This Week on GR
by C.L. Cook -
If journalism is the “first rough draft of history” what Western historians will say about the origins of the current Ukraine war will roughly be a tale of desperate struggle between the freedom-loving patriots of a small nation, Davids, bravely facing down Goliath’s unprovoked attack.
Russia also has a story to tell, and it too relates the saga of freedom-loving patriots, the Davids of Donetsk, bravely defending the unprovoked assails of Kiev and the perfidious NATO. What’s certain is neither tale is quite true, nor entirely false. Factual ambiguity lies too behind the beginnings of this latest manifestation of the greater, and much longer, war between the two global behemoths.
Jeremy Kuzmarov is a journalist and author who also serves as Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He’s the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including: ‘Obama’s Unending Wars’, and ‘The Russians Are Coming, Again’ co-authored with John Marciano. His recent piece at CovertAction, ‘Russian-Hating Dream of Brzezinski Clan Nears Fulfillment as Poland Agrees to Host Permanent U.S. Base and Turn Baltic Sea into NATO Lake’ provides vital context both to the current conflict in Ukraine, and future geopolitical course desired by those in the West’s highest echelons.
Jeremy Kuzmarov in the first half.
And; Canada too is swept up in the war-mania zeitgeist, both as war-fighters and weapons dealers. Last month, federal and provincial ministers attended Britain’s Farnborough War Fair – properly that is, the ‘Farnborough International Airshow’ – selling Canada as the go-to place in today’s competitive international warmongers’ bazaar. But lest Canadians despair, federal innovation minister, Francois-Philippe Champagne reassures, the nation hasn’t strayed its peaceful path, saying Canada’s “very stringent” oversight guarantees only those sharing our virtues will receive favour and permits to purchase the country’s death-dealing merchandise.
Alex Cosh is managing editor at the web news site, The Maple. Alex attended too the Farnborough fair and relates the experience in his recent article, ‘Ministers Promote Canadian War Industry at International Show‘.
Alex Cosh and going to Farnborough, where “all the technology that leads to war originates” in the second half.
But first, Jeremy Kuzmarov and the Brzezinski’s generational war on Russia.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, airing since 1998; in Victoria at 101.9FM, and on the internet at: Check out the GR blog at:
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