Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Let's Talk About It: What's the Covid origin story, and why can't we talk about it?

What's the Covid origin story? And why can't we talk about it?

The Buddhists are right. It’s impossible to live in this world without becoming damaged in some way - physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. There is suffering, there is disease, there is death. There is slavery. There is child sex trafficking. There is war. There is the threat of nuclear annihilation. And there are bio-labs where viruses are being manipulated and, very possibly, released (intentionally or otherwise) onto an unsuspecting public (for the purpose of forcing a genocidal drug?).


Is that what happened with Covid? How will we ever know?

My friend Chris Cook, an independent investigative journalist, has been censored and removed from local airwaves after 23 years broadcasting Gorilla Radio at CFUV, a community/university radio station. His crime? Investigating the official Covid origin story narrative with his guest, Meryl Nass, a physician and researcher who helped prove the world's largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. They discussed publicly available evidence to consider whether the virus actually emerged from a live market in Wuhan, or whether its origin might possibly be connected to the USAID EcoHealth Alliance funded Wuhan Institute of Virology. Seems a common sense question to ask 2.5 years later, no? Why, then, are some people so freaked out by it, and so much so that they will risk upsetting their funding base, their listeners, by removing a popular public affairs program from the airwaves?

Chris’ response to being booted off the airwaves is online here, and the interview that ended 23 years of public radio broadcasting of Gorilla Radio at CFUV is online here.

You’re smart, right? Able to do your own investigation and make up your own mind? If you’d rather not know what people are saying on Gorilla Radio, then you don’t have to listen. It’s really that simple. We all find “news journalists” with an angle that makes sense to us. The past couple of years we’ve been challenged to listen more carefully to people and information that might disrupt our worldview, and that’s healthy. We listen, investigate further, and agree or disagree. Just because we listen, doesn’t mean we just believe it.

If CFUV was interested in democracy, wouldn’t they ask their listeners, their funders, whether we’re ready to begin asking the tough questions about what the f**k has happened these past couple of years?

But in this appalling time of mass censorship, too many are bowing to the authoritarian nanny state that feigns concern about our best interests. They don’t want us to be misinformed? They don’t think we can handle the truth! They’d rather decide for you what you can hear, and what you can’t. Surprisingly, people are welcoming that! The only stuff they want us to hear is only the stuff that serves their interests, that feeds their narrative. Nothing that upsets the apple cart, thank you very much. They don’t want to know, and they think they have the power from stopping the rest of us who want to lift the lid on covid and have a closer look.

This is not Gorilla Radio’s first slap upside the head. Earlier this year Chris was reprimanded for this interview with Canadian poet Kim Goldberg who talked about mass formation hypnosis and her fears, as a Jewish woman with a clear understanding of historical incidents, as the tyranny of a forced medical experiment began to take hold of nearly everything around her.

Coincidentally, as Gorilla Radio leaves the airwaves now over a “gain of function” inquiry, the very same subject is exploding on the few indy media news sites that remain. If you’re interested in knowing what other real journalists are revealing (rather than hearing more blather trap from the governments’ stenographers), check out this new interview - US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up - with Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, and Jeffrey Sachs. And here Russell Brand offers his views on the latest news announcing renewed funding for even more bat coronavirus research. Because that’s a good use of tax dollars, right?!?!

My thoughts on all this seem endless, so I’ve dumped some of them into this document. You don’t have to read them. But I felt compelled to write something, to try and make sense of it all, because Gorilla Radio was a staple in my diet for many years and I’m not happy that someone else has decided it’s not good for me. So here goes.

For some reason, humans are generally freaked out at the idea of actually finding the source of pretty much anything. When we’re feeling sick, or depressed, or impotent - there’s a pill for that. We love the quick fast-food solution. Health care in Canada is now being referred to as "Pharma Care,” and the “solution” offered is lower priced drugs and more tax subsidies and charity bucks added to the the already billions spent on research to find cures for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia. What if we were to focus a bit on investigating why these diseases exist in the first place? Some say genetics is more like a light switch than a pre-determined state, and lifestyle choices can make a huge difference for prevention and treatment. What if health care was about promoting health rather than just treating sick bodies?

