Friday, January 08, 2016

Seizing the Peace: Calls from Rocky Mountain Fort to Spare Peace River Valley BCHydro Folly

Looking for support at the Rocky Mountain Fort

by Arlene Boon -  Peace Valley Landowner Assoc

Hello supporters; as you probably know, First Nations and landowners are camped at the Rocky Mountain Fort. We have been successful in stopping the logging at the mouth of the Moberly. At this time we are setting up more accommodations.

Ken has been there since December 30th, and needs a break.

We even have people that have come up from Vancouver to go to the camp. There is good momentum and support and we need to keep the pressure on. What we are asking for is more supporters to come in to camp and help save the Peace valley.

We would like to rotate persons in and out on a weekly bases but if you could even help for a few days at a time, every day counts. If you can please also pass this on and help spread the work load and word it would be greatly appreciated.

What is required is people that are able to work well with others, willing to experience a winter adventure, able to get around in the bush, good health, and jack of all trades is an asset. (sounds like a job posting).

The location is not that easy to access and it is very important that anyone wanting to go in contact Arlene Boon. Please email me or call and I can give you more details of what is required.



Explains the photo attached. Never underestimate the power of one woman. I walked onto this logging site this morning. One machine and 8 people on the ground. Told the‪ #‎SITEC contractor I was not leaving so they moved the machine back to the bridge and the people left. January 6, 2016. Back to Rocky Mountain Fort I go.

Peace Valley Landowner Assoc.
Ken Boon, President
SS#2, Site 12, Comp 19
Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M7

Email address:
Facebook page:

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