Friday, June 09, 2023

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Nick Mottern, Mickey Z. June 7th, 2023

This Week on GR

by C.L Cook -

June 7, 2023 

Welcome to Gorilla Radio, recorded June 7th, 2023

It’s a beautiful June 6th as I write, and that makes it a good reason – if another was needed – to leave the teevee off tonight. For today is one of the War State’s High Holidays, and the Death Cult will celebrate, blasting out its myriad memes of glory for the 79 year-old, U.S.-led invasion of Nazi-occupied France over as many channels as it can muster. But some may find World War II sagas a trifle anti-climactic, as its sequel roils the nightly news, moving from storm to tempest, and prompting the weary observation, “What’s past is prologue.”

Nick Mottern is a journalist, author, and co-coordinator with Kathy Kelly of, an organization founded to “inform the American public about the illegality, immorality and dreadful human consequences of U.S. drone attacks…” .

Ban Killer Drones are calling for Ukraine and Russia to honour a moratorium proposed on the use of drones by numerous peace groups taking part this weekend at the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine.

Nick Mottern in the first half.

And; whenever the question of peace, or even an end to war is broached, invariably the Nazi qualifier is raised: “But what about Hitler? Aren’t there instances where good wars are necessary to defeat the forces of evil?”

If ever was a loaded concept…!

Mickey Z. is the author of Post-Woke, a weekly podcast emanating from his native New York City. He is too a past lecturer and political activist, current martial artist and physical trainer, author of a dozen books, and most importantly perhaps, a sensei in “the art of intellectual self-defense”.
A big part of that self-defense is discerning friend from foe, and knowing when you’re being led down the garden path. Mickey’s recent piece at PostWoke, ‘D-Day = Disinformation Day’ is the perfect primer to keep you out of the tangled weeds that are the Good War narrative.

Mickey Z. in the second half

But first, Nick Mottern and the fight to ban killer drones travels to Vienna for the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine.

Song: Ears to Hear

Artist: Alicen Grey, When Humans Had Wings – from the album “Run Rabbit, Run!


Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcasting since 1999. Check out the Archive at,, and the GR blog at:

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