When we have undrinkable water, ocean dead zones, species extinction, we’re told (and we choose to believe) these are just natural changes, cycles of nature, call it El Nino and get on with life. I guess it’s just easier to denounce “climate change” as a “conspiracy theory,” a WEF talking point, a left wing effort to take away our freedoms, rather than consider that 8+ billion people on the planet might actually be having some negative impact. It’s overwhelming, perhaps, so instead of taking an honest good look at the state of our physical world and our influence on it we just carry on, don’t worry be happy. It hasn’t rained for months and months in what used to be a rainforest and now there’s talk of rain in the forecast? How horrible. Because human comfort is the only thing that matters on this planet. Comfort in this moment, without considering how our comfort level will be diminished when our collective water supply is diminished. And who cares about all the rest of the creatures, and the trees, and everything else in existence (especially the bugs .. yuck) who need water to survive. So we dismiss the problems by pretending they don’t exist, or that it’s someone else’s responsibility to fix it. Don’t look to the power of 8 billion to get to the source and do anything about it.

If we actually do allow ourselves to witness something that disturbs us, and we let our conscious mind accept that there’s something really wrong, we quickly find someone to blame for it. Some way to push it away rather than examine it and figure out what caused it so we can avoid it happening next time. When 9/11 hit, the US President told us to go shopping. Within a week they’d named the enemy and within a couple of years entire countries were invaded and torture camps were established, entire civilizations destroyed without congressional consent and without a single day in court for any of those accused in a court of law for directly causing the 9/11 nightmare. Asking why and questioning who and how is considered unpatriotic, and conspiratorial.

What humans consistently do, it seems, rather than look for the root of our problems, is pop a happy pill, paste on a fake smile, blame someone else, and look the other way. Nothing to see here. Out of sight, out of mind.

And to facilitate this grand deception in the age of covid, to maintain the facade that everyone is okay just get your next shot and go back to work and fugget about it, a veil of censorship has slowly but steadily descended upon anyone who dares question and investigate the stories the ruling class so desperately need us to believe. There will be no reward for exposing the truth - no pay pal access, no go fund me, no ad revenue. Even un-monetized videos and comments will be arbitrarily removed, the truth will be disavowed, the truth tellers forced into poverty and exile and imprisonment. Julian Assange, for example. He is facing life imprisonment for exposing war crimes. Those who committed the crimes, they walk free. They’re in positions of power and authority. It’s the old shoot the messenger thing, and too few of us understand the significance of the precedent being set. The trap is there for all of us, eventually.

For 23 years Chris hosted Gorilla Radio at CFUV, a publicly funded community/university station where for decades, even prior to GR, people tuned in to find independently produced music, and alternative views. Chris, and everyone who provides programming at CFUV, are unpaid for that work. There is no paycheque in exchange for putting otherwise silenced voices and music on the airwaves, there is no motivation except a yearning for those voices to be heard. An attempt to manifest justice, in some small way. The only paid staff at CFUV, the only people with a direct financial card in the game, are the folks running the station. All the programming is done by volunteers. Over 23 years Chris has worked alongside a lot of different paid staff, some who have leapfrogged over to the CBC after learning all about radio at CFUV. Many of the staff, and volunteers, have praised Gorilla Radio through these many years, for keeping us all informed and giving us all a lot to think about. What’s different this time around?

I myself hosted a public affairs program at CFUV called the Winds of Change. It ran for about 14 years and never once was I required have my guests or subject matter pre-approved. I wasn’t given any scripts, or official mandates. None of my programs were ever censored, or removed. Until 2021.

