Thursday, July 21, 2005

As We Prepare for War

As Canada Prepares for Battle

As Canada again prepares to do battle as a proxy force for its Imperial masters,
perhaps it's wise we know exactly what we're in for.

As Canada Prepares for Battle
C. L. Cook

July 21, 2005

In recent months, the Canadian government has rejigged foreign policy; foreign policies that have stood since the end of the Second War, more than sixty years ago. "Integration" is the catchword here, and whether through NATO, or directly with the U.S. as in the Northern Command and Missile Defense, it means suborning both our soldiers and diplomats to the dictats of the United States and their "national interest."

This new direction for Canada is most perfectly illustrated by both the redefining of Canada's mission in Afghanistan, seeing thousands of reinforcements beginning to be shipped out this week (JUL 21) and the redeployment of the current force in-country from the relative stablity of the Kabul area to the volatile west and southern reaches, (where a resergence in Taliban resistance to the occupation makes Afghanistan look more like Iraq every day) and through the public displays of our new number one military man, General Rick Hillier. Hiller held forth recently before the press, veritably foaming at the mouth with his anxiousness to go get the Afghani "scumbags." By that of course, he means "send someone's sons and daughters to "Go Gittim!" Hillier will be directing the charge from the comfortable rear in Otta/Washington.

"Peacekeep THIS mo' fo!"

Up 'til now, Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan have been fortunate, not in small part due to the nature of their mission, locale, and perhaps because Canadians have so far taken a different approach to rapproachement with the people; different that is from the generally witnessed "shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out!" American philosophy. There have been Canadians killed, most tragically when bombed accidentally by a speed-crazed reservist pilot who just couldn't Say No to dropping his bombs on a field training exercise, despite desist orders. But, our government's mission redefinition promises to change that luck.

Well, if we are to become our southern cousin's little emulator, perhaps we can first learn from their myriad missteps. You know, do a little homework on our enemy-to-be, BEFORE we make one of them.

There has been a marked upsurge in violent, "Iraq-style" attacks in Afghanistan over the last few months. As ever, our "public" broadcaster has been loathe to bring bad news into your living room, (try a search on Canada-Afghanistan) the fact is: We are marching our young men and women into a fully blossoming Iraq sequel, (do Canadians really want a part of that? Who asked you!) best described by one of the men leading it.

Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban "military coordinator" talked to the camera's of Al-Jazeera a couple days back and had some interesting things to say. They were not available on Canadian airwaves, the CRTC ruling our collective ears too sensitive for the likes of foreign sourced news. Pity, because Ottawa's nabobs may have found it instructive.

When asked, "What is the rational behind the sudden escalation of Taliban operations in Afghanistan?" Dadullah said,

"Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders have already stated that attacks against the infidels and the apostate government of Afghanistan would escalate as soon as the harsh winter weather gives way to warmer one. There have also been significant changes in tactics, types of weapons, financial support, and support of the Afghan people."

The "significant" change in "types of weapons" may be point to stress to the troops before their Private Lyin' landing on the beaches of Afghanistan. At least two U.S. helicopters have "crashed" in recent weeks. The Taliban press pool bragged of "new weapons" after a Chinook carrying a near-platoon of special force types was shot down a few weeks back, but the U.S. flacks decided it was likely a Rocket Propelled Grenade's "lucky" shot that brought down the chopper. Another Chinook "crashed" last week. Luckily, Canada doesn't have many helicopters capable of sustained flight, so that may not be a worry; unless, those freakishly-fortunate "RPG's" get pointed at other stuff.

But, you may say: "The States are an ally. They wouldn't lie. Would they?"

The Mullah thinks so. He informed Al-Jazeera:

"Americans have lied from the beginning and continue to lie, especially about their casualties. The number of Americans killed by Mujahideen in Afghanistan is much greater than what the American media disclose."

One unfortunate American scout captured by the "Mujahideen," (remember Sly Stallone's Rambo Does Afghanistan? The Mujahideen are those guys. The ones that toppled the other evil empire.) rumoured by the Pentagon as having been rescued brought this response from the dubious Dadullah:

"The Americans did not ask for his release and we knew that they would not because they do not want to admit to the fact that we captured one of their own and they are not able to free him. It is part of hiding their casualties and part of their false propaganda about winning the war in Afghanistan.

Propaganda galore; enough for all sides. Which side do you want to believe?

The Bush administration's credibility is certainly no greater than Mullah Dadullah's: We know they've lied about...Everythng! Knowing your enemy is always a good idea, but knowing your allies is even more vital.

Back to General Hillier and his Pattonesque enthusiasm for the coming carnage. Who will those scumbags be that Canadians will bomb, bag, and bugger for Uncle Sam? Mullah Dadullah explains:

"All Afghan people are Muslims; they all have weapons and know how to use their weapons. The majority of them are supporter of Taliban and their Jihad against the enemies of Islam. Few have been drawn to the dollars. There are also Arab Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Faithful Muslims will always join the fight to eradicate the enemies of Allah."


The real tragedy of all this is not that it never need have happened, but now that it has, the best we can come up with after two generations of knife-edged Cold War diplomacy and third world despotism is Rick Hillier's mad dog antics for the camera, and Mullah Dadullah. Quite a pair. They should take their act on the road.

There are solutions to the problems dividing the peoples of the world; solutions that allow we all live and thrive in peace, but are there the people to pick them up and employ them?

Chris Cook hosts Gorilla Radio, broad/webcast from the University of Victoria, Canada. He also serves as contributing editor to

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