Friday, March 04, 2005

Gorilla Radio Log Blog

These are the outline transcripts for the last few Gorilla Radio introductions. I'll add more over time... -ape

GR 02-91 CFUV 101.9 FM 104.3 Cable ‘’
Monday, February 21st, 2005

5:00:00 2:00 Welcome to GR, etc. Barely a month into George Bush’s second “mandate,” and his Neo-con vision of America’s destiny are becoming manifest. Some of his new initiatives include gems like: An escalation of the so-called War on Terror; the dismantling of Social Security; a muzzling of the Liberal Arts on University campuses and scapegoating of professors and other educators not toeing the Bush line; and, just passed last week, a new law eliminating an entire area of jurisprudence, the right of citizens to launch Class Action law suits to seek redress for medical malpractice and corporate malfeasance. And, that’s just for starters! M. Junaid Alam is a Boston-based essayist, interviewer, and co-editor of the radical youth journal, ‘Left’ His articles can also be found at He’s seen George Bush’s ambitions for the new American Century firsthand: M. Shahid Alam is Junaid’s father, and has the dubious distinction of being one of the first of American academics to experience the right wing media wrath currently spreading across the nation. M. Junaid Alam in the first half.

And; Premier Gordon Campbell is determined to end the decades old, “War in the Woods.’ The battle over B.C.’s forest practices have plagued both political parties here, but the unrelentingly corporate-friendly Campbell thinks he’s come up with the answer. In the second half, Ingmar Lee, a Vancouver Island environmentalist, whose activism includes defending Nanaimo’s watershed, the iconic Cathedral Grove, and the few remaining wild places on the island, on the new Truce in the Woods.

And; Janine Bandcroft will be here at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, M. Junaid Alam and life with the Neo-cons.

5:02:00 25:00 Discussion w/ M. Junaid Alam

Welcome back to the show, Junaid. Your father, has also been on Gorilla Radio, and I’m concerned about his current situation. “Can you briefly tell us who your dad is, and what he’s experiencing in the Land of the Free?”

5:27:00 1:00 Cart(s)
5:28:00 3:00 Janine Bandcroft
5:31:00 3:00 Music
5:34:00 25:00 Discussion w/ Ingmar Lee

Welcome back to GR, etc. Gordon Campbell seems to have succeeded where none of his predecessors could; he’s solved the decades-old War in the Woods of the province. Or, so his PR people would have you believe. Ingmar Lee, a Vancouver Island environmentalist, whose activism includes defending Nanaimo’s watershed, the iconic Cathedral Grove, and the few remaining wild places on the island, and he joins us now to dissect recently inked forestry agreements here in B.C. “Welcome back to the show, Ingmar. The premier seems to have had an environmental epiphany ! He’s been seen hanging around with Greenpeace, the Rainforest Action Network, and other patchouli-scented longhairs, and has finally come to some understanding of the need to protect B.C.’s forest eco-system. Problem solved! So, now what are we going to talk about? “How about Gordon’s new friends from the Rainforest Solutions Project. Who are the hippies behind the RSP?”

5:59:00 1:00 Thanks to M. Junaid Alam, Ingmar Lee, J-9; upcoming.
6:00:00 --:-- -0-

GR 02-90 CFUV 101.9 FM 104.3 Cable ‘’
Monday, February 14th, 2005

5:00:00 2:00 Welcome to GR, etc. The newly “democratic” Palestinian leadership is trying to foster a peace plan, cease fire, road map, anything with Israel. As has always been the case, the onus for any peace is entirely incumbent on Palestine. That it is the victim in the sorry affair that has consumed the middle-east for sixty years charged with solving the problem is simply par for the course. But, there is some hope that with Yasser Arafat out of the picture, his successor, President Mahmoud Abbas can move Israel towards a just peace; though, to date, there has been little offered. Jon Elmer is a Halifax-based journalist who’s lived among the people of occupied Palestine. He produces the blog, ‘From Occupied’ Jon Elmer and the mustard seed of hope in Palestine.

And; America has changed radically in the last four years; true, every president since Woodrow Wilson has pursued a nefarious foreign policy, but none until George W. Bush have dared assail the constitution wholesale as he and his colleagues have. In the newest attack on citizen rights and freedoms, the Bush Administration, aided by the usual chorus of right wing radio and television loudmouth pundits has launched a campaign to purge America’s institutions of higher learning. Kurt Nimmo is a New Mexico-based photographer, multimedia developer, blogger, and author. He’s frequently published by, and is a contributor to their political anthology, ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism.’ His own compilation book, ‘Another Day in the Empire’ is now available from Dandelion Books. Kurt Nimmo and the great witch hunt in the second half.

And; Janine Bandcroft will join us at the bottom of the hour to bring us up to speed with all that’s good to do in and around Victoria this week. But first, Jon Elmer, watching the weary occupation of Palestine.

5:02:00 Discussion w/ Jon Elmer

“Welcome back to the show, Jon. How legitimate were Palestine’s recent elections?”

5:25:00 1:00 Cart(s)
5:28:00 3:00 Janine Bandcroft
5:31:00 3:00 Music
5:34:00 25:00 Discussion w/ Kurt Nimmo

Welcome back to GR, etc. The latest outrage emanating from our troubled neighbour to the south is an all-out media assault on academic freedom. Over the last few months, a concerted campaign to target, muzzle, or otherwise remove university professors outside the blinkered, lock-step “reality” of George Bush’s America has been conducted by right wing radio reactionaries and, predictably, formerly respected newspapers. Kurt Nimmo is a New Mexico-based photographer, multimedia developer, blogger, and author. He’s a contributor to’s book, ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism,’ and his own compilation book of essays, ‘Another Day in the Empire’ is now out. His blog has been one of the most vociferous opponents to the administration’s neo-Medieval approach to public discourse, and has too been pilloried and threatened by that same element of American society that would usher in the next dark age. “Welcome back to the show, Kurt. Just what’s been happening on America’s campuses?”

5:59:00 1:00 Thank to Jon Elmer, Kurt Nimmo, J-9; upcoming and Fdrive.
6:00:00 --:-- -0-

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