During the 2020 lockdown I launched Plant Powered Radio podcast videos from home, then asked CFUV if they’d be interested in airing it. I was welcomed back with open arms and again, editorial control was mine - although I was warned that we weren’t to stray from the official government narrative on Covid. No problem, at the time it made sense to take a wait and see approach to the whole pandemic situation, which was brand new, and besides PPR was focussed on the power of plant based living. I was doing it for the billions of animals who are murdered every year. I wanted to alert people to that unnecessary suffering and the simple, compassionate, healthy alternative that a whole foods plant based diet/lifestyle offers.

In the fall of 2021 I announced an event. I’d announced many thousands of events through the years, on my show and as a regular guest feature on Gorilla Radio. Rallies for peace, rallies against US invasions, protesting the Vancouver Olympics, rallies for animal justice, meetings and film screenings and anti-poverty gatherings. But this event, in 2021, was not acceptable to the CFUV staff censors. It was a rally in Ontario being organized by a group called The Line. They were calling for a peacefully rally, inclusive of everyone - masked or unmasked, jabbed or unjabbed - who opposed the forced vaccine mandates that Trudeau had announced would be enacted for all federal workers. They (and I) made it clear they weren’t against the “vaccines.” They were against the mandates that would force people who worked for the federal government to get a shot, or lose their job.

My personal feeling was, and is, that every individual has the right (and the duty) to protect their own bodies, and maintain their own health, in whatever way they choose (as long as they’re not hurting others). The idea of denying bodily autonomy and forcing a vaccine was where I drew the line. The gathering sounded reasonable to me, so I announced it. Rather quickly I received a firmly written letter but instead of fighting back like Chris is, I decided to just quit CFUV. This was not the station it once was, I sadly acknowledged, and this wasn’t a battle I felt like taking on at that time.

The CFUV gestapo have moved quickly to remove Gorilla Radio from the local airwaves. Remember, this is a publicly-funded community-supported ad-free radio station. This isn’t some billion dollar corporate or state funded outfit like CNN or PBS or CBC, where advertisers influence the hiring policies and editorial decision making. Yes, CFUV (like all radio and TV stations) is governed by the CRTC, Canada’s regulatory agency. But they are also part of the NCRA, a national alliance of similarly structured radio stations across Canada. Surely Chris isn’t the only public affairs programmer who has dared, two and a half years after the pandemic was announced, to review the official origin story narrative, not to mention the deadly and injurious vaccines, and the WEF globalist agenda, and all the other news that is now being exposed if people know where to look (hint: they won’t show up in Google search results). So where is the collective pushback from every publicly funded radio station across the country who tout themselves as “alternative” and “independent”? How are we supposed to make up our own minds if every single media outlet is repeating the same stale government/corporate message, two and a half years later?!

It’s sad what Canada has become, and how many Canadians have let it happen.

So … back to my original thesis: Humans are discouraged from considering the actual source of our individual and collective problems.

There’s so many levels to this. We put bandaids on poverty by establishing food banks and soup kitchens and endless charities so people can feel like they’re helping - and they are, to an extent. But why can’t we just admit that, at the core of it, it’s clear that capitalism thrives on this shit! It’s so obvious. Homelessness is capitalism’s greatest asset. Capitalists have neither a plan, nor intention, to end poverty.

For ten years I published a street newzpaper examining the causes and consequences of homelessness and poverty, and it is abundantly clear to me that there is no getting out of this mess until and unless we take an honest look at the flaws in the dominant economic structure. Flaws for us, but successes for the global predator class who celebrate the idea of a working class so afraid of becoming homeless they’ll take any shit job and work in any crap condition. Why are we so discouraged from even daring to look at alternative ideas of how economies might work - if they weren’t sanctioned to death before they even have a chance to succeed?


