Sunday, August 14, 2022

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Diana Johnstone, Mickey Z. August 13th, 2022

This Week on GR

by C.L. Cook -

August 18, 2022

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded August 13th, 2022

In early August the ‘Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act’ was read into the record of the US Congress. Democratic Senator, Jeanne Shaheen introduced the bipartisan draft law, (and a second regarding sanctions as laid out in the Dayton Accords) saying the initiative was necessary because, “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions to spread malignant influence throughout Eastern Europe are evident.” Shaheen also says the Act, if passed “…[P]aves the way for wider Euro-Atlantic integrations.” among other things.

More seasoned listeners may better recognize those “Western Balkans” as elements of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, (and Albania) collapsed in the 1990’s, and it’s largest remnant Serbia subsequently bombed into further balkanization by NATO in the so-named “Kosovo War” at the end of the last century.

Diana Johnstone is an author, former press secretary to the Green Group in the European Parliament, and journalist whose writings on Yugoslavia received recognition from Project Censored among others. Her books include ‘ From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning,’ ‘Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher,’ and ‘Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusion.’ Diana’s articles can be found at

Diana Johnstone in the first half.

And; with the cooler evening’s promise of a change of season coming, I find myself thinking of the cycles of time; everything changing while remaining, in a sense, the same. If that sounds a little more mystic than the usual prattle here, chalk it up to the weather. As the wheel of fortune would have it, it’s been eight years to the day since I spoke last with my second guest – and in that time a lot has changed for both of us – and much too has remained the same.

Mickey Z. is a New York City born and bred activist, author, lecturer and martial artist who has the only-one-in-the-world distinction of having appeared in both a political anthology alongside Noam Chomsky, and featured in a Billy Banks karate film. Mickey Z.’s book titles include: ‘Darker Shade of Green,’ ‘Self-Defense for Radicals: A to Z Guide for Subversive Struggle,’ ‘CPR for Dummies,’ 50 American Revolutions You’re Not Supposed to Know: Reclaiming American Patriotism,’ ‘The Seven Deadly Spins: Exposing the Lies Behind War Propaganda,’ ‘Occupy This Book: Mickey Z. on Activism,’ and his latest, ‘Occupy These Photos: NYC Activism Through a Radical Lens.’ Mickey’s newsletter and podcast can be found these days at his site, Post-Woke.

Mickey Z. and learning the “art of intellectual self-defense” in the second half.

But first, Diana Johnstone and NATO’s Fools’ Crusade reprised in the Western Balkans.

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing since 1998; in Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at:  Check out the GR blog at:


Please support Mickey's Helping Homeless Women - NYC (my one-man project of nearly 6 years)


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