ( Thus we continue acting positively locally to resist the oppression while thinking globally.

Thinking globally, there is as usual some developments of interest (see below) including a pathetic meeting of "Arab leaders" in Jordan who had little to do other than delivering speeches about Palestine while bombing Yemeni civilians and others. The rare one or two decent ones seem lost in the US orchestrated line-up (against Iran!).

Human rights, democracy etc. seem alien to most of those in power. So it is not surprising that Israel felt emboldened enough this week to start a new colony on Palestinian land. Nikki Haley and the rest of the Trump team as you know is now openly in collusion with ethnic cleansing and land theft.

Anyway, here is this week’s compilation.

On the resignation of a UN official after UN Chief Gutieres falls on first hurdle by buckling to Israel-US

[This is not the first report that gets scuttled based on imperial-zionist policy, a report on the devastation of Yemen by the bombings of Saudi Arabia and its allies faced a similar fate]

Nikki Haley speaks at AIPAC (Israel’s lobby)

Recorded important Conference in Washington about the Israel lobby (minute
20 and beyond are fascinating)

WATCH: Jewish Defense League activists beat Palestinian-American at AIPAC

The Truth Behind The Headlines

Good TEDx report on efficacy of non-violent resistance

Conference: ‘Promoting Peace and Upholding the Transcendent Dignity of the Human Person in the Asia-Pacific Region’

Civil March to Aleppo

Stay Human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook

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