And what about heart disease, cancer, diabetes, all the major chronic illnesses that Dr. Greger has outlined in his bestselling book “How Not to Die.” We KNOW that these diseases can be largely avoided, and are often treated and reversed, by adopting a whole foods plant based diet, but that information is never going to be publicly available as long as there is profit to be made (and governments diverting tax dollars in the billions for subsidies) for the animal agri-business. And we know that big pharma depends on big ag for sales of anti-biotics to the sick and injured animals crammed into horrific torture camps. There’s a whole charity model making money off these diseases, in addition to big pharma who will never advise you to eat healthier because their job is to push another drug into your medicine cabinet. We’ve completely forgotten that all pharma drugs originated as herbal medicine (and generations of herbalists were burned as witches), and there are (nearly) always alternatives to injections and pills. But of course the source is never good enough for modern humans, we have to take everything into the lab and examine it, dissect it, rebuild it bigger and (allegedly) better. I believe this Godd/ess complex was called Hubris in ancient cultures.

Then there’s all the human trafficking and slavery and child sex abuse and pedophilia … what’t the source of all that? I mean, we know that capitalism thrives off anything that makes a profit (it’ll stop at nothing if there’s a profit to be made), but why do some humans choose to participate in that? Surely there’s got to be other options. Maybe it has something to do with they, themselves, having been abused as children. Their little brains did their best to adapt to the situation, normalize the violence (just like we learn to normalize animal abuse), and then take control of the situation by forcing it onto others. They attempt to be in control of themselves but, in the process of that, losing control of their own humanity. I dunno, but I think someone should investigate it. And perhaps we all should just assume we’ve been damaged in some way (because we have, in this war-making earth culture) and, when we notice ourselves behaving irrationally or angrily or with authoritarian tendencies, ask ourselves - “what is the source of this behaviour?”

As the holiday season approaches, consider the power of the second biggest lie children are repeatedly told - the first being “it’s okay to eat animals” which we’re reminded several times times each day. Here it is. Consider the impact of this lie on our little brains, and the horror we must feel when we realize the people we trust most in this world have betrayed us on such a grand scale. And the twisting of logic our little brains must endure in an effort to understand why and what to do about it.

During the darkest, scariest time of the year a large old foreign man is going to break into your house, after watching every move you’ve made and listening to every word you’ve said and, based on his judgement of your behaviour, will either leave you a present, or punish you in some way.

I mean … come on !!!!

And from the seeds of these powerful myths, our culture has evolved to the point where now Dr. Evil Klaus himself is encouraging us to believe that stealing farmland and eating bugs and becoming transhuman is the solution to our environment and animal justice and economic concerns. At the same time here we are, again and still, facing the potential of nuclear annihilation. Some are actually cheering it on! And those of us who can actually see through all the bullshit aren’t “allowed” to talk about any of it!!

What CFUV has done to Gorilla Radio is beyond words. If we can’t hear independent analysis from a publicly funded community station, imagine what we’re not hearing from the CBC. Whereas the CBC is just too far gone (in my opinion), we do collectively have some power to influence CFUV because it’s publicly funded. We could withhold our annual donations. But it would be very sad if the station wasn’t able to function and all the music programmers, and the many indy musicians they promote, lost access to the radio airwaves. I agree with Chris’ call to contact the board and/or the staff (check here for their phone numbers and email), and let them know how you feel about their decision to decide what you can listen to, and what you can’t.

Also I notice there are spaces for student representatives on the CFUV board of directors …

And hey, Buddhist friends - can we acknowledge that yes, there is suffering that is unavoidable (the death of a loved one, for example). But then, on a whole other level, there is suffering that is completely avoidable. Do humans ever have the right to inflict (or ask others to inflict for us) pain and suffering on our fellow earth creatures?Is it ever okay to domesticate animals, take away their wildness, control their lives, and steal the products their bodies make for themselves or their babies? Because, in my opinion, as long as we reserve a portion of human brain function to justify a position of prominence over the animal world, we’ll have bats in labs and mysterious illnesses, and all the rest which must not be spoken.

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