This Week on GR
by C.L. Cook -
Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded November 19th, 2022.
Last week a missile landed on a farm in the Polish countryside. Two people were reportedly killed, and the rocket that killed them was reported to be Russian. Immediately the media machine in the West began to churn, and perhaps without meaning to brought the World a step closer to the next and last World War. That the story was wrong – false at first, and faked after the fact – made little difference to its dangerous amplification.
Alfred de Zayas is a law professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy whose lengthy career in the service of human rights law includes twenty five years at the United Nations as a staff member, special rapporteur, and after “retirement” a six year stint as Independent Expert on International Order to the UN.
De Zayas is too the author of twelve books, including “Nemesis at Potsdam” with a preface by the late Ambassador Robert Murphy, Eisenhower’s political advisor, “The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau”, with a preface by the foremost US expert on Prisoner of Wars, the late Professor Howard Levie, and his recent “human rights trilogy”: ‘Building a Just World Order,’ ‘Countering Mainstream Narratives: Fake News, Fake Law, Fake Freedom,’ and the forthcoming, ‘The Human Rights Industry’ are published by Clarity Press.
Alfred’s many essays appear online at Truthout and CounterPunch, where I found his recent article, ‘Peace as a Human Right‘ on the topic of “25 Principles of International Order to Ensure Sustainable Peace”.
And; this past week, Justin Trudeau broadcast on social media a conciliatory call he and British counterpart, prime minister Rishi Sunak made to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy regarding that infamous missile strike in Poland.
The call, made public in the most recklessly manner, proves again the current leadership in the West care little for either the sober conduct of governance or subtly international diplomacy demands.
Yves Engler is a Montréal-based activist and author who has published 12 books, mostly on Canadian foreign policy, including his latest ‘Stand on Guard For Whom? A People’s History of the Canadian Military‘. Yves is coming our way; November 26th in Nanaimo, the 28th in Victoria, and November 29th in Duncan. He’ll also be on the mainland November 30th in Powell River, and December 1st in Vancouver.
But first, Alfred de Zayas and building another Order for the World.
Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:
Song: Fighting Injustice
Artists: The Four Fathers
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